KA9FOX at aol.com KA9FOX at aol.com
Mon Aug 22 19:58:55 EDT 1994

     Call: W0AIH (KA9FOX op)    Location: Wisconsin

     Category: Single Op     Mode: SSB     Power: 100W
     Exchange: W0AIH SCOTT WI     Hours of Operation: 10:00
     band      QSOs     mults     Antenna primarily used
     160         20       13      Elevated 1/4 vertical
      75         97       34      Bi-square - apex 170'
      40        230       47      3 ele (either 190', 90' or 75')
      20        226       44      4 x 4 ele on 200' stuck west
      15         37       20      5 ele @ 180'
      10        215       22      4 x 5 ele on 150'
     TOTAL      825      180      SCORE: 148,500
     Club or Team Name: Sultans of Shwing Team #1 
Comments:  You all heard me whining on 3830 after the contest, so I'll save
you the burden of hearing it twice, but in a nutshell I went out with some
babes and got toasted Friday night instead of driving to AIH to set up for
the contest and it cost me.  Missed first 32 minutes of contest.  From 1832z
to 1932z I had 156 QSOs... all but 18 of them on 10 meters.  10 was totally
open to the east coast from Maine to South Carolina.  Also had a short
opening to Utah / Idaho around 2130z.  Last 10 meter QSO was at 2155z.

Favorite phonetics worked:  K 5 Forrest Gump (even sounded like him!)

Best DX:  ZB2BU  (also KI3V in Texas on 160 meters, couldn't get VZL's

Favorite name worked:  OJ  (AG6D and WA8ZDT)

Least favorite name worked:  WINGNUT (why??)

Most excitement during contest:  Piece of foil started a foam plate on fire
in microwave.  After blowing on it failed to put the ever growing flame out,
I dumped my Diet Pepsi on it.  That worked.  NOTE:  guest ops, ask the
station owner where he keeps his fire extinguisher BEFORE you actually need
one.  Fortunately, my chicken pattie escaped damage, so I got to eat after

73 Scott KA9FOX
ka9fox at aol.com

Remember to send your scores + team name to me for the rumor posting!

>From Robert Penneys <penneys at brahms.udel.edu>  Tue Aug 23 01:15:39 1994
From: Robert Penneys <penneys at brahms.udel.edu> (Robert Penneys)
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 1994 20:15:39 -0400
Subject: WA4PGM NAQP score
Message-ID: <199408230015.UAA11756 at brahms.udel.edu>

WA4PGM NAQP score........  532 x 155 = 82,460 for N.E.R.D.S.

tnx Bob

Bob Penneys, WN3K     Frankford Radio Club      N.E.R.D.S.
Internet:  penneys at brahms.udel.edu       Work: Ham Radio Outlet, Delaware
U.S. Mail:  12 East Mill Station Drive    Newark, DE 19711    U.S.A.

>From Robert Penneys <penneys at brahms.udel.edu>  Tue Aug 23 02:20:25 1994
From: Robert Penneys <penneys at brahms.udel.edu> (Robert Penneys)
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 1994 21:20:25 -0400
Subject: NY3C NAQP score
Message-ID: <199408230120.VAA13806 at brahms.udel.edu>

NY3C score.......  402 x 117  = 47,034   for N.E.R.D.S.

Bob Penneys, WN3K     Frankford Radio Club      N.E.R.D.S.
Internet:  penneys at brahms.udel.edu       Work: Ham Radio Outlet, Delaware
U.S. Mail:  12 East Mill Station Drive    Newark, DE 19711    U.S.A.

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