Final list of sprINT logs

Larry Tyree tree at
Wed May 26 11:48:57 EDT 1993

    CQ INT Claimed scores

    This is the final list of logs I have received.  Thanks to all of you who
    got on and sent in your log.

    There have been a number of requests for calculating people's accuracy.
    I can think of a bunch of neat things to do with the logs, but these
    will take some time.  Please be patient as my free time for this sort
    of thing is limited.  However, once it is all done, it should be QRV 
    for the next one and the results can be announced as soon as all of
    the logs are received, along with reports that I can send back to 
    each station showing what as taken out of your log.

    There are a number of stations who said they screwed up sending names,
    but were not sure which ones.  Because of this, I think I will steal
    some rules from the KCJ contest which say that if the information
    is wrong, it is taken out of both logs (sending and receiving station).
    I know this is not fair, but it will cut down on stations QSYing without
    making sure the receiving station has the information.  One case was
    shared with me where one of the top scoring stations QSYed without
    giving the receiving station a chance to ask for fills.  It might also
    make some of use QRS a bit when we have a long difficult name to send.

    There was some disappointment with some of the vulgar names that were
    generated.  I would like to see people have a bit more class next time.

    It was probably just one or two stations generating these names, and
    I should be able to find out who they were by analyzing the logs.  This
    is not a good thing for the contest!!  It also takes away from the
    appeal of seeing how names propagate and mutate.  Poor Trey never
    got his name back.  I suspect it got changed to Tree because I had
    Tree come back 3 times in the first half hour.  When someone injects
    a different name, then he is killing the name he received.  Boooo!!!

    Yes, it could of been a single band contest, and it turned out that
    way.  However, I don't see anything wrong with there being some
    flexibility in the rules and the best band will be choosen by the
    stations in the contest.

    It was also disappointing that a lot of the vocal people about low
    power contests were not on!!  Oh well...

    We will probably have another one of these in August.

    WN4KKN   181
    N6TV     160
    N6TR     155
    VE4VV    143
    AA5B     142
    K6XO     136
    K2TW     130
    AA7NX    125
    N0AX     117
    AA5BT    105
    K9MA     105
    W1YU      99
    N6IP      90
    AA6KX     81
    K2MM      79
    AA2NS     68
    KE4GY     68
    AA5UO     61
    WN3K      60
    N2AA      58
    K3WW      46
    K1DG      32
    W6QHS     27
    WB5VZL    20
    KD5PJ     17
    K8JLF     11
    N6KL       9 
    K7SS       2
    N3BB       0   (Was running his amp and DQed himself)

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