CQP And PED Updates Via FTP

K2MM at MasPar.COM K2MM at MasPar.COM
Mon Oct 18 12:56:34 EDT 1993

Andy/AE6Y gave me an update to his CQP freeware at last Friday's NCCC
meeting.  The post-contest log formatter CQPAFTER.EXE has been updated
to revision 1.5.  FTP users should look for files "cqpaft15.exe" and/or
"cqpaft15.zip" in directory "pub/k2mm/cqp-ae6y" on "maspar.maspar.com".
I think the ".zip" file is just a compressed version of the ".exe".  Be
sure to set your file-transfer mode to binary.

Also in "pub/k2mm" are two files from Jim/AD1C:  "ped409i.zip" and 
"cty.zip".  The PED package contains JE3MAS's SoundBlaster-16 fix.


> I just downloaded this version from W6GO BBS.  I think it has some sort
> of Soundblaster-16 fix.  - Jim AD1C

The CTY package has Jim's usual stuff; however, he says a few more updates
to CQWW.CTY are imminently pending.

    FILE_ID.DIZ (maybe)

> Just as a warning, there are at least 1/2 dozen fixes, but they won't be
> in until this weekend.  They are listed below.  I don't want to give you
> an "unofficial" version which is a half-way fixed file, but I'm still
> waiting on some more information for the next release.  73 - Jim AD1C
> Pending changes, 13 Oct 1993:
>     * In Antarctica, replaced 8J1RY with 8J1RL and 8J1RM (JE1CKA).
>     * Changed prefixes for GM novice stations (2x#) (G4PIQ).
>     * Changed GM0VR in Shetlands list to GM0AVR (G4BAH).
>     * Changed KC6, KG4 back to simple prefixes.  CT checks
>       for 2-letter suffixes automatically (JE1CKA).
>     * Added TA1 (Europe) as separate multiplier for CQWW (K3EST).

73.  --John/K2MM

>From Jim Reisert AD1C  18-Oct-1993 2226 <reisert at wrksys.enet.dec.com>  Tue Oct 19 03:22:42 1993
From: Jim Reisert AD1C  18-Oct-1993 2226 <reisert at wrksys.enet.dec.com> (Jim Reisert AD1C 18-Oct-1993 2226)
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 93 22:22:42 EDT
Subject: CQWW.CTY - take II
Message-ID: <9310190222.AA28912 at us1rmc.bb.dec.com>

Here is a further updated CQWW.CTY file for use in the contest.  It follows
this list of changes.  As always, send corrections, comments and questions to

73 - Jim AD1C


18 Oct 1993	* In Antarctica, replaced 8J1RY with 8J1RL and 8J1RM (JE1CKA).
		* Changed British prefixes 2,G,M to reflect correct callsign
		  structure.  #0, 2, 3 and 4 are HF stations, 2nd letter of
		  prefix indicates country (G4PIQ).
		* Changed GM0VR in Shetlands list to GM0AVR (G4BAH).  Also added
		  GM3KCE, GM3KLA, GM3KZR, GM3XPQ, GM4ETG and GM4FNA and removed
		  GM0ERM, GM4CAQ, GM4CHX and GM4JVC (all Scotland, not Shetlands).
		* Changed KC6, KG4 back to simple prefixes.  CT checks
		  for 2-letter suffixes automatically (JE1CKA).
		* Added TA1 (Europe) as separate multiplier for CQWW (K3EST).
		* Changed 4J to be a prefix for Armenia (UG).  Though it is
		  assigned to Azerbaijan (UD) effective 1 January 1994, it is
		  currently being used by Armenia.
		* Changed X5 to be a prefix for Yugoslavia, since those callsigns
		  are not licensed by the Bosnian government.
		* Removed prefixes from CTY files that are duplicates (supersets)
		  of other prefixes for the same country and have no override
		  in effect.  Example:  VE2 callsigns in ARRL.CTY file.

--- cut here ---
Sov Mil Order of Malta:   15:  1A:    1A;
Spratly Is.:              26:  1S:    1S,9M0S;
Monaco:                   14:  3A:    3A;
Agalega & St. Brandon:    39:  3B6:   3B6,3B7;
Mauritius:                39:  3B8:   3B8;
Rodriguez I.:             39:  3B9:   3B9;
Equatorial Guinea:        36:  3C:    3C;
Pagalu I.:                36:  3C0:   3C0;
Fiji:                     32:  3D2:   3D2;
Conway Reef:              32:  3D2/c: 3D2AM,3D2CR,3D2HL,3D2VT,3D2WV;
Rotuma:                   32:  3D2/r: 3D2AG,3D2AP,3D2DD,3D2RJ,3D2RW,3D2XR,3D2XV
&                                     3D2XX;
Swaziland:                38:  3DA:   3DA;
Tunisia:                  33:  3V:    3V,TS;
Vietnam:                  26:  3W:    3W,XV;
Republic of Guinea:       35:  3X:    3X;
Bouvet:                   38:  3Y:    3Y;
Peter I I.:               12:  3Y/p:  3Y1EE;
Malyj Vysotskij I.:       16:  4J1:   4J1FM,4J1FS,4J1FW;
Franz Josef Land:         40:  4K2:   4K2;
Sri Lanka:                22:  4S:    4P,4Q,4R,4S;
ITU HQ Geneva:            14:  4U1I:  4U0ITU,4U1ITU,4U2ITU,4U3ITU,4U4ITU,4U5ITU
&                                     4U6ITU,4U7ITU,4U8ITU,4U9ITU;
United Nations HQ NY:     05:  4U1U:  4U0U,4U1U,4U43,4U44,4U45,4U46,4U47,4U48;
United Nations OE:        15:  4U1V:  4U1VIC;
Yemen:                    21:  4W:    4W;
Israel:                   20:  4X:    4X,4Z;                                  AS
Libya:                    34:  5A:    5A;
Cyprus:                   20:  5B:    5B,C4,H2,P3;                            AS
Tanzania:                 37:  5H:    5H,5I;
Nigeria:                  35:  5N:    5N,5O;
Madagascar:               39:  5R:    5R,5S,6X;
Mauritania:               35:  5T:    5T;
Niger:                    35:  5U:    5U;
Togo:                     35:  5V:    5V;
Western Samoa:            32:  5W:    5W;
Uganda:                   37:  5X:    5X;
Kenya:                    37:  5Z:    5Y,5Z;
Senegal:                  35:  6W:    6V,6W;
Jamaica:                  08:  6Y:    6Y;
Lesotho:                  38:  7P:    7P;
Malawi:                   37:  7Q:    7Q;
Algeria:                  33:  7X:    7R,7T,7U,7V,7W,7X,7Y;
Barbados:                 08:  8P:    8P;
Maldive Is.:              22:  8Q:    8Q;
Guyana:                   09:  8R:    8R;
Croatia:                  15:  9A:    9A;
Ghana:                    35:  9G:    9G;
Malta:                    15:  9H:    9H;
Zambia:                   36:  9J:    9I,9J;
Kuwait:                   21:  9K:    9K;
Sierra Leone:             35:  9L:    9L;
West Malaysia:            28:  9M2:   9M2,9M4,9W2,9W4;                        AS
East Malaysia:            28:  9M6:   9M6,9M8,9W6,9W8;
Nepal:                    22:  9N:    9N;
Zaire:                    36:  9Q:    9O,9P,9Q,9R,9S,9T;
Burundi:                  36:  9U:    9U;
Singapore:                28:  9V:    9V,S6;                                  AS
Rwanda:                   36:  9X:    9X;
Trinidad & Tobago:        09:  9Y:    9Y,9Z;
Botswana:                 38:  A2:    8O,A2;
Tonga:                    32:  A3:    A3;
Oman:                     21:  A4:    A4;
Bhutan:                   22:  A5:    A5;
United Arab Emirates:     21:  A6:    A6;
Qatar:                    21:  A7:    A7;
Bahrain:                  21:  A9:    A9;
Pakistan:                 21:  AP:    6P,6Q,6R,6S,AP,AQ,AR,AS;
Taiwan:                   24:  BV:    BV;
China:                    24:  BY:    3H,3I,3J,3K,3L,3M,3N,3O,3P,3Q,3R,3S,3T,3U
&                                     B,BY3G(23),BY3H(23),BY3I(23),BY3J(23)
&                                     BY3K(23),BY3L(23),XS;
Nauru:                    31:  C2:    C2;
Andorra:                  14:  C3:    C3;
The Gambia:               35:  C5:    C5;
Bahamas:                  08:  C6:    C6;
Mozambique:               37:  C9:    C8,C9;
Chile:                    12:  CE:    3G,CA,CB,CC,CD,CE,XQ,XR;
Easter I.:                12:  CE0A:  3G0,CE0,XQ0,XR0;
San Felix I.:             12:  CE0X:  CE0X,XQ0X,XR0X;
Juan Fernandez Is.:       12:  CE0Z:  CE0CEW,CE0I,CE0MTY,CE0OGZ,CE0Z,XQ0I,XQ0Z
&                                     XR0I,XR0Z;
Antarctica:               13:  CE9:   3G9A,3Y9WT(30),4K1,4K1A(39),4K1B(29)
&                                     4K1C(29),4K1D(38),4K1E(29),4K1G(30)
&                                     4K1H(32),4K1K(29),4K1L(29),4K1YAR(39)
&                                     7S8AAA(38),7S8BBB(38),8J1RL(39),8J1RM(39)
&                                     AT0A(38),CE9A,FB8Y(30),FT0Y(30),FT2Y(30)
&                                     FT4Y(30),FT5Y(30),FT8Y(30),IA0PS(30)
&                                     KC4AAA,KC4AAB,KC4AAC,KC4AAD,KC4AAE(29)
&                                     KC4USA,KC4USB(12),KC4USC,KC4USD,KC4USE
&                                     KC4USF,KC4USG,KC4USK(29),KC4USL(29)
&                                     KC4USM(30),KC4USV(30),KC4USX(30)
&                                     KC4USY(30),OR4(38),VK0CH,VK0DS(39),VK0JV
&                                     VK0KC(29),VK0LL(29),VK0MN(29),VK0MP
&                                     VK0NE(39),VP8FAR,VP8GAV,VP8HAL,VP8ROT
&                                     VP8SSW,ZL0AIC(30),ZL5(30),ZS7ANT(38);
Cuba:                     08:  CM:    CL,CM,CO,T4;
Morocco:                  33:  CN:    5C,5D,5E,5F,5G,CN;
Bolivia:                  10:  CP:    CP;
Portugal:                 14:  CT:    CQ,CR,CS,CT,XX;
Madeira Is.:              33:  CT3:   CQ3,CQ9,CR3,CR9,CS3,CS9,CT3,CT9,XX3;
Azores:                   14:  CU:    CU;
Uruguay:                  13:  CX:    CV,CW,CX;
Sable I.:                 05:  CY0:   CY0;
St. Paul I.:              05:  CY9:   CY0SPI,CY9;
Angola:                   36:  D2:    D2,D3;
Cape Verde:               35:  D4:    D4;
Comoros:                  39:  D6:    D6;
Germany:                  14:  DL:    D,Y;
Philippines:              27:  DU:    4D,4E,4F,4G,4H,4I,DU,DV,DW,DX,DY,DZ;
Eritrea:                  37:  E3:    E3;
Spain:                    14:  EA:    AM,AN,AO,EA,EB,EC,ED,EE,EF,EG,EH;
Balearic Is.:             14:  EA6:   AM6,AN6,AO6,EA6,EB6,EC6,ED6,EE6,EF6,EG6
&                                     EH6;
Canary Is.:               33:  EA8:   AM8,AN8,AO8,EA8,EB8,EC8,ED8,EE8,EF8,EG8
&                                     EH8;
Ceuta and Melilla:        33:  EA9:   AM9,AN9,AO9,EA9,EB9,EC9,ED9,EE9,EF9,EG9
&                                     EH9;
Ireland:                  14:  EI:    EI,EJ;
Liberia:                  35:  EL:    5L,5M,6Z,A8,D5,EL;
Iran:                     21:  EP:    9B,9C,9D,EP,EQ;
Estonia:                  15:  ES:    ES;
Ethiopia:                 37:  ET:    9E,9F,ET;
France:                   14:  F:     F,HW,HX,HY,TH,TM,TO,TP,TQ,TV,TW,TX;
Guadeloupe:               08:  FG:    FG;
Mayotte:                  39:  FH:    FH;
French St. Martin:        08:  FJ:    FJ,FS;
New Caledonia:            32:  FK:    50USA,FK;
Martinique:               08:  FM:    FM,TO5M;
French Polynesia:         32:  FO:    FO,TO8K;
Clipperton I.:            07:  FO/c:  FO0CI;
St. Pierre & Miquelon:    05:  FP:    FP;
Reunion:                  39:  FR:    FR;
Glorioso:                 39:  FR/g:  FR/G,FR5AI,FR7GL;
Juan de Nova & Europa:    39:  FR/j:  FR/E,FR/J,FR4FA,FR5ZQ/J;
Tromelin:                 39:  FR/t:  FR/T,FR5ZU/T,FR7CG;
Crozet:                   39:  FT8W:  FB8WZ,FT0W,FT2W,FT4W,FT5W,FT8W;
Kerguelen:                39:  FT8X:  FT0X,FT2X,FT4X,FT5X,FT8X;
Amsterdam & St. Paul:     39:  FT8Z:  FT0Z,FT2Z,FT4Z,FT5Z,FT8Z;
Wallis & Futuna Is.:      32:  FW:    FW;
French Guiana:            09:  FY:    FY;
England:                  14:  G:     2,G,M;
Isle of Man:              14:  GD:    2D,2T,GD,GT,MD,MT;
Northern Ireland:         14:  GI:    2I,2N,GI,GN,MI,MN;
Jersey:                   14:  GJ:    2H,2J,GH,GJ,MH,MJ;
Scotland:                 14:  GM:    2M,2S,GM,GS,MM,MS;
Shetlands:                14:  GM/s:  GM0AVR,GM0CYJ,GM0DJI,GM0EKM,GM0ILB,GM0JDB
&                                     GM3KCE,GM3KLA,GM3KZR,GM3RFR,GM3SJA,GM3STU
&                                     GM3TSG,GM3TST,GM3WCH,GM3XFK,GM3XOQ,GM3XPQ
&                                     GM3ZET,GM3ZNM,GM4AGX,GM4DQD,GM4ETG,GM4FNA
&                                     GM4FNE,GM4GPN,GM4GPP,GM4GQD,GM4GQM,GM4IPK
&                                     GM4JAB,GM4LBE,GM4LER,GM4PXG,GM4SRU,GM4SSA
&                                     GM4SWU,GM4WXQ,GM4YEL,GM4ZET,GM4ZHL;
Guernsey:                 14:  GU:    2P,2U,GP,GU,MP,MU;
Wales:                    14:  GW:    2C,2W,GC,GW,MC,MW;
Solomon Is.:              28:  H4:    H4;
Hungary:                  15:  HA:    HA,HG;
Switzerland:              14:  HB:    HB,HE;
Liechtenstein:            14:  HB0:   HB0,HE0;
Ecuador:                  10:  HC:    HC,HD;
Galapagos Is.:            10:  HC8:   HC8,HD8;
Haiti:                    08:  HH:    4V,HH;
Dominican Republic:       08:  HI:    HI;
Colombia:                 09:  HK:    5J,5K,HJ,HK;
San Andres & Providencia: 07:  HK0/a: 5J0,5K0,HJ0,HK0;
Malpelo I.:               09:  HK0/m: 5J0M,5K0M,HJ0M,HK0M,HK0TU;
South Korea:              25:  HL:    6K,6L,6M,6N,D7,D8,D9,DS,DT,HL;
North Korea:              25:  HM:    HM,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9;
Panama:                   07:  HP:    3E,3F,H3,H8,H9,HO,HP;
Honduras:                 07:  HR:    HQ,HR;
Thailand:                 26:  HS:    E2,HS;
Vatican:                  15:  HV:    HV;
Saudi Arabia:             21:  HZ:    7Z,8Z,HZ;
Italy:                    15:  I:     I;
Sardinia:                 15:  IS:    IM0,IS,IW0,IY0;
Sicily:                   15:  IT9:   IG9(33),IH9(33),IL9,IO9,IR9,IT9,IU9;
Djibouti:                 37:  J2:    J2;
Grenada:                  08:  J3:    J3;
Guinea-Bissau:            35:  J5:    J5;
St. Lucia:                08:  J6:    J6;
Dominica:                 08:  J7:    J7;
St. Vincent:              08:  J8:    J8;
Japan:                    25:  JA:    7J,7K,7L,7M,7N,8J,8K,8L,8M,8N,J,KA2CC
&                                     KA2DX,KA2EX;
Minami Torishima:         27:  JD/m:  7J1ACH,JD1YAA;
Ogasawara:                27:  JD/o:  JD1,KA2IJ;                              AS
Mongolia:                 23:  JT:    JT,JU,JV;
Svalbard:                 40:  JW:    JW;
Bear I.:                  40:  JW7:   JW7;
Jan Mayen:                40:  JX:    JX;
Jordan:                   20:  JY:    JY;                                     AS
United States:            05:  K:     4U1WB,A,K,N,W;
Belau:                    27:  KC6:   KC6;
Guantanamo Bay:           08:  KG4:   KG4;
Mariana Is.:              27:  KH0:   AH0,KG6RI,KG6SB,KG6SL,KH0,NH0,WH0;
Baker & Howland Is.:      31:  KH1:   AH1,KH1,NH1,WH1;
Guam:                     27:  KH2:   AH2,KG6ARL,KG6DV,KG6DX,KG6JEI,KG6JHC
&                                     KG6JJH,KG6JJP,KG6JKG,KG6JKT,KG6JKV,KH2
&                                     NH2,WH2;
Johnston I.:              31:  KH3:   AH3,KH3,KJ6BZ,NH3,WH3;
Midway I.:                31:  KH4:   AH4,KH4,NH4,WH4;
Palmyra & Jarvis Is.:     31:  KH5:   AH5,KH5,NH5,WH5;
Kingman Reef:             31:  KH5/k: AH5K,KH5K,NH5K,WH5K;
Hawaii:                   31:  KH6:   AH6,KH6,NH6,WH6;
Kure I.:                  31:  KH7:   AH7,KH7,NH7,WH7;
American Samoa:           32:  KH8:   AH8,KH8,KS6BK,KS6CQ,KS6DV,KS6EL,KS6FL
&                                     KS6FO,KS6FS,NH8,WH8;
Wake I.:                  31:  KH9:   AH9,KH9,NH9,WH9;
Alaska:                   01:  KL7:   AL7,KL7,NL7,WL7;
Navassa I.:               08:  KP1:   KP1,NP1,WP1;
US Virgin Is.:            08:  KP2:   KP2,KV4AD,KV4AQ,KV4BA,KV4BS,KV4BT,KV4BV
&                                     KV4CF,KV4CQ,KV4CR,KV4CS,KV4EW,KV4EY,KV4FW
&                                     KV4FZ,KV4GJ,KV4HC,KV4HH,KV4HR,KV4IE,KV4IH
&                                     KV4II,KV4IJ,KV4JC,KV4KD,KV4KW,NP2,WP2;
Puerto Rico:              08:  KP4:   KP4,NP4,WP4;
Desecheo I.:              08:  KP5:   KP5,NP5,WP5;
Norway:                   14:  LA:    LA,LB,LC,LD,LE,LF,LG,LH,LI,LJ,LK,LL,LM,LN;
Argentina:                13:  LU:    AY,AZ,L;
Luxembourg:               14:  LX:    LX;
Lithuania:                15:  LY:    LY;
Bulgaria:                 20:  LZ:    LZ;
Peru:                     10:  OA:    4T,OA,OB,OC;
Lebanon:                  20:  OD:    OD;                                     AS
Austria:                  15:  OE:    OE;
Finland:                  15:  OH:    OF,OG,OH,OI;
Aland Is.:                15:  OH0:   OF0,OG0,OH0,OI0;
Market Reef:              15:  OJ0:   OJ0;
Czech Republic:           15:  OK:    OK,OL;
Slovakia:                 15:  OM:    OM;
Belgium:                  14:  ON:    ON,OO,OP,OQ,OR,OS,OT;
Greenland:                40:  OX:    OX;                                     NA
Faroe Is.:                14:  OY:    OY;
Denmark:                  14:  OZ:    5P,5Q,OU,OV,OW,OZ,XP;
Papua New Guinea:         28:  P2:    P2;
Aruba:                    09:  P4:    P4;
Netherlands:              14:  PA:    PA,PB,PC,PD,PE,PF,PG,PH,PI;
Netherlands Antilles:     09:  PJ2:   PJ0,PJ1,PJ2,PJ3,PJ4,PJ9;
Sint Maarten:             08:  PJ7:   PJ5,PJ6,PJ7,PJ8;
Brazil:                   11:  PY:    PP,PQ,PR,PS,PT,PU,PV,PW,PX,PY,ZV,ZW,ZX,ZY
&                                     ZZ;
Fernando de Noronha:      11:  PY0F:  PP0F,PQ0F,PR0F,PS0F,PT0F,PU0F,PV0F,PW0F
&                                     PX0F,PY0F,ZV0F,ZW0F,ZX0F,ZY0F,ZZ0F;
St. Peter & St. Paul:     11:  PY0S:  PP0S,PQ0S,PR0S,PS0S,PT0S,PU0S,PV0S,PW0S
&                                     PX0S,PY0S,ZV0S,ZW0S,ZX0S,ZY0S,ZZ0S;
Trindade & Martim Vaz:    11:  PY0T:  PP0T,PQ0T,PR0T,PS0T,PT0T,PU0T,PV0T,PW0T
&                                     PX0T,PY0T,ZV0T,ZW0T,ZX0T,ZY0T,ZZ0T;
Suriname:                 09:  PZ:    PZ;
Western Sahara:           33:  S0:    S0;
Bangladesh:               22:  S2:    S2,S3;
Slovenia:                 15:  S5:    S5;
Seychelles:               39:  S7:    S7;
Sao Tome & Principe:      36:  S9:    S9;
Sweden:                   14:  SM:    7S,8S,SA,SB,SC,SD,SE,SF,SG,SH,SI,SJ,SK,SL
&                                     SM;
Poland:                   15:  SP:    3Z,HF,SN,SO,SP,SQ,SR;
Sudan:                    34:  ST:    6T,6U,ST;
Southern Sudan:           34:  ST0:   6T0,6U0,ST0;
Egypt:                    34:  SU:    6A,6B,SS,SU;
Greece:                   20:  SV:    J4,SV,SW,SX,SZ;
Dodecanese:               20:  SV5:   J45,SV5,SW5,SX5,SZ5;
Crete:                    20:  SV9:   J49,SV9,SW9,SX9,SZ9;
Mount Athos:              20:  SY:    SY;
Tuvalu:                   31:  T2:    T2;
Western Kiribati:         31:  T30:   T30;
Central Kiribati:         31:  T31:   T31;
Eastern Kiribati:         31:  T32:   T32;
Banaba:                   31:  T33:   T33;
Somalia:                  37:  T5:    6O,T5;
San Marino:               15:  T7:    T7;
Bosnia-Herzegovina:       15:  T9:    T9;
Turkey:                   20:  TA:    TA,TB,TC,YM;                            AS
Turkey (Europe):          20:  TA1:   TA0,TA1,TB0,TB1,TC0,TC1,YM0,YM1;
Iceland:                  40:  TF:    TF;
Guatemala:                07:  TG:    TD,TG;
Costa Rica:               07:  TI:    TE,TI;
Cocos I.:                 07:  TI9:   TE9,TI9;
Cameroon:                 36:  TJ:    TJ;
Corsica:                  15:  TK:    TK;
Central African Rep:      36:  TL:    TL;
Congo:                    36:  TN:    TN;
Gabon:                    36:  TR:    TR;
Chad:                     36:  TT:    TT;
Ivory Coast:              35:  TU:    TU;
Benin:                    35:  TY:    TY;
Mali:                     35:  TZ:    TZ;
European Russia:          16:  UA:    4K0,4K3,4K5ZI,R,U;
Kaliningrad:              15:  UA2:   R2,RA2,RK2,RV2,RW2,RX2,RZ2,U2,UA2,UK2,UV2
&                                     UW2,UX2,UZ2;
Asiatic Russia:           17:  UA9:   4K4(19),4K4BEU(18),4K5(19),4K6(19)
&                                     4K7(19),R0,R10F,R8,R9,RA0,RA8,RA9,RK0,RK8
&                                     RK9,RV0,RV8,RV9,RW0,RW8,RW9,RX0,RX8,RX9
&                                     RZ0,RZ8,RZ9,U0,U8,U9,UA0,UA8,UA8T(18)
&                                     UA8V(18),UA9,UK0,UK8,UK9,UV0,UV8,UV9,UW0
&                                     UW8,UW9,UX0,UX8,UX9,UZ0,UZ8,UZ9;
Ukraine:                  16:  UB:    EM,EN,EO,R5,RB,RT,RY,U5,UB,UR,US,UT,UU,UY;
Belarus:                  16:  UC:    EU,EV,EW,R2C,RC,U2C,UC;
Azerbaijan:               21:  UD:    4K,R6D,RD,U6D,UD;
Georgia:                  21:  UF:    4L,R6F,RF,U6F,UF;
Armenia:                  21:  UG:    4J,EK,R6G,RG,U6G,UG;
Turkmenistan:             17:  UH:    EZ,R8H,RH,U8H,UH;
Uzbekistan:               17:  UI:    R8I,RI,U8I,UI,UK;
Tajikistan:               17:  UJ:    EY,R8J,RJ,U8J,UJ;
Kazakhstan:               17:  UL:    R7,RL,U7,UL,UN,UP,UQ;
Kyrgyzstan:               17:  UM:    EX,R8M,RM,U8M,UM;
Karelo-Finnish Rep:       16:  UN1:   R1N,RA1N,RK1N,RN1,RN5WW,RV1N,RW1N,RX1N
&                                     RZ1N,U1N,UA1N,UK1N,UN1,UV1N,UW1N,UX1N
&                                     UZ1N;
Moldova:                  16:  UO:    ER,R5O,RO,U5O,UO;
Antigua & Barbuda:        08:  V2:    V2;
Belize:                   07:  V3:    V3;
St. Kitts & Nevis:        08:  V4:    V4;
Namibia:                  38:  V5:    V5;
Micronesia:               27:  V6:    V6;
Marshall Is.:             31:  V7:    KX6BU,V7;
Brunei:                   28:  V8:    V8;
Canada:                   05:  VE:    CF,CG,CH,CI,CJ,CK,CY,CZ,VA,VB,VC,VD,VE
&                                     VE2ACP(02),VE2AG(02),VE2AOF(02)
&                                     VE2AQS(02),VE2AS(02),VE2CSI(02),VE2DS(02)
&                                     VE2DUN(02),VE2DWU(02),VE2DYL(02)
&                                     VE2DYW(02),VE2DYX(02),VE2EAK(02)
&                                     VE2EDK(02),VE2EDL(02),VE2EDX(02)
&                                     VE2ELL(02),VE2ENB(02),VE2END(02)
&                                     VE2ENK(02),VE2ENP(02),VE2ENR(02)
&                                     VE2ERU(02),VE2FCV(02),VE2GSA(02)
&                                     VE2GSO(02),VE2III(02),VE2KK(02)
&                                     VE2MTA(02),VE2MTB(02),VE2NN(02)
&                                     VE2TVU(02),VE2VH(02),VE2WT(02),VE2XY(02)
&                                     VE2YM(02),VE2ZP(02),VE8AJ(02),VE8CWI(02)
&                                     VE8MTD(02),VE8PW(02),VE8RCS(02),VF,VG,VO
&                                     VO2(02),VO7AA(02),VO7TM(02),VX,VY,XJ,XK
&                                     XL,XM,XM2ZP(02),XN,XO;
Australia:                30:  VK:    AX,VH,VI,VJ,VK,VL,VM,VN,VZ;
Heard I.:                 39:  VK0H:  VK0HI;
Macquarie I.:             30:  VK0M:  AX0,VK0;
Cocos-Keeling:            29:  VK9C:  AX9C,AX9Y,VK9C,VK9EW,VK9WB,VK9Y;
Lord Howe I.:             30:  VK9L:  AX9L,VK9AE,VK9L,VK9YQS;
Mellish Reef:             30:  VK9M:  AX9M,VK9M;
Norfolk I.:               32:  VK9N:  AX9,VK9;
Willis I.:                30:  VK9W:  AX9W,VK9GS,VK9TR,VK9W,VK9ZG;
Christmas I.:             29:  VK9X:  AX9X,VK9X;
Anguilla:                 08:  VP2E:  VP2E;
Montserrat:               08:  VP2M:  VP2M;
British Virgin Is.:       08:  VP2V:  VP2V;
Turks & Caicos:           08:  VP5:   VP5;
Falkland Is.:             13:  VP8:   92HY,VP8;
South Georgia:            13:  VP8/g: VP8BUB,VP8CBA,VP8CDJ,VP8CGK,VP8CIZ,VP8CKB
&                                     VP8CLR,VP8SGB;
South Orkney:             13:  VP8/o: EC0BOD,LU1Z,LU5ZA,VP8BXK,VP8CFM,VP8CKC;
South Sandwich:           13:  VP8/sa:4K1ZI,VP8SSI;
South Shetland:           13:  VP8/sh:4K1ADQ,4K1F,CE3MMV/9,CE9AT,CE9GEW,CX0XY
&                                     EA0BOD,ED0BOE,HF0POL,HL5BDS,LU2Z,LU3ZI
&                                     LU5ZI,VP8CLZ,ZX0ECF;
Bermuda:                  05:  VP9:   VP9;
Chagos Is.:               39:  VQ9:   VQ9;
Pitcairn I.:              32:  VR6:   VR6,VR8B;
Hong Kong:                24:  VS6:   VR2,VS6;
India:                    22:  VU:    8T,8U,8V,8W,8X,8Y,AT,AU,AV,AW,VT,VU,VV,VW;
Andaman & Nicobar:        26:  VU4:   8T4,8U4,8V4,8W4,8X4,8Y4,AT4,AU4,AV4,AW4
&                                     VT4,VU4,VV4,VW4;
Laccadive Is.:            22:  VU7:   8T7,8U7,8V7,8W7,8X7,8Y7,AT7,AU7,AV7,AW7
&                                     VT7,VU7,VV7,VW7;
Mexico:                   06:  XE:    4A,4B,4C,6D,6E,6F,6G,6H,6I,6J,XA,XB,XC,XD
&                                     XE,XF,XG,XH,XI;
Revilla Gigedo:           06:  XF4:   4A4,4B4,4C4,6D4,6E4,6F4,6G4,6H4,6I4,6J4
&                                     XA4,XB4,XC4,XD4,XE4,XF0C,XF4,XG4,XH4,XI4;
Burkina Faso:             35:  XT:    XT;
Kampuchea:                26:  XU:    XU;
Laos:                     26:  XW:    XW;
Macao:                    24:  XX9:   XX9;
Myanmar:                  26:  XZ:    1Z,XY,XZ;
Afghanistan:              21:  YA:    T6,YA;
Indonesia:                28:  YB:    7A,7B,7C,7D,7E,7F,7G,7H,7I,8A,8B,8C,8D,8E
&                                     8F,8G,8H,8I,JZ,PK,PL,PM,PN,PO,YB,YC,YD,YE
&                                     YF,YG,YH;
Iraq:                     21:  YI:    HN,YI;
Vanuatu:                  32:  YJ:    YJ;
Syria:                    20:  YK:    4U,6C,YK;                               AS
Latvia:                   15:  YL:    YL;
Nicaragua:                07:  YN:    H6,H7,HT,YN;
Romania:                  20:  YO:    YO,YP,YQ,YR;
El Salvador:              07:  YS:    HU,YS;
Yugoslavia:               15:  YU:    4N,4O,X5,YT,YU,YZ;
Venezuela:                09:  YV:    4M,YV,YW,YX,YY;
Aves I.:                  08:  YV0:   4M0,YV0,YW0,YX0,YY0;
Zimbabwe:                 38:  Z2:    Z2;
Macedonia:                15:  Z3:    Z3;
Albania:                  15:  ZA:    ZA;
Gibraltar:                14:  ZB:    ZB,ZG;
UK Bases on Cyprus:       20:  ZC4:   ZC4;                                    AS
St. Helena:               36:  ZD7:   ZD7;
Ascension I.:             36:  ZD8:   ZD8;
Tristan da Cunha:         38:  ZD9:   ZD9;
Cayman Is.:               08:  ZF:    ZF;
North Cook Is.:           32:  ZK1/n: ZK1AAH,ZK1AJJ,ZK1AL,ZK1AR,ZK1AT,ZK1BW
&                                     ZK1BY,ZK1CQ,ZK1DT,ZK1OQ,ZK1TW,ZK1WL,ZK1XP
&                                     ZK1XR,ZK1XY;
South Cook Is.:           32:  ZK1/s: ZK1;
Niue:                     32:  ZK2:   ZK2;
Tokelau Is.:              31:  ZK3:   ZK3;
New Zealand:              32:  ZL:    ZL,ZM;
Chatham Is.:              32:  ZL7:   ZL7,ZM7;
Kermadec Is.:             32:  ZL8:   ZL8,ZM8;
Auckland & Campbell:      32:  ZL9:   ZL9,ZM9;
Paraguay:                 11:  ZP:    ZP;
South Africa:             38:  ZS:    H5,S4,S8,T8,V9,ZR,ZS,ZT,ZU;
Penguin Is.:              38:  ZS0:   ZS0;
Marion I.:                38:  ZS8:   ZR8,ZS8,ZT8,ZU8;
Walvis Bay:               38:  ZS9:   ZS9;
--- cut here ---
James J. Reisert		Internet:  reisert at wrksys.enet.dec.com
Digital Equipment Corp.		UUCP:	   ...decwrl!wrksys.enet.dec.com!reisert
146 Main Street	- MLO3-6/C9	Voice:	   508-493-5747
Maynard, MA  01754		FAX:	   508-493-0395

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>  Tue Oct 19 16:08:12 1993
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1993 08:08:12 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: The incredible shrinking world
Message-ID: <751043292.989000.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>

The world is getting smaller ...

I went to a meeting in College Park, Maryland this weekend and stayed with 
friends in Sterling, Virginia.  We went out to dinner at a restaurant in 
Reston on Saturday night and while waiting to be seated a group of people 
showed up that included Rick Niswander, K7GM/4.  He lives in North Carolina 
and I live in California.  How is this possible?

Then, on the flight home last night I was minding my own business when I 
looked up and saw someone that looked like captain of industry, CQ-Contest 
subscriber, and all-around good guy Jim George, N3BB/5, talking on the 
in-flight video.  I scrambled to put on the "phones" and sure enough, it
was really him.

Very weird.

>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM  Tue Oct 19 19:31:00 1993
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 93 11:31:00 PDT
Subject: FW: DX / Contest Activity from S2-land.
Message-ID: <2CC4338D at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>

Al or anyone else:  If you can get this through to Craig, please ask him
to listen to East Coast 40 meter long path openings in the 1000-1200
GMT time frame.  ON4UN's program tells me that the peak gray line
for my area (NC,SC,Ga.,Tn) will be 1127 GMT.
Many thanks. 73, Tom WB4IUX
From: dx-request
To: dx
Subject: DX / Contest Activity from S2-land.
Date: Monday, October 18, 1993 12:51PM

Craig Maxey, KH8AL (ex WB7RFA), will be travelling to S2, Bangladesh, to
operate in the CQ WW SSB contest.  Craig will also be on the air before and
after the contest period.  Craig will ask for the call S21ZAL upon arrival.

He told me that visiting ops get a S21Z-- call good for one week.  He 
to arrive on 10/25 and hopefully be on the air the next day.  He will be
staying until 11/2.  QSL info is via VK2DFL.

Al Rovner, WA2TMP/7

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>  Tue Oct 19 17:38:17 1993
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1993 09:38:17 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: FW: DX / Contest Activity from S2-land.
Message-ID: <751048697.570000.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>

> Al or anyone else:  If you can get this through to Craig, please ask him
> to listen to East Coast 40 meter long path openings in the 1000-1200
> GMT time frame.  ON4UN's program tells me that the peak gray line
> for my area (NC,SC,Ga.,Tn) will be 1127 GMT.
> Many thanks. 73, Tom WB4IUX

Please, please, please don't cross-post messages from the DX mailing list to 
the CQ-Contest mailing list.  

--Trey, WN4KKN/6

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