Voice Pile Up simulators?

hatcher_d hatcher_d at bt-web.bt.co.uk
Mon Sep 13 19:54:35 EDT 1993

Hi all,

Having followed the threads on PED, it seems to me that there are no 
voice equivalent Pile Up simualtors. Is anyone out there working on 
one? Or is there a need for it? I must admit, it would make an 
interesting few months project - after CQWW of course!!

Anyone with any thouhgts?


K.Darren Hatcher        = MSMail   : HATCHER,D (BIB3IP)
room 16, 1st Floor, Ph2 = X400     : /C=GB/ADMD=BT/PRMD=BT
BT Computer Centre      =            /PN=.D.HATCHER/O=BT PLC/OU=BIB3IP
Bibb Way, Ipswich       = WEB      : hatcher_d
Suffolk,IP1 2EQ         = Packet   : G7BKO at GB7DXM
U.K.                    = Internet : hatcher_d at bt-web.bt.co.uk 

Voice: +44 473 227332   = Data: +44 473 227786    = Fax +44 473 231727

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