try this on your pentium pee cee

dcurtis at dcurtis at
Thu Dec 1 15:55:45 EST 1994

For those of you with access to Mosaic, you might check out
the "Pentium Papers" URL =
A well edited collection of new posts, newspaper clippings,

73, Dave "Please, God, don't let it be me next" NG0X
Manager, Architecture Validation "a future microprocessor" 
dcurtis at

> 10 a# = 5505001
> 20 b# = 294911
> 30 PRINT (a# / b#)
> GOTO 30
> the right answer should be 18.666651972968116  but it is not! 
> According to intel, "The average user is not going to see this thing,
> except once in 27,000 years."  Seems to me they used a pentium to 
> compute the 27,000 years!  73 Len WF2V

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