SprINT Name Tracings [LONG]
K2MM at MasPar.COM
K2MM at MasPar.COM
Sat Sep 4 18:59:53 EDT 1993
This file is about 330 lines long. It traces the name mutations and
permutations in Tree/N6TR's two-hour Internet SprINT held last May. One of
the rules was the name you sent in any QSO was the name you received in the
previous QSO.
How long did your name last? Who clobbered it? Who wants to know? Want to
see some good examples of the power of suggestion and anticipation?
> [Kris/AA5UO] Isn't it interesting how an uncommon name changes as it
> propagates through the night?
> [Derek/AA5BT] It will be interesting to know whether Connie and Connor
> were different people, likewise Art and Arn etc....
Connie -> Condie -> Connie -> Condie -> Connie -> Conner -> Condie -> Connie
-> Condor -> Connor. Hard to say about Art and Arn, though.
> [Alan/K6XO] I didn't know that Hillary even had a license. Is there a
> beam on the White House roof? Stud, Drip, Foamy, Nerd and Slimebag - now
> there is a quintet for you...
> [Scott/K9MA] There was also a "newd". I SWEAR I copied that right, even
> got a repeat to make sure! The only ethical thing to do was to pass it
> on, which I did.
> [Jim/WA6SDN] Who is Wormcake? Who is Slimebag? Do these people still
> love their mothers? Did Derek QRM Nerd and have his name permuted?
> [Mike/AA7NX] I sure did note alot of what appeared to be "broken names".
> I imagine I may even be responsible for some (sure hope not, but "Foamy"?
> -geez). Anybody work Beetlejuice? Me either...but after Wormcake and
> Slimebag, why not?
> [Mike/AA7NX] Will you publish statistics on operator quality? Geez, I
> sure hope so!!! . . . I think it would be an excellent addition to the
> results info to list all operators breakage rate . . . With this type of
> contest, it is no problem, it is merely a SMOP.
Simple Matter Of Programming? Aaargh! --John/K2MM
> [Scott/K9MA] K5TA was my first contact, and I wondered if he started with
> his own name. . . . Now, what happened to my name after I sent it to
> K5TA? I heard him send it to AA2N. How can two copies of such an easy
> name disappear in the first moments of the contest? Sounds suspicious . . .
> [Kris/AA5UO] I think my name vanished pretty quick, too. I attribute it
> to someone early on accidentally sending their own name.
> [Scott/K9MA] What I want to know now is whether anyone actually started
> out with "Steve"?
Yes, NA4K did.
> [Derek/AA5BT] It will be interesting to see how the names evolved, I hope
> Tree posts that information later.
In the tracings below, "=" means the name was passed to a station who did
send in a log (Goodguy), and "-" to a station who did not (Badguy). Also,
"?" means the trace was lost, and "." means the name was retired. Entries
are alphabetical by start-name. Look especially for entries like this:
mycall tx# myname ====-=-=-======goodguy-badguy=
urcall tx# newname ===lastcall.
This means that Goodguy's log says he sent Myname to Badguy, who did not
send in a log, but who apparently sent something to Urcall who received
Newname and passed it on. The error can happen five ways:
1. Goodguy mis-sent Myname to Badguy.
2. Badguy mis-received Myname as Newname.
3. Badguy changed Myname to Newname. (Who'd do a thing like that?)
4. Urcall mis-received Myname as Newname.
5. Goodguy or Urcall mis-logged what was really sent/received.
n2aa 1 abel -dl1sbr=
aa5uo 8 throck -n6zz=
aa7nx 16 alan ========aa5uo-ve6axe?
k6xo 1 alan =wn4kkn=n3bb?
n2nt 1 andy ===aa5bt=
n6tr 130 ardy ========k6xo-wx3n=
k2tw 122 carp ====wn3k-ab6eq?
ve6axe 1 arn ====-=====-==n0ax-wx3n=
aa5b 59 art ======-=====aa2ns=
kd5pj 15 alan =k6xo-w6mvw?
w2gd 72 arn ==================-======-====n6tr-wx3n=
n6ip 82 slimebag =======-====aa5bt.
aa5b 1 banana =====-=======aa6kx-k9mi?
f9oq 1 bob ======k1dg-ok1dqt?
n6ip 1 bob =======ve4vv-w6mvw=
w1yu 7 dick =-===wn3k-na4k?
n6tv 1 bob ===n6ip=
wn4kkn 5 alan ===aa5bt=
aa2ns 3 allan =wn4kkn=
n6tv 8 alan ===-=====-====-=========-=-====-=-==k6xo=
w6qhs 24 arn =================================n0ax-wx3n=
w1yu 89 newd =========k8jlf.
aa6kx 1 bruce ===aa2ns=
aa5uo 5 bunch =ve4vv=
k6xo 15 bruce =========k2tw-na4k=
n0ax 20 steve -==aa5b-n6zz?
n6aab 17 bruce =======-=================k8jlf-wx3n=
n2aa 51 foamy =======-============aa5b.
dl1sbr 15 bruce =-=================-==-=-====-======wn4kkn-n6aa=
n2aa 36 jirka =-===k2mm=
ke4gy 51 jirk =n6kl=
wn3k 44 jirka =
k6xo 103 jirk ====n6ip=
w1yu 81 jirka ============aa5b=
wb5vzl 18 jirca =k3ww=n6ip?
n6tj 1 bruno =n0ax-k5ta?
py7hq 1 carlos ===k9ma=
n2aa 27 calos -dl1sbr?
. . . . . .
w2gd 25 calos ==aa2ns-wx3n=
wn4kkn 91 crabs ====n0ax=
aa5uo 37 carlos -==================n3bb=
n0ax 88 steve =====-=====n0ax-n2nt?
k3ww 1 chas ==============================-===============n2aa-4l0g?
k5cm 1 connie =-=======-=aa2ns-w2gd=
aa5b 54 condie =-=aa7nx-n6aa?
. . . . . .
w2gd 22 condie ==wn4kkn=
ve4vv 62 connie ===k9ma=
kd5pj 11 condie ==n6tr=
k2mm 39 connie ==-==========-==k6xo=
n6ip 56 conner =
aa5b 85 condie =
w1yu 65 connie ======-=-=w1yu-wx3n=
n3bb 101 condor ==n6tr=
w1yu 79 connor ===============k2tw-wx3n=
ve4vv 136 ethel ==aa5b=
n0ax 115 ether ==aa5uo?
ww3n 1 dan ==============n2aa-ub5kq?
k7ss 1 danny -wx3n?
k8jlf 1 dave ====k9ma-n2nt?
n6kl 1 dave ========n6tr-kd4hz?
w6qhs 1 dave =====-==n0ax-n6tj=
ve4vv 30 throck =k2tw-k5ta?
aa5bt 1 derek -==w1yu=
n6tv 10 deret ==n6tr=
aa7nx 10 derek -n6tj?
kr2q 3 derek ==ve4vv-k5ta=
n6tv 20 nerek ======-==ke4gy-w6mvw=
n0ax 25 nerk ==ve4vv-dl1sbr=
n3bb 38 nerek ======aa5bt=
n2aa 17 derek =
n0ax 37 derik =
n3bb 47 derek ==k9ma=
n2aa 21 dereck =n6tv=
aa6kx 25 drew ===-=======wn4kkn=
aa7nx 66 drip ==n3bb-w2gd?
. . . . . .
ok1dqt 6 drip ===-=====w1yu=
n6ip 72 dlip =wn4kkn=
k1dg 11 drip =========k6xo-ab6eq?
w6mvw 1 dick ===-====n3bb-w6mvw?
k1dg 1 doug ===========k6xo-w6mvw?
n9ia 1 dumbcrap =k2tw-n6zz=
k9ma 32 dumbcap =
k2tw 48 dumbcrap ===n3bb=
n6tr 54 dumbcrack =
aa5b 51 dumbcrap ===k2mm=
wn3k 25 dumb =-===-==============-============aa2ns=
n0ax 101 stud ============k2tw-k3est?
kd4cpi 1 earl =wn3k-wx3n?
aa2ns 1 ed ===-======k6xo-w6mvw?
wx3n 44 enzymelips =w1yu=
k2tw 81 lips ======k3ww-kd4hz=
k2tw 92 greg ========================k9ma=
wn3k 57 phil ==========k6xo.
dl1sbr 1 frank =-==================wn4kkn=aa5b?
ke4gy 1 frank ===aa7nx-w6mvw=
ve4vv 6 dick ========-=======n3bb-na4k=
w1yu 20 steve =-========-=-======n6tv-wx3n=
k2tw 71 earl -=-====aa6kx-w2gd?
wb5vzl 1 geo ==========-==-=====-=======-==============ve4vv-kt3y?
kd4hz 1 greg =n6tr=
aa5uo 3 tree ===-=n6tr-wb2ekk?
n3bb 1 hokie ==ve4vv=
aa6kx 3 soki =========k6xo.
ok1dqt 1 jirka ====ve4vv-n6aa?
k2mm 1 john -=======-=k6xo-wx3n?
wb2ekk 38 john =============n0ax-n9ia=
wn4kkn 155 beef ====k8jlf-n6aa?
wo9s 1 jon ===-=====-==-=====ve4vv=
aa5bt 30 john ===-======-==-==aa2ns-kd4cpi=
n6tr 95 earl =======k3ww-wx3n=
w1yu 72 poona -======aa5bt-n2nt?
ab6eq 1 ken ====-==-=========-==========-=========-==-===========wn3k-kd4hz=
aa5b 87 ten ==k2tw-w2gd?
aa5uo 1 kris =
aa7nx 4 mike =-=-=====-=====-======-==aa7nx-na4k=
aa5bt 36 steve -=================-=====k1dg-k3est=
k2tw 130 bob =k2tw|
w0rnh 1 loren ======aa5uo=
n6tr 110 lorne =ve4vv=
n3bb 100 lore -wx3n=
aa5b 106 lorn =wn4kkn=
aa7nx 89 loren ==========-=k3ww=
n6tr 136 lorne =
n3bb 120 lore =
aa7nx 110 loren ======aa2ns-n6aa?
wx3n 80 mamuka =-==ve4vv.
kd5pj 1 max ==-==w6qhs=
wn4kkn 71 arn ==wb5vzl=
n6ip 44 steve =============aa5b-ww3n?
aa7nx 1 mike -=======-=-======-=-====-======-=========aa5bt-na4k?
wn3k 1 nerd ====wn4kkn=
aa6kx 5 nerk =
n6ip 12 nerb =aa5b=
w6qhs 5 nerd =====-==-==ke4gy=
n0ax 32 nerk -n6tj=
n3bb 40 nerek ===w1yu-n6tj=
n6tr 53 nerk =
n3bb 50 nerek -n6zz?
wb2ekk 2 phil ======-=======-===========-===-==aa5uo=k2tw?
w2gd 13 rem =-==-==-=ve4vv-ab6eq=
n6tv 92 remme =-=======aa2ns-kd4hz=
aa7nx 84 steve =============aa5uo=aa2ns?
n6aa 2 rodney ==-==-====k3ww=k9ma?
ve4vv 1 sap =n6tr-kd4hz=
ve4vv 4 bob ===-====k9ma=aa7nx?
k9ma 1 scott -k5ta?
. . . . . .
k5ta 1 scott =
aa7nx 2 mike ==n3bb-k5ta?
na4k 1 steve ===========-=======-=======-=-=-==-=====-===-=======n2aa-f9oq?
kr2q 1 throckmorton =wn4kkn-dl1sbr?
. . . . . .
n6zz 7 throc ====aa7nx=
aa5uo 12 throck =
n6tr 24 throc ==ke4gy-n6tj=
ve4vv 30 throck =k2tw-k5ta?
k5ta 4 tim =====n6ip=n3bb?
k2tw 1 tom =aa7nx=
aa5uo 2 mike ===-=aa5uo-dl1sbr?
w1yu 1 tor =-===k2tw=
k6xo 13 gordy =
k2mm 6 tor ================-======-==-========-====n3bb-n6zz?
n6tr 1 tree =n3bb=n6tv?
wn4kkn 1 trey ==-=aa2ns-wo9s=
k2tw 11 tree -==-==============-==kd5pj-w2gd?
. . . . . .
w6mvw 7 tree ==aa5bt=
n6ip 20 mike =
wn4kkn 34 tree =-=-===-=====-===n0ax-wx3n=
k6xo 55 wormcake =k9ma=
aa2ns 31 worm -=====-=============-===================-===n6tv-wx3n=
n6tr 129 wormcake =
aa5bt 93 worm ===w1yu-wx3n=
n6tv 148 gonad ==aa5bt-kd4cpi?
wx3n 1 tyrone ===-==-===-======-======-=======-=-====n6ip-kd4hz=
wn3k 38 steve ========-===aa5b-wx3n=
k6xo 107 hillary ====aa6kx.
ub5kq 1 vlad =======-======aa2ns-wx3n=
n0ax 105 spore ====wn4kkn=
aa7nx 118 sport =====aa7nx.
w2gd 8 wimpy ===-==-===-==n6ip=
wb5vzl 13 steve =
aa7nx 49 wimpy =-==-=-===n6tr-wx3n=
aa2ns 43 whimpy ==wn3k=
n0ax 70 wimpy ==-==aa5b-n6aa=
ke4gy 44 whimpy ===ve4vv=
aa2ns 49 wimpy -ab6eq?
n0ax 1 woody =========ve4vv-n6zz=
k2tw 12 gordy =k6xo-n6zz?
. . . . . .
n6zz 7 gordy =aa5uo=
aa5b 18 dordy =========wn4kkn=
k2tw 34 gordy ===-===-================-=-===========k2tw-ok1dqt?
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