WAE Using BVQP Packet Rules

N6AA at delphi.com N6AA at delphi.com
Thu Aug 11 22:46:07 EDT 1994

Boy, just when your expectations have hit bottom, along comes
some exciting news that not all contest sponsors are living in
the dark ages. The DARC is actually using one of the Beetle
Valley QSO Party standards in its definition of single-operator
for the WAE Contest! Yes, the rules state that "single-operator"
entrants are allowed to use packet cluster spotting.
Back in ancient times, single-operator meant that a single
operator did all the operating. But finding multipliers and
identifying stations were the hardest parts of contest operating,
and only the skilled guys, who worked hard, would win. We've come
a long way from there, baby.
Note that, in addition to making for bigger scores and more fun,
the packet spots actually result in improved logging accuracy,
especially on CW, during times when your code reader may not be
performing well. This can be important in some of the other
world-class contests where they check the log entries.
We had a team of about 15 locals over here at N6AA for my single-
op effort in this year's Beetle Valley QSO Party. There were two
packet-spotting positions per band in addition to my all-band
operating position. I was hitting <Alt-F7> and <enter> on my
keyboard as fast as I could to keep up with the spots. We added
some timing info to the packet spots so my transmissions would be
appropriate for when the stations were listening. Hey, since I
wasn't finding the stations, or determining their callsigns
myself, who could possibly complain about innovative use of a
little additional timing technology?
Eventually my fingers began to tire, and we technologically
upgraded my operating routine to only manning switches connected
in series with the packet-spotters' footswitches. Nothing would
get transmitted unless I had the switches closed, so I was
actually doing the operating. We cleverly arranged my operating
switches so that they were closed when I applied pressure to a
small wooden board. I put the board under my mattress, and was
able to get 8 hours of sleep each night while working thousands
of stations. Innovation actually permitted me 48 full hours of
intense productivity, and at the end of the contest, I was less
tired than any of the packet-spotters.
Numero uno--what a feeling! I'm actually the single-op Beetle
Valley QSO Party world champion. I can hardly believe it, and I
wasn't even tired after it was over. Isn't this 1990's-era
contesting great! Amateur radio contests are indeed ready to
become Olympic events - from my humble viewpoint. I've got a space
above the operating position reserved for the forthcoming
wallpaper, right between my Rag Chewer's Club Certificate and my
DXCC with the all-list-operation endorsement.
P.S. The part about the WAE contest allowing "single-op" packet
use is not a joke, at least in the sense that I did not make it

>From MSgt Bob Smith/SCSMH <smithb at GF-WAN.af.mil>  Fri Aug 12 03:17:25 1994
From: MSgt Bob Smith/SCSMH <smithb at GF-WAN.af.mil> (MSgt Bob Smith/SCSMH)
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 94 21:17:25 CDT
Subject: SoundBlaster = Voicekeyer
Message-ID: <9408120217.AA11885 at GF-WAN.af.mil>

My computer system finally grew up.  The old 286/12 has been
relegated to packet terminal status.

Have not paid much attention in the past to the intricacies
of using the soundblaster card as a voice keyer.  Can anyone
enlighten me on capabilities and technical connections?

Flames accepted about fresh crisp voice after extended operating.

Email direct to me please, no need to waste bandwidth.

73 de Bob ND1H 
smithb at gf-wan.af.mil

This antenna is as high as it can get.

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