
Hodge Thorgerson David Cameron-INBA hodge at redvax1.dgsca.unam.mx
Mon May 31 15:48:25 EDT 1993

Greetings, just got my NCJ forwarded and wanted to test this address.  Hope
it works.  The net sounds like a GREAT idea.  73  David  XE1/AA6RX

>From jembry at monitor.win.net (Jeff Embry)  Mon Nov  1 08:38:16 1993
From: jembry at monitor.win.net (Jeff Embry) (Jeff Embry)
Date: Mon, 01 Nov 1993 08:38:16
Subject: WI2T CQWW Phone Results
Message-ID: <12 at monitor.win.net>

A lot of fun this year.  Biggest surprises were 10 meters and
having VU and ET answer my CQ.  Thanks to all who participated. 
See you next month for CW.

73 de Jeff WI2T


      Call: WI2T                     Country:  United States
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Single Unlimited


      160       12       24     2.00      6      11
       80       24       55     2.29      9      20
       40       55      152     2.76     16      52
       20      249      659     2.65     35     125
       15      454     1300     2.86     32     133
       10      230      643     2.80     24     117

     Totals   1024     2833     2.77    122     458  =>  1,643,140

Jeff Embry (WI2T)               Internet:  jembry at monitor.win.net
8550 Welbeck Way                MILNET:    embry at nbs-onet.navy.mil
Gaithersburg, MD  20879

>From Chris Gay" <KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM  Mon Nov  1 15:54:56 1993
From: Chris Gay" <KU4A at LEXVMK.VNET.IBM.COM (Chris Gay)
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 93 10:54:56 EST
Subject: The incredible shrinking world

While walking through the parking lot of the hotel I was staying at in
Las Vegas last week, I looked down and saw the call letter license plate
belonging to K6LL.  I left Dave a note, but he didn't see it until the
time he was ready to check out, and I didn't get back to my room until
after he left.  But think how unlikely it is that we would be in Las
Vegas at the same time, and how unlikely it is that we would be staying

I had an eyeball with N6TV during the trip.  He also happened to be
visiting Las Vegas at the same time.  But, my meeting with him was pre-

73 de Chris KU4A
Kentucky Contest Group

>From alan at dsd.es.com (Alan Brubaker)  Mon Nov  1 16:01:30 1993
From: alan at dsd.es.com (Alan Brubaker) (Alan Brubaker)
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 93 09:01:30 MST
Subject: CQWW
Message-ID: <9311011601.AA16739 at dsd.ES.COM>


160    3    3    3
 80   12    4    4
 40   16   12   11
 20  134   27   52
 15  267   27   81
 10   27   13   18

T    459   86  169   ~339K

Didn't spend a lot of time doing this, as usual. 15 meters was quite
good, and 20 wasn't bad either. 10 was very spotty - no beam on that
band at the moment. Did not spend much time on the low bands - lots
of local noise here. I was surprised to run across 7Q7XX calling CQ
with no takers late Sunday morning on 15. CU in SS CW.

Alan, K6XO

alan at dsd.es.com

"Life's too short for QRP."  -   N6TU

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