Redirect beep to sound board?

ka9fox at ka9fox at
Tue Apr 26 16:52:47 EDT 1994

In playing with the N6TR Log "practice mode", I find it extremely difficult
to hear the CW through my computer's little speaker.  I *KNOW* there is a
utility that will redirect speaker sounds to a sound-blaster type board, but
I can't seem to find such a utility on any major BBS.  Any ideas?

Scott KA9FOX

P.S.  Don't forget to stop by the "Sultans of Shwing" unofficial mini-suite
party on Thursday night at Stouffer's!  Cheap Cold Beverages... Beavis &
Butthead re-runs... PED (and hopefully) N6TR Contests for useless prizes...
Your hosts: KA9FOX, N0BSH, WE9V.  C U There!

>From W. M Wood - The Signal Group <mikewood at>  Tue Apr 26 22:06:52 1994
From: W. M Wood - The Signal Group <mikewood at> (W. M Wood - The Signal Group <mikewood at>)
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 94 17:06:52 -0400
Subject: Dayton room available Th-Sat
Message-ID: <9404262106.AA08595 at>

Need a room at Dayton at the last minute? AB4VJ (Terry Murphy) has
a room at the Motel 6 across from the Dayton Mall (Dayton BUS Stops
here) . Room is reserved for Thursday/Friday/Saturday nites and
was verified today by phone! 

Do NOT email me. Email AB4VJ at ab4vj at for
full details. His home phone numbeer is 919-471-4018. Only one
room available I believe.

Mike Wood            Internet: mikewood at
The Signal Group     Amateur Radio: NT4O
P.O. Box 1979     ***Avoid company disclaimers by owning the company ***
Wake Forest, NC 27588
Phone: 919-556-8477       Fax: 919-556-0115

>From Samoian, Richard J" <rsamoian at  Wed Apr 27 00:32:44 1994
From: Samoian, Richard J" <rsamoian at (Samoian, Richard J)
Date: 26 Apr 1994 15:32:44 -0800
Subject: Ride Available
Message-ID: <9404262234.AA28356 at>

I will be arriving at the Cinci airport at 6.55PM Thursday nite and driving
to Dayton.  If anyone needs a ride to Dayton I would be happy to accomadate
them, 73, Rick, WB6OKK......

>From Wayne Mills <0006509309 at>  Tue Apr 26 22:43:00 1994
From: Wayne Mills <0006509309 at> (Wayne Mills)
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 94 16:43 EST
Subject: Rooms at Dayton
Message-ID: <84940426214348/0006509309NA3EM at>

AI6V/P40v needs a room at Dayton, Thur thru Sun.  If you can help please call
Carl at 510 -685-9370.  
Thanks!    Wayne, N7NG

>From James White <0006492564 at>  Wed Apr 27 02:31:00 1994
From: James White <0006492564 at> (James White)
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 94 20:31 EST
Subject: Fwd: Stouffer's Room available
Message-ID: <75940427013157/0006492564PK4EM at>

self explanatory............I'm set, how 'bout y'all ?   zx
Forwarded Message

Date:     Tue Apr 26, 1994 11:21 am  EST
Source-Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 14:12:54 GMT
From:     Charlie Morrison
          EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414
          MBX: wz1r at
TO:     * James White / MCI ID: 649-2564
Subject:  Stouffer's Room available
Message-Id: <90940426162109/0003765414NA3EM>
Source-Msg-Id: <9404261100227499 at>

I fu are interested in a Stouffer's room , N2MG has one he won't be
Call him at (315) 855 - 4313  until 10PM (Answering machine also)
If you are not interested, please POST TO CQ-CONTEST for me as I have
had three attempts REJECTED by TGV !!!!!! (Trey please take note)
WZ1R at   soon to be WZ1R at

>From kitagawa at ee.ES.Osaka-U.AC.JP (Masahiro Kitagawa)  Wed Apr 27 10:08:32 1994
From: kitagawa at ee.ES.Osaka-U.AC.JP (Masahiro Kitagawa) (Masahiro Kitagawa)
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 1994 18:08:32 +0900
Subject: Need UUDECODE ? [was: Downloading PED ..... by mail]
Message-ID: <199404270908.AA1857011152 at>

Excuse me, this is not a contest topics at all but some contesters on
the list really need UUDECODE to decipher

To transfer binary files over ascii-only-channel such as mail,
receivers need UUDECODE. The irony is that UUDECODE itself is a
binary;-) YOU NEED BOOTSTRAP and here is how.

Send mail

To: ped-request at

with a body saying,

get uudecode.doc
get uudecode.dbg

Save UUDECODE.DBG on your DOS and feed it to DEBUG (which should be on
almost all DOS) by typing


This will make UUDECODE.COM in a minute.

Good luck and see you in the contests!

*--- *- ***-- --** --- ****
masa JH3PRR // Mt.RF JA3ZOH	kitagawa at
*--- **** ***-- *--* *-* *-*

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>  Wed Apr 27 14:21:21 1994
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 1994 06:21:21 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Fwd: Stouffer's Room available
Message-ID: <767452881.476917.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>

> From:     Charlie Morrison
>           EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414
>           MBX: wz1r at

> If you are not interested, please POST TO CQ-CONTEST for me as I have
> had three attempts REJECTED by TGV !!!!!! (Trey please take note)
> --
> TU
> Charlie 
> WZ1R at   soon to be WZ1R at

This is a common problem.  The CQ-Contest mail robot will only let you post
a message if you are on the list of subscribers.  This message originated
from WZ1R at but WZ1R's entry on the subscription list says
charlie.morrison at CHOWDA.IDS.NET.  The AI aspect of the program (you know,
the piece that kept reintroducing the significant Joe Walsh thread) is
not developed enough yet to know that charlie.morrison is the same as
WZ1R, although it may in time.  Until that time, people will need to update
the addresses they use in their subscription to avoid having this happen.

You can check your current subscription status by sending a message to
cq-contest-request that says QUERY.  This is not intended as a slam of
the Wizzer, but as an informative note on a relatively common situation 
that may be impacting others.

See you in Dayton.

--Trey, WN4KKN/6

>From DKMC" <dkmc at  Wed Apr 27 15:53:42 1994
From: DKMC" <dkmc at (DKMC)
Date: 27 Apr 94 07:53:42 PDT
Subject: TA1 multiplier
Message-ID: <199404271452.AA42297 at>

 From: McCarty, DK 'David'
 Subject:  TA1 multiplier
 Date: 1994-04-27 09:40


 Jim, AD1C writes (about CT CTY Files)

 > there is no way to just override the
           continent for the TA0 and TA1 prefixes.  This is really
           only a problem for the IARU HF World Championship.  In
           CQWW, the European part counts as a separate multiplier,
           hence CT gets the continent correct.

 Is it really true?  In CQ WW if you work a TA1 (European side of the water)
 and a TA2 (Asian side) they are separate multipliers?  Not that it is likely
 to happen, but ...


 David K. McCarty, K5GN
 dkmc at

>From bhorn at (Bruce Horn)  Wed Apr 27 16:30:25 1994
From: bhorn at (Bruce Horn) (Bruce Horn)
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 1994 08:30:25 -0700
Subject: SS Results in QST
Message-ID: <199404271530.IAA19445 at>

Having only just received my QST, I eagerly turned to the SS results
after already seeing several comments here on the reflector. Although
I haven't had time to read the whole article, I like the new arrangement.
I had no trouble scanning the sorted Division results to see how I did
in my Section. The fact that results within a Division are grouped by
category helps. In the past the results by section have been listed by 
descending score only, resulting in intermingled categories. For those
interested in how they did against "all comers" in their Section, it is
still fairly easy to determine with a minimum of mental gymnastics.

As others have said I like the regional boxes. However, in the interest
of food for discussion, I suggest covering the country with six regions,
rather than five (I realize that may be a challenge to fit in a page
layout). Something on the order of: Northeast, Southeast, North Central,
South Central, Northwest and Southwest. The current regions separate the
north and south portions of the east coast, but have regions in the west
and midwest with their nothernmost and southernmost borders far apart.
For example the current West Coast region extends from the tundra of the
Yukon to the beaches of Southern California. I'd put California, Nevada,
Arizona, and maybe Utah (maybe not) in a Southwest region, and Oregon,
Idaho, Washington, BC, AB, Yukon, and maybe Montana in a Northwest region.
At least something on that order. Some similar rearrangement in the
middle of the country. The two east coast regions can probably be left
as is.

What do others think ?

However, if given the choice between these regions and no regions at all,
I'll gladly take these.

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM

>From Jim Reisert AD1C  27-Apr-1994 1258 <reisert at>  Wed Apr 27 17:57:34 1994
From: Jim Reisert AD1C  27-Apr-1994 1258 <reisert at> (Jim Reisert AD1C 27-Apr-1994 1258)
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 94 12:57:34 EDT
Subject: SS Results in QST
Message-ID: <9404271657.AA21200 at>

...and at the very least, highlight (boldface) *every* certificate and
plaque winner! This would have the side benefit of identifying the section
winners in each group.

- Jim AD1C

>From Jim Reisert AD1C  27-Apr-1994 1223 <reisert at>  Wed Apr 27 17:21:40 1994
From: Jim Reisert AD1C  27-Apr-1994 1223 <reisert at> (Jim Reisert AD1C 27-Apr-1994 1223)
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 94 12:21:40 EDT
Subject: TA1 multiplier
Message-ID: <9404271621.AA19133 at>

------------------Reply to mail dated 27-APR-1994 12:15:13.33------------------

> Is it really true?  In CQ WW if you work a TA1 (European side of the water)
> and a TA2 (Asian side) they are separate multipliers?  Not that it is likely
> to happen, but ...

Yes, per K3EST who's on the committee.  European Turkey is a separate
country on the WAEDC list - this is the list of European countries CQWW

73 - Jim AD1C

>From Tom Morrison" <THM at  Wed Apr 27 06:43:12 1994
From: Tom Morrison" <THM at (Tom Morrison)
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 1994 11:43:12 +600 CDT
Subject: SS Results in QST
Message-ID: <12E024D7A37 at>

> (lots deleted...)
> What do others think ?

I think ARRL should publish the results by electronic means.  Then we 
can download and hack to our hearts' content!

73, K5TM
Tom Morrison   thm at
Liant Software Corporation
8911 Capital of Texas Highway North
Austin, TX  78759
(512) 343-1010 FAX 343-9487

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