3Y0PI Pileup
rkaufmn at CC.UManitoba.CA
rkaufmn at CC.UManitoba.CA
Thu Feb 3 19:33:56 EST 1994
Derek Wills writes:
> Their signals were not bad at all. Unfortunately the operator is.
> Even working split he seems not to be able to catch a fish in a barrel.
> (ve3miz)
> Perhaps there were several people calling at the same time.
> Derek AA5BT
I agree with Derek.
I don't know if VE3MIZ has ever been at the other end of a WORLD class
DX pileup. Perhaps if he had, he would understand better how difficult
it can be to pick out stations. During my stay in KP2 in '92 I was in the
line of fire of the US boys calling YX0AI on cw. My ears are still ringing
from that one. One solid wall of carriers. SSB can be even worse. Give
those guys a break, I am sure its not a picnic on Peter 1.
>From robert penneys <penneys at freezer.cns.udel.edu> Fri Feb 4 01:39:34 1994
From: robert penneys <penneys at freezer.cns.udel.edu> (robert penneys)
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 20:39:34 EST
Subject: Can NA use CT ARRL.CTY files?
Message-ID: <9402040139.AA09526 at freezer.cns.udel.edu>
One of my N.E.R.D.S. uses NA ver 7.x and wants to know if he takes the
latest ARRL.CTY file home from the next FRC meeting, will NA run with it?
Tnx Bob WN3K FRC N.E.R.D.S.
>From robert penneys <penneys at freezer.cns.udel.edu> Fri Feb 4 01:43:22 1994
From: robert penneys <penneys at freezer.cns.udel.edu> (robert penneys)
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 20:43:22 EST
Subject: Join the N.E.R.D.S. for CW Sprint!!
Message-ID: <9402040143.AA09568 at freezer.cns.udel.edu>
If you are gonna be on the CW Sprint this Sat and are not on a team,
join us. For the first time, the N.E.R.D.S. are branching out beyond
the immediate area. We are the Newark Extras from Rural Delaware State.
I got a message on the cluster from a distant friend looking to hop in,
and it seemed to be the signal to let it grow.
Let me know ASAP!! Tnx Bob WN3K N.E.R.D.S. FRC
>From John W. Brosnahan" <broz at csn.org Fri Feb 4 02:22:34 1994
From: John W. Brosnahan" <broz at csn.org (John W. Brosnahan)
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 1994 19:22:34 -0700
Subject: World Class Pileups and Poor Rates
Message-ID: <199402040222.AA20730 at teal.csn.org>
The comments about world class pileups and the poor rates reminded me
that a lot of operators have forgotten how to use the RF Gain on their
rigs. A good AGC is suppossed to make everyone be equally loud. ie
it levels out the playing field. Backing off the RF gain until you can
just pick off the loudest stations and then working your way down the
pileup by increasing RF gain as you progress down through the layers seems
pretty obvious to many operators, but it is amazing how many others don't
know this. And even the ones who do sometimes forget in the excitement
of the moment. (Of course, when the Euros are all S0 or less, like
they are out here, there's not much you can do!) 73 John W0UN
>From k2mm at MasPar.COM (John Zapisek) Fri Feb 4 04:13:43 1994
From: k2mm at MasPar.COM (John Zapisek) (John Zapisek)
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 94 20:13:43 PST
Subject: LOGCFG.DAT For NA Sprint
Message-ID: <9402040413.AA27408 at greylock.local>
Here is a LOGCFG.DAT file for opertating the NA Sprint using N6TR's LOG
program. It's a long file -- almost 200 lines. Normally, I'd post its
availability and send copies to those who request it. But I'm afriad I've
let time run short -- Sprint is this Saturday. 73 & Vy GL! --John/K2MM
Several of the <Fn> keys are different from N6TR's defaults. Particularly,
CQ is sent by <F8> instead of <F1>, and "?" is sent by <alt-F6> instead of
<F9>. This was done to work around a LOG bug that prevents the "exchange
mode" button menu from deing displayed. (Only the "CQ mode" menu is
displayed.) The idea was to make the <Fn> buttons do same/similar things in
both modes. Also, in general, <alt-Fn> is used to ask for a fill, and <Fn>
is used to give the corresponding fill.
Notes when using the simulator: When CQ'ing, you can get the station that
called you to repeat his call by hitting <F9>. Tree's default for <F9> is
"?", and I should probably follow his convention instead of using <F9> for
the dupe message. Also, to call a station who has just CQ'ed, you must use
<CR> or <SPACE>; the simulated station will not come back to <F1>.
Be sure to edit the MYxxx values to put in your own call, name, QTH, and
time zone.
; $Header: logcfg.nas,v 1.2 94/02/03 15:48:48 k2mm Exp $
; LOGCFG.DAT for NA Sprint with N6TR's LOG 4.04.
; Remember to edit MYCALL MYNAME MYQTH and MYTIME.
; Sprint QSOs usually come in pairs. You S&P, work the station you call, then
; work the station that calls you (if you're loud enough), then more S&P. If
; you S without successful P for more than 5 kHz, you might call CQ.
; Method 1 -- S&P in S&P mode -- works with simulator OK; puts database
; name and QTH into exchange window OK; requires typing entire callsign
; before sending your call.
; 1a. Make sure you're in S&P mode. If not, hit <TAB>.
; 1b. Type call into call window.
; 1c. Hit <CR> to send your call. Also dupe-checks and puts database
; name (if known) into name window.
; 1d. If a dupe, your call not sent and call window is flushed.
; 1e. If not a dupe, your call sent and cursor put in exchange window,
; along with database name and QTH.
; Method 2 -- S&P in ANY mode -- DOES NOT work with simulator; puts database
; name and QTH into exchange window OK; lets you dump in your call before,
; during, and/or after typing in callsign.
; 2a. Copy call in your head. OK to start typing in call window.
; 2b. Check for dupe in visible dupesheet.
; 2c. Hit <F1> to send your call.
; 2d. Finish typing call into call window.
; 2e. Hit <SPACE> to dupe-check and put database name (if known) into
; name window.
; 2f. If a dupe, call window is flushed.
; 2g. Hit <TAB> to put cursor in exchange window, along with database
; name and QTH. Now in S&P mode.
; Method 3 -- S&P in ANY mode -- works with simulator OK; DOES NOT put
; database name or QTH into exchange window; lets you dump in your call
; before typing in callsign.
; 3a. Copy call in your head. Leave call window empty.
; 3b. Check for dupe in visible dupesheet.
; 3c. Hit <SPACE> to send your call.
; 3d. Type call into call window.
; 3e. Hit <SPACE> again to dupe-check and put database name (if known)
; into name window.
; 3f. If a dupe, call window is flushed.
; 3g. Hit <TAB> to put cursor in exchange window. Now in S&P mode.
; 3h. Database name left in name window; QTH unavailable.
; If you need to send your call again, hit <F1>.
; Now the cursor is in the exchange window and you can copy the sent exchange.
; If you need fills, ask for them with <alt-F1> through <alt-F5>. Unlike SS,
; you cannot correct the call sign using the exchange window; it must be done
; using the call window. (Tree?)
; After copying the exchange, send QSL+INFO (your "S&P" exchange) with either
; <CR> or <F2>. <CR> logs the QSO, making the sent exchange "previous", but
; it puts you in CQ mode, so the different messages behind the <Fn> buttons --
; CQ instead of EX messages -- can compensate by sending NR-1 for NR fills.
; This is OK in the NA Sprint, but not sufficient for the Internet SprINT,
; where name fills must now come from the "previous previous" name.
; 4a. Send your call again with <F1> if needed.
; 4b. Copy the sent exchange into the exchange window.
; 4c. Make callsign corrections only in the call window <TAB> if needed.
; 4d. Ask for fills with <alt-F1> through <alt-F5>.
; 4e. Hit <CR> to send your exchange and log the QSO. Now in CQ mode.
; 4f. If hand CW sent, hit <ctrl-\> to silently log QSO. Now in CQ mode.
; 4g. Give fills with <F1> through <F5>.
; The frequency is now yours. With some luck, a station will call you. If
; not, you might want to call CQ.
; 5a. Hit <F1> or <CR> to send your call.
; 5b. Hit <F7> to send <your call> NA.
; 5c. Hit <F8> to send a real CQ.
; 5d. Turn the beam and hit <F8> again.
; 5e. Crank up the Variac and hit <F8> again.
; One day, someone comes back to your CQ.
; 6a. Start typing the callsign in the call window.
; 6b. Hit apostrophe <'> to start sending his call.
; 6c. Finish typing call and hit <CR>.
; 6d. If a dupe, QSO BEFORE message sent and call is flushed.
; 6e. If not a dupe, exchange sent and cursor put in exchange window,
; along with database name and QTH. Now in CQ EXCHANGE mode.
; 6f. Give fills with <F1> through <F5>.
; 6g. Copy the sent exchange into the exchange window.
; 6h. Ask for fills with <alt-F1> through <alt-F5>.
; 6j. Hit <CR> to send TU and log QSO. Now in CQ mode.
; 6k. If hand-CW sent, hit <ctrl-\> to silently log QSO. Now in CQ mode.
; Now it's his frequency, so spin your dial.
my call = MYCALL
my name = MYNAME
my state = MYQTH
contest = sprint
hour offset = MYTIME ; 4=AST/EDT 5=EST/CDT 6=CST/MDT 7=MST/PDT 8=PST
display mode = color
keyer output port = parallel 1
paddle port = 1 ; omit for use with external keyer
curtis keyer mode = a ; omit for use with external keyer
simulator enable = false
mode = cw
multiple modes = false
possible calls = true ; "super check partial"
name memory disable = false ; set TRUE in Internet SprINT
exchange memory enable = true ; set FALSE in Internet SprINT
say hi enable = true ; set FALSE in Internet SprINT
visible dupesheet = true ; set FALSE in Internet SprINT
auto dupe enable = true ; set FALSE in Internet SprINT
sprint qsy rule = true ; auto change from S&P to CQ mode
de enable = false ; S&P <F1> sends CALL not DE CALL
s&p exchange = tu @^ #^ MYNAME^ MYQTH^ \
repeat s&p exchange = #^ MYNAME^ MYQTH
cq exchange = _\^ #^ MYNAME^ MYQTH
cq exchange name known = _hi %\^ #^ MYNAME^ MYQTH
qsl message = tu
quick qsl message = r
call ok now message = } ok
qso before message = _sri dupe 73^ \ na
tail end message = r
; Note: The <ctrl-S> chars temporarily slow the sent CW. Not sure why it
; takes two, it just seems to work that way.
cq memory f1 = \
cq memory f2 = #-1^ MYNAME^ MYQTH ; if you sent ur info with <CR>,
cq memory f3 = #-1^ #-1 ; u are now in CQ mode & fills must
cq memory f4 = MYNAME^ MYNAME ; come from 1st editable QSO
cq memory f5 = MYQTH^ MYQTH
cq memory f6 = tu
cq memory f7 = \ na
cq memory f8 = cq^na \ \ na
cq memory f9 = @^ sri dupe 73^ \ na
cq menu = F1=\ F2=ex F3=nr F4=nm F5=qth F6=tu/IE F7=\NA/? F8=cq F9=dupe F10=kbd/cfm
; ex menu busted so try making all buttons do same/similar thing in CQ & EX
; <alt-F1> thru <alt-F5> ask for info sent by F1 thru F5
ex memory f3 = #^ #
ex memory f4 = MYNAME^ MYNAME
ex memory f5 = MYQTH^ MYQTH
ex memory f6 = tu
ex memory f7 = \ na
ex memory f8 = cq^na \ \ na
ex memory f9 = sri dupe 73^ \ na
cq memory altf1 = cl?
cq memory altf2 = agn?
cq memory altf3 = nr?
cq memory altf4 = name?
cq memory altf5 = qth?
cq memory altf6 = i^e
cq memory altf7 = ?
cq memory altf8 = qrl?
cq memory altf9 = \^ b4?
cq memory altf10 = ur cl )?
ex memory altf1 = ur cl?
ex memory altf2 = sri agn?
ex memory altf3 = nr?
ex memory altf4 = name?
ex memory altf5 = qth?
ex memory altf6 = i^e
ex memory altf7 = ?
ex memory altf8 = qrl?
ex memory altf9 = @^ b4?
ex memory altf10 = ur cl^ @?
>From k3lr <k3lr at telerama.lm.com> Fri Feb 4 05:00:38 1994
From: k3lr <k3lr at telerama.lm.com> (k3lr)
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 1994 00:00:38 -0500
Subject: NA CTY Files
Message-ID: <199402040500.AAA24721 at telerama.lm.com>
Sorry, CT CTY files will not work with NA. Send an SASE to LTA for
the latest NA CTY files.
Tim K3LR
K3LR at telerama.lm.com
>From k3lr <k3lr at telerama.lm.com> Fri Feb 4 05:11:28 1994
From: k3lr <k3lr at telerama.lm.com> (k3lr)
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 1994 00:11:28 -0500
Subject: Dayton Contest Dinner
Message-ID: <199402040511.AAA25236 at telerama.lm.com>
Sponsered by the North Coast Contesters
Frankford Radio Club
Yankee Clipper Contest Club
Mad River Radio Club
DATE: Saturday April 30, 1994
TIME: Dinner - 6:30 PM prompt (bar opens at 5:30)
Location: Stoffer Center Plaza Hotel
Stouffer Center Plaza Hotel
Fifth and Jefferson Streets
Dayton, Ohio
Van Cleve Ballroom
Menu: House Salad, Potato and vegetables, rolls, Grilled skinless
chicken breast, New York style cheese cake
Cost: $25.00 per person (SEATING IS LIMITED TO 300 max.)
Send Checks to: North Coast Contesters - Dayton Dinner
P.O. Box 59
New Bedford, PA 16140
Please include SASE with your check
Reservation deadline is April 10, 1994. Sorry no refunds
Reservations are first come first served, so mail early.
Great prizes, CQ Hall of Fame and more.
Tim K3LR
Pass the word to your clubs and friends. Please get this info in your
club newsletters.
K3LR at telerama.lm.com
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