aa2du at aa2du at
Wed Aug 17 02:36:41 EDT 1994

>    Chas , K3WW   CFULP at MCIMAIL.COM
>trivia questions:
>What East Coast US station won the All Asian SSB Multi Op class a
>few years ago with 1 op and packet and less than 100 QSOS?
>U gotta play if you want to "win"
Chas, a few years ago (maybe 3), N2KW and myself won the All Asia CW Multi-Op category
for North America operating from my station in NY. We scored 127 QSO's in a 48 hour
contest to achieve that feat. Can you imagine what the second place guy (a 6-lander)
felt like? They only scored 120 QSO's!! Is this the same contest you are referring to?

I find it hard to believe that someone would torture themselves that way on SSB as well!

73, J.P.
J.P. Kleinhaus, AA2DU
ARRL Hudson Division C.A.C. Representative
E-mail:  aa2du at
             aa2du at
             kleinhaj at
Compu$erve:  74660,2606

TVI???  What TVI???

>From Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at  Tue Aug 16 02:55:28 1994
From: Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at (Fred Hopengarten)
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 21:55:28 EDT
Subject: Packet
Message-ID: <2e501c93.k1vr at>

On Sun, 14 Aug 1994 14:11:23 -0700 (PDT), cmschonewaldcox at wrote:
> K3WW is right. In the PVRC in the 60's we had a VERY good 2 meter
> spotting network. There is no difference at all, except you do not
> have to throw off your headphones, with packet. We even used to 
> try to listen to the FRC VHF system. So packet is not NEW at all, just
> more convenient for spotting mults. We used to get hundreds of call
> outs on 2 meters/weekend. 
> Another thing is the idea that the DVP/DVK is something new. We used
> to have very good tape loops for calling CQ at W3AU. One loop drove
> all the stations. By just throwing a switch we could call CQ on 15
> or all bands at the same time. The whole thing cost about $20.
> The big Mults back then in DC area were W4BVV and W3AU. One year
> we had W3ZZ record a tape CQ and his voice was used at BOTH stations!
> It was fun because Gene's voice is so distinctive. Once on 15(where
> I was operating) W3AU and W4BVV were calling on the same Freq
> with W3ZZ's voice. The other guy really did have to copy the call
> right!
> Tape loops are easily available at Radio shack (1 min loop). Just
> record 8 CQ's and build an interface to your transmitter. We even had
> a volume adjust for the earphones. You can save yourself $200. 
> 73 Bob K3EST
I cannot resist telling one of my favorite W3ZZ stories.  Should 
you ever meet Dr. Zimmerman, you too will know why people collect
Gene Zimmerman stories.

One year, Gene's voice was used for calling CQ on at least one band
at K2GL, all bands at W3AU and all bands at W4BVV, as he had recorded
THREE tapes.  Gene, operating at W4BVV, ended one CQ with the
parenthetical remark:  "Accept No Substitute."  W4BVV operators fell
on the floor laughing.

Gene has offered to record the letters and numbers for a DVP disk,
which would permit Gene to occupy most of 20 meters.  Reminiscent
of CNN, 20 meters would then become "ALL GENE, ALL THE TIME."

Gene has a very distinct voice.
                      Fred Hopengarten K1VR
           Six Willarch Road * Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
     home + office telephone:  617/259-0088 (FAX on demand)
                   internet:  k1vr at
"Big antennas, high in the sky, are better than small ones, low."

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