40M Propagation

N0bsh at aol.com N0bsh at aol.com
Fri Dec 9 19:37:37 EST 1994

One of the things that has always fascinated me (and keeps me
occupied between contests) is exploring the secondary and obscure
paths of propagation on the various bands.  Well kids, I found a 
new one (for me at least!!!)

During CQ WW CW, while tuning 40 looking for mults in the early
afternoon (1930 - 2030Z) at KS9K, I thought I heard a JA.  My 
curiosity piqued, I turned the beams up that way and, sure enough,
a rather loud JH7XGN.  Then a short time later I find VS6WO, also
quite loud.  Hmmm.... decided to check long path.  Nope, the signals
went way down.  Turned the beams back to the direct (short) path
and the signals were back at their previous levels - quite strong, 
no flutter.  This was more than three hours before our sunset. I 
talked with Chad, WE9V this morning and he mentioned how he saw 
the same thing last weekend, working BV and XX9.  (You might also 
remember WX3N's comment about this in his WW CW post.)

Now I've worked a handful of UA9s from W0AIH on 40 mid-day but
these were over the pole and always weak and watery. (brute force!)  
But never anything in this part of the world and with these 
kind of signals.  I have worked this path on 20M in other years at 
about the same times.

So for you propagtion gurus out there:  any ideas/comments on 
this?  Is this MUF related?  Is this related to where we are in the
cycle?  How many others found this path during the contest (or 
outside of the 'test?)  Any experience with this path during the 
last cycle?  Is this a regular occurrence?  Could the solar storm
have had something to do with this? (this was Sunday afternoon)

40M - gotta love it...........................!!!

73  Mike  N0BSH
n0bsh at aol.com

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