No subject

keating at keating at
Tue Sep 14 10:33:53 EDT 1993

>From POP3 at Tue Sep 14 08:46:18 1993
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Date: Fri, 10 Sep 93 16:03:25 -0700
Resent-From: keating at
From: keating at (Roger Keating)
Message-Id: <9309102303.AA05587 at>
To: blunt at, contest at
Subject: questions about VHF rules

Hi Billy,   You may not recall me, but I met you at the Huntsville convention
and you gave me many of your extra contest log sheets....we're putting them
to use.  Thanks.
I'd like a quick clarification of the rules for this weekend's
contest.  Somehow, these were also posted to "CQ-Contest."   
I'd just like to see the ARRL response.

1.   Our club is not ARRL affiliated...we're working on it.
     Can we use the club call and operate as a contestant?  W6RDF.
     Some say is only for affiliated clubs.  Others say yes.

2.  Some members will be rover.  These persons will use a different
    callsign altogether and are not operating with the club, but as an
    independent team.   What is the incentive for going to many grids?  As
    we read the rules, we wonder if every additional grid multiplies the
    score again.  Would you explain how to compute the score for those of
    us who have never been rover and cannot be sure how it is supposed to

    How is an extra grid worth more points to a rover if he is there vs just
    contacting a station from that grid?   Please be very clear...explain it
   as if you are addressing a jury in a court room who has no idea what ham
   radio contesting is about, and has never heard of grid squares.   Is going to 
   a grid a good idea for the rover if he only expects to contact a few stations
   from there?   Why or why not?

3.  Do satelite contacts count in this contest?

4.  Do packet contacts count in this contest?   If so, on what frequencies?

5.  Do machine assisted CW contacts count in this contest?
 I.e. computer interpreted/produced morse code via human using keyboard.

6.  Which 6m frequencies are OK for FM simplex?
    Can QSOs be solicited via repeaters on 6m?  Is this legal on ANY band?

7.  Which FM frequencies are legal for QSOs in the 440MHz

8.  What if we contact a person in a hang glider?  Is he aeronautical
    mobile?  What about parasail parachute operators.  Don't laugh.  There
    are quite a few of these guys in DM13 on 2m simplex.  At their
    altitudes, their signals can go far.

    Thanks for the assistance.
    We have many new techs who are getting involved and want to
    participate, but few veterans who will take time to teach them.  This
    is a shame, but it is apparently the case.  Our most active and
    outgoing hams are our least experienced it seems.  These questions are
    an attempt to answer the questions we didn't know to ask until

Roger Keating, KD6EFQ
Director of Membership Communications,   (fancy title, low pay)
Pt Loma ARC - W6RDF
P.O. Box 80733
San Diego CA 92138-3221

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