Gerry.Hohn.CSGXH01 at nt.com
Gerry.Hohn.CSGXH01 at nt.com
Fri Apr 15 11:40:00 EDT 1994
A number of people have asked???
NO we where not in Mexico!!
Got that question qwuite a bit during the contest.
XJ is one of the multitude of PXs available for special
occations in Canada.
We where located at Morinville, Alberta, a few miles North
of Edmonton.
Antennas are a 19 elm. 3-30 MHz rotatable at 100' plus
2 fixed logs 3-30 MHz to the NE and NW and a 20 M mono.
Rigs where IC761/TS440/TS850 and 3-1000 and SB220 linears.
We work only the CQWW and WPX both SSB from this site.
See you in the WW-SSB
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM Fri Apr 15 19:19:00 1994
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 94 11:19:00 PDT
Subject: FW: TS-850 POWER OUTPUT (and 450/690)
Message-ID: <2DAEDBCA at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>
Several of you have asked how to adjust the power output of the TS-850S.
This is done by adjusting VR7 on the RF board. Its not recommended to go
130 Watts, and remember your power supply must be capable of the increased
current requirement.
Anyone found a similar for TS450/TS690?? tnx. 73, Tom WB4iUX
>From Sean Kutzko <kutzko at eagle.sangamon.edu> Fri Apr 15 20:00:17 1994
From: Sean Kutzko <kutzko at eagle.sangamon.edu> (Sean Kutzko)
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 1994 12:00:17 -0700 (CDT)
Subject: 6Y WPX CW Expedition
Hello, all. I'll be in Kingston for the CQ WPX CW Contest (Last weekend
in May), plus a couple days before. Single op, low-power, all-band
I've applied for 6Y0DX during the contest period.
This is my first venture outside the country for ham radio. It's
not Bouvet, but I'm pumped about it. Hope to work you in may from
Thanks to 6Y5IC and 6Y5AB for their massive amount of help.
73, Sean Kutzko KF9PL Springfield, IL
>From Michael Mraz <mikemr at microsoft.com> Fri Apr 15 18:13:13 1994
From: Michael Mraz <mikemr at microsoft.com> (Michael Mraz)
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 94 10:13:13 PDT
Subject: TS-850 POWER OUTPUT (and 450/690)
Message-ID: <9404151617.AA10776 at netmail2.microsoft.com>
Hmmmm, I wouldn't do this without using a spectrum analyzer
to investigate what this does to harmonic output. Has this already
been done? There is a reason, you know, why they adjust the output to
100W at the factory...
73 Mike N6MZ mikemr at microsoft.com
This is done by adjusting VR7 on the RF board. Its not recommended to go
over 130 Watts, and remember your power supply must be capable of the
increased current requirement.
>From D. Leeson" <0005543629 at mcimail.com Fri Apr 15 20:24:00 1994
From: D. Leeson" <0005543629 at mcimail.com (D. Leeson)
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 94 14:24 EST
Subject: Hardline Connectors
Message-ID: <10940415192401/0005543629NA1EM at mcimail.com>
I am looking for reliable, waterproof connectors for 1 1/4" and 1 5/8"
Andrew Heliax (LDF6-50 and LDF7-50A)...I understand there is a source of
newly-made custom-machined connectors (via N2NT/KZ2S?)...I would also be
interested in surplus connectors if anyone has a line on some...I don't
want to use soldered plumbing parts for reliability and waterproofing
reasons...can also use splice-connectors instead of N or UHF, as most of
the runs I have require two or three lengths to reach my towers. Any help
most appreciated...73 de Dave, W6QHS dleeson at mcimail.com
>From thompsos at cuug.ab.ca (Scott Thompson 974-2215) Fri Apr 15 21:20:35 1994
From: thompsos at cuug.ab.ca (Scott Thompson 974-2215) (Scott Thompson 974-2215)
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 94 14:20:35 MDT
Subject: More WPX scores
Message-ID: <9404152020.AA24062 at sun>
Well better late than never. The last scores from VE6 for the WPX.
CI6AO 2826 648 4,239,216 MS QSL to VE6AO
VE6SV 2443 756 4.62 MS
VE6JY 1410 608 2,149,280 SOH
CJ6V 1283 527 1,496,153 SOL QSL to VE6JAV
73, Scott Thompson VE6CGY
Internet thompsos at cuug.ab.ca
AMPRnet ve6cgy at ve6cgy.ampr.org
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