More Fun With ARRL.CTY

K2MM at MasPar.COM K2MM at MasPar.COM
Tue Mar 30 23:29:32 EST 1993

My previously mentioned interest in parsing ARRL.CTY relates to the
generation of an index of secondary prefixes for use as an operating
aid.  Some year I'm gonna get it together and buy a PC for the shack,
but for now this thing helps me figure out what I'm listening to.

These warnings were generated from the ARRL.CTY last distributed here on
1993 Feb 16:

DupeXx: 4L0 in UF and UA9
DupeXx: KC4AAE in KC4 and KC4

Guess that's the way gigo, senor.  Here are a couple of (relevant?)
excerpts from the op aid ARRL.PX:

4L              UA        European Russia
4L[06]          UF        Georgia
4L[09]          UA9       Asiatic Russia
4M              YV        Venezuela
4M0             YV0       Aves Island
4N[015-9]       YU1       Yugoslavia
4[NO]2          9A        Croatia
4[NO]3          S5        Slovenia
4[NO]4          YU4       Bosnia-Herzegovenia
4O[015-9]       YU1       Yugoslavia
4[P-S]          4S        Sri Lanka
4T              OA        Peru
4U              4U1/u     United Nations NY
4U[0-9]ITU      4U1/i     United Nations HB
4U1UN           4U1/u     United Nations NY
4U1VIC          OE        Austria
4U1WB           W         United States
4U1YK           YK (AS)   Syria
4U4[34]         4U1/u     United Nations NY
4U4[567]UN      4U1/u     United Nations NY
4V              HH        Haiti
4[XZ]           4X (AS)   Israel

KC4AA[A-E]      KC4       Antarctica
KC4US[A-GKLMVXY] KC4      Antarctica

The entire op aid is 728 lines long.  It just fits on four pages when
set portrait-wise in two 7-point columns.  E-mail to K2MM at
gets a copy.  73.  --John/K2MM

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