W9GR DSP filter

Eric Rosenberg ericr at access.digex.net
Thu May 6 15:37:55 EDT 1993

On Thu, 6 May 1993 WEBSTER_KER at CSUSYS.CTSTATEU.EDU wrote:

> I don't remember is it was here or on the QRP list, but someone had a
> W9GR DSP filter for sale. I deleted the message, but now have someone that
> may be interested in it. Could you please let me know who you are, and if the
> filter is still available? Thanks... Kevin N1EPU [WEBSTER_KER at CCSU.CTSTATEU.EDU]

I'm the one that has one -- an unbuilt kit.  I'll sell it for what I paid
for it, $132.00

Eric Rosenberg				WD3Q, EI4VPS, ZL0ADG, J20BY, etc.
338 14th Street, NE			voice: +202-547-3441
Washington, DC 20002  USA		fax:   +202-547-3613
ericr at access.digex.com			wd3q at amsat.org

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