Helvetia Contest Rules, Please

Wed Apr 20 11:16:45 EDT 1994

Does anyone have the current rules for the Helvetia Contest?
The announcements in QST and CQ are rather brief, and they list
different addresses for submitting logs.  I'd like at least to have
the correct address.

Please reply directly to  dave_hoaglin at abtassoc.com .  Thanks.


Dave, K8JLF

>From Joel B Levin <levin at BBN.COM>  Wed Apr 20 16:17:22 1994
From: Joel B Levin <levin at BBN.COM> (Joel B Levin)
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 94 11:17:22 -0400
Subject: FT-1000 audio corrections
Message-ID: <7971.766855042 at bbn.com>

|In fact, I have two fundamental problems with the FT-1000 audio.  Number one 
|is the inadequate power that is available, but number two is a little more 
|subtle.  When I use good quality headphones (and most of them have similar 
|sensitivities) I would expect the gain distribution to be set up so that
|the volume from the headphones is similar to the volume from the speaker
|for a given volume control setting.  But this is not the case with the 
|FT-1000.  In order to get a volume similar to the speaker's volume from the
|headphones requires that the  volume control be advanced by about another
|120 degrees!  So the total power available is inadequate AND the gain of the 
|headphone amp is inadequate.

Thanks for this information; it probably explains a similar problem
I have with my FT-990:  I crank up the volume when I use headphones,
otherwise it's too low.  But since the sidetone is at a fixed audio
level which does not rise with the volume control, it is much harder
to hear when I'm using it for zero beating or when I'm operating QSK.

Fortunately my shack is now in a separate part of the house so I
usually don't use headphones any more.
|(For those without an FT-1000, you cannot just use the speaker output as
|a source of high level audio, since the speaker output is mono and the 
|dual receivers drive headphones in stereo.)

On the other hand, maybe I should just try the speaker output, since
the 990 only has one audio channel.

	73 / JBL   KD1ON

>From gswanson at arrl.org (Glenn Swanson)  Tue Apr 19 16:54:01 1994
From: gswanson at arrl.org (Glenn Swanson) (Glenn Swanson)
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 94 11:54:01 edt
Subject: PED and PKUNZIP
Message-ID: <277 at gs>

Hi, PKUNZIP worked fine with PED 411i.  Used PKUNZIP Version 2.04g
    dated 02-01-93.  FYI   73, Glenn KB1GW

>From Peter G. Smith" <n4zr at netcom.com  Wed Apr 20 17:05:13 1994
From: Peter G. Smith" <n4zr at netcom.com (Peter G. Smith)
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 1994 09:05:13 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Long message - KH6IJ Reminiscences
Message-ID: <Pine.3.85.9404200913.A3328-0100000 at netcom6>

In response to many requests, following is the complete file of KH6IJ 
reminiscences received through these two reflectors and the East Coast 
megacluster.  There are doubtless many more messages of the kind flowing 
toward Hawaii, but this collection has been forwarded to ham friends in 
HI for presentation to the family.

I hope all subscribers to the reflectors who pay by the byte feel 
adequately warned by the title.

73, Pete n4zr at netcom.com
NOTE: New Address

Text follows

---  As a young competitor in South Texas, I spent many hours listening to 
KH6IJ run them on 15M SSB.  No one did it better.  But his reputation as 
a  gentleman and a scholar has exceeded that of his operating skill.  He is
missed.  David K. McCarty, K5GN                                     

--- He was my first my first KH6 qso back in 1980 when I was 15 years old.  
I remember how happy I was that he could pick up my "novice" signal through  
the pile up. The fact that he was a prompt qsler was also apreciated by me  
as a novice. I now that many other stations in Sweden had their first  
KH6 qso with him and we will miss him here.  Mats - SM3LGO 

---  I always remember as a Novice ham in 1959-60 reading that QST article  
about Nose tooling around the islands sending fast CW while mobile, even  
in Honolulu traffic. At first, as a new guy just learning the code, I thought  
the article was a spoof. Then I realized it was true, and there were grand 
old hams like Nose performing what I thought to be impossible radio feats. I really 
thought about that article a long time, and about what was POSSIBLE in radio  
with some skill and imagination. The article and the pondering inspired me to  
buckle down and work harder on the code to get up to 13 WPM for my General  
ticket.   Now, after 35 years in radio, I still think of KH6IJ's 
accomplishments when I stretch myself to try something I didn't think I 
could do, like pass the EXTRA exams, or put on our own "re-invent the wheel"
DXpeditions.    Nose will  be missed, but believe me he's not gone.  
Larry Serra N6AZE, 6E2T San Diego DX  
Club Southern California Contest Club     

---  I also wish to extend my sincere sympathy to the Nose family. Katashi
was synonomous with sportmanlike DXing and a real gentleman on the air.
KH6IJ will be missed on the bands. SK.  Al Cunningham, N8AGU

--- My condolences to Nose's family from Finland. I remember him being my
first contact to Hawaii. Since then I remember working Nose on many bands
and he's CW signal and voice from Pacific will stay in my memory.  Jari
Wirzenius OH2BVE 

--- KH6IJ was always a thrill to work for me, especially
when starting out in contesting from W0EEE in college.  An even bigger
thrill was to have him say "Hi guys" during the QSO.  A smooth operator, a
real champ and a gentleman on the air.  I'm glad to have had to
opportunity to meet him in Seattle at the DX Convention in 1992.  Aloha,
Katashi, and Mahalo for all you did!  Ward Silver, N0AX 

---  I remember Nose from the mid 60s when I was a neophyte contester.  It  
was a tradition for me to work him on a given band and then listen for at 
least 20 minutes to hear how the master handled the pile ups.  His example 
is an inspiration to me to this very day.  What I learned listening to him 
on the radio proved a big help to me later when I had to deal with pile ups.
I treasure the many QSOs I've had with Nose over the years.  I feel much the  
poorer for his passing.  Chuck Hutchinson, K8CH ARRL Membership Services Mgr   

---  Nose's passing is sad news indeed.  I recall as a teenager
(forty-some years ago) working KH6IJ as my first Oceania.  He used to work
the sweepstakes contests, and his unique fist was recognizable even before
you heard the call.  Always a gentleman, always the finest operating
style.  I treasure that undersized QSL card with green palm trees and
Nose's signature.  We have QSOed many time since then, but the magic of
those early days still lingers.  To Matsuyo, thousands of us share your
sorrow and wish there was more we could do than pay tribute to one of the
great exemplars of Amateur Radio.  Ray Johnson, W7QDM 

--- Oft I sit in wonder, 
    listening to 160 static and thunder, 
    asking again for my eyes to stay alive again 
    wondering why I do the world wide. 
    Just as I begin to believe I will fold 
    a singular fist comes out of a hole. 
    Static and QRM yield a familiar sound. 
    Eyes pop open and joy is found. 
    There's the old man out in the middle of the sea. 
    And again I will be given Hawaii. 
    It just will never be as much fun 
    Without the omnipresent Nose san. 
    My mind knows his was a life that was full 
    but my heart aches for his fist in the lull.  
    I listen, but only silence follows the silent key.  

Bob McGwier,

--- I first worked Nosey as a youngster in my very first Sweepstakes
in 1948 as W9APY.  I gave him #6.  He gave me #124.  We worked hundreds of
times both in contests and in casual operating after that.  His machine
gun fist, his unerring ears, and his complete operating style may have
been the reason many of us continued in contesting.  When you heard him
you knew instantly that this was the best.  You wanted to brag that you 
had worked KH6IJ. That same feeling remained  with me even at our last QSO 
a couple of years back.  When we  compare the giants of any sport there 
is always a legend who is  mentioned as the best ever.  In amateur  
radio contesting it is  Katashi Nose.  Lew Gordon, K4VX  

---   In the preparations for the WARC where amateur radio received new 
HF bands, KH6IJ was  an active participant in the pre-conference 
planning. One evening, Nose, Gene W3ZZ and I had a brief dinner before 
KH6IJ had to dash to the airport.  I had worked KH6IJ in SS and ARRL 
CD Parties for years (as a teenager and in college) before moving to 
the Washington DC area.  So meeting him was a  real treat and  
he, like W4KFC, took a kind interest in meeting someone new.   At the end of  
dinner I drove Nose to Dulles Airport to catch his flight and we just had a  
delightful chat on the way.  But I was just astonished to receive in the next  
week or so a big box from Hawaii in the mail.  It contained a "thank you" 
note for the lift to the airport and a couple of cans of  macadamia nuts 
(a new experience for me).  It was a gesture from a true  gentleman who 
lived according to a graceful, well-mannered standard.   In the years since,
I have tried to be as appreciative to others as Nose was to me.  He remains 
an inspiration to do one's best in all parts of life  that I won't forget.  
Eric Scace, K3NA  

---  He was my first station from Hawaii. Those days I worked with him with 
100 W and  a vertical only. He answered my cq-calls and made a school boy 
very happy. Sadly in 92 when I visited Hawaii he was already very ill and 
I couldn't thank him in an eye-ball qso. So I will always remember him as 
"My First KH6" and a good operator.   I express my sympathy with his family.  
Joerg Pamp, DF6JC  

--- For many of us who cut our teeth on DXing and contesting in the late  
1950s, there were two ultimate role models -- W4KFC and KH6IJ.  Now they  
are both gone, and we are all poorer for it.  I don't have my old logs,  but 
I am almost certain that KH6IJ was my first Oceania contact.  Just a  year 
or two ago, and though he was in bad health, he confirmed KH6 on  80m. for 
me.  His unique mix of ability, patience and good sportsmanship  was just 
that ... unique.    I  didn't know him personally, but I hope someone will 
pass  on my condolences to his wife, even though it will be just one 
more such  message out of the thousands they will probably receive.  Pete 
Smith, N4ZR  

---  Back when we could pick our own calls (incentive licensing) I picked 
N4IJ because Katashi was someone I really looked up to. He was a great 
contester, and contributor to ham radio in general. Although I never met 
him in person, I always wanted to.   Doug Snowden, N4IJ  

---  Mrs. Nose,  We as a community share in your sorrow. I had the 
opportunity to speak  with Kat several times and met you both briefly at 
Visalia and during one of my trips to Pearl Harbor.  Those  times will be 
remembered as will the multitude of  times he touched the lives of  
hams throughout the world.  Peace and God Bless.   Mark Speck, K0EJ  

--- I am deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Nose, the voice of KH6IJ.
He appears in my log books over the past 30 years.  I looked up the last 
entry:  April 4, 1991 on 10 Meters, SSB where he listened for my low power 
mobile signal from Seattle, Washington.  We corresponded briefly when I was 
a younger prof at  Olympic College trying to instruct students in an 
antenna lab.  I responded by letter to his QST article on antenna 
polarization for the OSCAR satellite.  In  his response, he sent more 
unpublished future articles trusting me to use them  appropriately and 
allow them to appear in QST before they were disclosed.  Even in academic 
circles, this trust seldom presents itself.  The information helped  
me construct my lab exercises and my students increased their knowledge on  
antennas thanks to Nose's advance information.  Nose was definitely a "nuts 
and bolts" engineer.  He will be missed but never forgotten.  My deepest 
sympathies go to his family and friends.  Larry Ryan, W7DGP  

---   Gosh--what sad news to hear of the passing of KH6IJ!  As other 
have said, he set a great example for the ham community in many ways.  When 
I was first starting out in ham radio at Johns Hopkins Univ. in 1959, my 
mentor, Dick, W3WZL (now AI3M) introduced me to KH6IJ's technique as we 
tuned the SS and DX tests together as multiop at W3GQF (now WA3EPT).  I 
would practice sending his call and our exchange off line at 60 wpm, then 
when I was ready I would call him!  I couldn't copy 60 wpm then, but with 
all the practice listening to him, I got the report!  I remember Dick 
working him in on a very heavy QRN day (probably on  160--Dick's favorite 
band), and I was barely copying anything.  Dick suddenly  laughed and 
turned to me:  "Katashi says please QRQ hvy QRN"  Katashi could copy better 
at high speed since the QRN was apparently hitting every letter at lower  
speeds, but he could fill in at QRQ rates! Katashi had a classic article on  
contesting in QST back in the 60's--I wll have to dig it out.  In it he 
talked about "baiting the east coast," that is, calling cq several times 
without  working anyone so that a big pile up of west coast guys would 
attract the east oast, then he would work the east coast through the 
resulting pile up!  The only thing with Katashi's advice, you had to be 
pretty remarkably talented to make use of it sometimes!  We'll miss you 
Katashi.  As someone said: Vic W4KFC and Katashi KH6IJ--two truly 
remarkable gentlemen!  Rol Anders, K3RA  

---  My first contact with Nose was just after his picture appeared on 
the cover of CQ magazine.  I had not been a dx'er for very long and wasn't 
into contesting either to know that KH6IJ was a call that was well known.  
I said Nose, you are a famous operator....didn't I just see your picture on 
the cover of CQ Magazine?  He responded, Oh yes, you saw it?  I said I am 
looking at your picture right now and described some of the things in the 
picture to him.  I heard him many times after that and always will remember,
this is KH6IJ....off and clear!    He will be missed.       73 Nose     
John Papay, K8YSE  

---   Please include my very fond remembrance of my 1st oceania contact in 
1961 and memory of his small green palm tree qsl (long since lost) plus 
many contacts over 4 decades including our last in july of 92 on 15 ssb.  
My wife, office manager at AMSAT, meet him sometime in the early 70's, at 
the AMSAT Office -- he was a very early life member of that organization 
and has always remembered him.   He was my first real exposure to a serious  
contester -- his code speed was so fast that I had to wait for the qsl to 
find out my report -- the qsl, of course, came quickly.  God only knows how 
many of us got our first Oceania qsl from that gentleman - a wonderful 
undersized card with a green palm tree...  It is the one I'll always 
remember from early hamming days.  (My call for the 1961 qso was K1QMG and 
I was a sophmore in high school in Connecticut at the time... and QRP from 
an AT-1 - 25 watts input)  John Shew, N4QQ  

--- Katashi was already a legend when I got my first ham license in 1965.   
Hearing him on the air then and every time since was always a pleasure. He 
set a very good example as a fine gentleman.    Rich Boyd, KE3Q, ex-WA3DSD  

---  I recall working Katashi a few years ago on 15.  A real nice guy to 
chat with.  He'll be sorely missed.  Paul Flaherty, N9FZX   

---  It would be hard to find a CW operator anywhere in the world who has 
been active on the DX bands for long without working KH6IJ.   I never met 
the gentleman, but those who have tell me he was a  very nice guy -- a real 
"ham's ham."  He will be sorely missed.   Al Bloom, N1AL  

---  I'd just like to add my farewell to Nose.  I met him a couple of times 
at Visalia, back when I really felt like an unknown and certainly worked 
him countless times.  I remember well falling into the "attract the East 
Coast" trick from W6UE.  At the time I was really scratching my head as to 
why he couldn't hear me...I think I was the only one calling! :-)  I will 
certainly miss that distinctive 
       KAY H SIX I___ J
David Hodge  XE1/AA6RX

>From Lyndon Nerenberg <lyndon at unbc.edu>  Wed Apr 20 17:18:20 1994
From: Lyndon Nerenberg <lyndon at unbc.edu> (Lyndon Nerenberg)
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 1994 09:18:20 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Long message - KH6IJ Reminiscences
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9404200920.A27766-0100000 at unbc>

> I hope all subscribers to the reflectors who pay by the byte feel 
> adequately warned by the title.

It's a little late - by the time they can read the title they've already 
paid for the message.

>From Peter G. Smith" <n4zr at netcom.com  Wed Apr 20 17:34:14 1994
From: Peter G. Smith" <n4zr at netcom.com (Peter G. Smith)
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 1994 09:34:14 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Long message - KH6IJ Reminiscences
Message-ID: <Pine.3.85.9404200914.A3328-0100000 at netcom6>

Oh, ouch!  My sincere apologies.  My (former) pay-by-the-byte service 
gave you a list of the incoming messages with their titles, but if you 
didn't read them you were not billed.  

73, Pete
n4zr at netcom.com
NOTE: New Address

On Wed, 20 Apr 1994, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:

> > I hope all subscribers to the reflectors who pay by the byte feel 
> > adequately warned by the title.
> It's a little late - by the time they can read the title they've already 
> paid for the message.

>From k2mm at MasPar.COM (John Zapisek)  Wed Apr 20 18:00:20 1994
From: k2mm at MasPar.COM (John Zapisek) (John Zapisek)
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 94 10:00:20 PDT
Subject: ped
Message-ID: <9404201700.AA16812 at greylock.local>

> [Bob/WN3K]  FTP'd Ped from Osaka, unzipped with latest PKunzip, said file
> was defective...  will wait for another copy......

I also got ped411i.zip from /pub/radio/ped on qed.laser.ee.es.osaka-u.ac.jp,
and it unzipped OK.  Maybe your problem was that you did your FTP download
in ASCII mode instead of BINARY.  ASCII mode is often the default.  Try
giving the "binary" command at the "ftp> " prompt before downloading.  73
and good luck.  --John/K2MM

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