
g-taylor4 at tamu.edu g-taylor4 at tamu.edu
Fri May 14 14:01:02 EDT 1993

> From:       Doug.Grant at analog.com
> Date:       Fri, 14 May 93 12:19 EDT
> how many 'little guns' out there on the reflector want the top ops at
> the top (read:biggest antenna) stations to turn off the amps in SS?

I'm generally in favor of reduced power levels for all types of operating.
Don't know about forcing it tho, believe the operator should be able to
select between various entry classes.

And, while at times I might wish I wasn't winning STX-qrp by default,
there is competition at division level and its always interesting to
compare my score with other power categories. However, I could see getting
frustrated if year after year all I could look forward to would be
putting my g5rv at 25 feet up against a monster array. Fortunately, the
superstations don't usually make a habit of qrp.

Greg, KD4HZ

Dr. Gregory S. Taylor               !MAIL:  110 Dairy Science Building
Extension Program Leader for        !       College Station, TX 77843-2124
  Community Development             !VOICE: 409-845-4445
Texas Agricultural Extension Service!FAX:   409-847-8744
Texas A&M University System         !EMAIL: Reply or g-taylor4 at tamu.edu

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