Broken TS-930-S

ka9fox at ka9fox at
Thu Feb 17 18:14:00 EST 1994

Sorry for the bandwidth on a not-so-contest-related subject, but I need some
help from my friends here on the reflector...

My trusty (and filter-loaded) TS-930-S has an erratic power output problem,
sometimes only putting out 40w.  I got my extra license by studying the
question pool, so suggested fixes probably won't help me.  Since so many
contesters use the TS-930, I thought one of you could suggest somebody that
could service my rig (short of going broke by sending it to Kenwood).

Reply DIRECTLY TO ME at KA9FOX at AOL.COM.  Thank you for your help!

73 Scott KA9FOX at AOL.COM
(will be at W0AIH for DX CW and at K3LR for DX SSB)

>From scott at f6.n143.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Scott Lieberman)  Sun Feb 13 23:33:16 1994
From: scott at f6.n143.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Scott Lieberman) (Scott Lieberman)
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 94 15:33:16 PST
Subject: Joe Walsh Alert!
Message-ID: <2178.2D62F9F6 at kennel.FIDONET.ORG>

The cable TV network Comedy Central has a program called "Politically Incorrect", in which they have non-political celebrities make jokes about current political events.
My TV Guide has the following listing for this week's edition...
"Panelists include Vladimir Pozner and musician Joe Walsh".
This is listed for Wednesday at 11:30pm PST- I am not sure if it is shown at 11:30pm on the East Coast, or if that means 2:30am Thursday EST.  The program is repeated several times during the week, so you might have a second chance if you miss it the first time.
This program, should, once and for all, answer the "Who is Joe Walsh?" question.

              Scott Lieberman, N1EE/6, San Jose, CA

Scott Lieberman
INTERNET: scott at f6.n143.z1.FIDONET.ORG
"The views expressed above are those of Scott Lieberman only."

>From robert penneys <penneys at>  Fri Feb 18 05:14:40 1994
From: robert penneys <penneys at> (robert penneys)
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 94 00:14:40 EST
Subject: NERDS team Sprint results!!
Message-ID: <9402180514.AA02761 at>

Finally, our team phone Sprint results.....

WA4PGM		226	45	10170
KE3Q	        200	44	 8800
K5ZD            159     43       6837
KA4RRU 		154	41	 6314
K7SV		141	42	 5922
WN3K		148	40       5920
KI4HN		120	36	 4320
NY3c		 75	29	 2175
WB2DIN		 58	26	 1508
NY3Y		 30	16        512

TOTAL			   	52478

I had a great time and worked 8 of my 9 teammates. We're just starting out....

Tnx all!!  Bob WN3K N.E.R.D.S.       FRC

>From ron.chester at (Ron Chester)  Fri Feb 18 07:36:00 1994
From: ron.chester at (Ron Chester) (Ron Chester)
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 94 23:36:00 -0800
Subject: Allowable threads
Message-ID: <6.3037.8.0C9E094E at>

Trey Garlough wrote:
                  Re:  N6TR Program Query

> This program seemslike a real gem and much easier to use than CT. But I 
  seems to work OK on COM1 .  Anyone out there have similar problems?

The response was:
         Please send followups to this thread to the N6TR mailing list, 
         n6trlog at


         --Trey, WN4KKN/6

I'm pretty new to this reflector.  I subscribed for the same reason I
subscribed to NCJ, to read ALL about contesting, which I enjoy a lot.

Computers have become a big part of contesting.  Software for logging is
therefore an important consideration in contesting.  NCJ has run many
articles reviewing logging programs.  In fact, I believe the first place I
ever heard of CT was in NCJ.  I enjoy reading about that kind of stuff. 

When I subscribed to this reflector, Trey sent me a message describing
"the general forum for amateur radio contesters... This forum is more like
the NCJ than QST".  I took that to mean that all the same subjects covered
in NCJ would be on this reflector, which is just what I wanted!

But now I have discovered that there are completely separate reflectors
for CT & N6TRlog, and discussions of these are not allowed here.  What is
the reason for that?  Both programs seem very relevant to contesting and
thus appropriate for discussion on this forum.

Is it that there was such a flood of messages about CT and N6TRlog that
people complained and separate lists had to be set up?  I don't know the
history of this.

My problem with it is that I would like to read about CT and N6TRlog some
(as I have in NCJ), but I don't know if I want to subscribe to two new
lists just for that purpose.  And with them excluded, is it still a
general forum for contesters?

I only get 10-20 messages a day from this reflector.  So I wouldn't mind
there being more.  Some of the Rime and Usenet conferences have 100-200
new messages a day.  With my off-line reader I can quickly select what I
want to read about.

I guess if the CT messages got super technical, with message after message
reporting various bugs and fixes, well maybe that's better kept separate. 
Was that the reason the replies were to be routed elsewhere?

Could someone more generally discuss the pros and cons of CT vs N6TRlog
here?  Would that be OK?  Or tips on how to use one or the other or both? 
Or news about new CT releases now available.  (Just examples, I'm not
asking to start such discussions).

And if this is not permitted, would it be OK to write in about NA (or does
it have it's own reflector also).

Perhaps someone could clarify the rules about what's permitted and what


 ~ MR/2 1.52 NR ~ Anyone with a clear conscience has a foggy memory.

>From Stanley J. Schretter <schret at>  Fri Feb 18 12:24:28 1994
From: Stanley J. Schretter <schret at> (Stanley J. Schretter <schret at>)
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 94 07:24:28 -0500
Subject: Allowable Threads
Message-ID: <9402181225.AA15789 at >

First on a technical note:  Ron it is real easy to get that mail list up to
100+ on the Internet.. Just subscribe to multiple reflectors or listservers.
Since they all come to your same mail address (unlike forums, etc on BBS), the mail
builds up quickly.
First I want to thank Trey for providing the information on the N6TR
connection.  I do not, however, have any evidence that they are alive,
comatose maybe, but not up and kicking.  The only response I have gotten are
reflections of my own messages! That's surely not a viable place to have
I agree that computer programs are an integral part of contesting. I felt
that two days before a big DX "CONTEST" with not-fully functioning software,
it was more than appropriate to ask the question re: the software.
It still is not functioning and the CONTEST (I'll use the C work if it
is rerquired on the reflector) is tonite.  I operate contests to have fun,
work some new countries, states, etc, give the real competitors some points,
etc. The software is what makes the difference - it makes the operation fun
vs. a concentration of recordkeeping! For small pistols like me, the  dx
packet cluster also adds some fun, possible adding a country or two to our
list.I will just ahve to use a separate program to monitor the packet.
Good hunting to all in this weekends contest!!
Stan  W4MFZ

>From AGDM25A at (MR KEVEN J DROST)  Fri Feb 18 13:52:31 1994
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 08:52:31 EST
Subject: ?-RST 599-?
Message-ID: <013.00355174.AGDM25A at>

As we approach this weekend's ARRL DX contest may I once again make my plea
for REALISTIC RST signal reports?

Many DX stations - especially the precious QRP ops - appreciate a realistic
RST report to judge their station setups.  Band condx will likely be
marginal ... so please extend them this courtesey.  If 10M is so poor you
only work a dozen Europeans ... its silly to give them a 599!

I know you Big-Guns will be too busy trying to climb over each other to
take the time, but for the rest of us East of the Appliciation Mountians, I
ask to try and attempt this simple courtesey.

The CT and NA logging programs automatically log all QSO as "599 SENT".
There are a couple ways around this problem...

    * Keep a seperate handwritten list of "other than 599 reports"
      Its not that hard ... just wrtie em on scratch pad.

    * Use the "notepad" [alt-n] function of CT to "note the reports".

Then post-contest use your notes to edit the ARRL.log file, which by ARRL
contest rules must contain the sent report.

It seems like a lotta work, but its not.  Especially when the band is slow.
If everyone would only hand out a dozen realistic reports this weekend, I
would consider it a "moral victory"!

Thank you for considering this important aspect of the ARRL DX CONTEST.

I'll be in the test this weekend .. operating multi-single from K8LX....
other ops will be Steve, K8LX and Joe, N8EA....

equipmnent: YASEAU FT1000 - run  station
            YASEAU FT890  - mult station
            (2) 386SX computers netwoked with DRSI packet card
                -and- W9XT interface cards.

It'll be a "casual"  multi-single  effort

73 Kevin ... WA8ZDT

>From lvn at (Larry Novak)  Fri Feb 18 16:46:50 1994
From: lvn at (Larry Novak) (Larry Novak)
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 94 11:46:50 EST
Subject: Realistic Signal Reports
Message-ID: <9402181646.AA02910 at>

>	Reply-To: AGDM25A at (MR KEVEN J DROST)

>	As we approach this weekend's ARRL DX contest may I once again make my plea
>	for REALISTIC RST signal reports? ...

Keven - 

There are other reasons why it would be inconvenient to send realistic

 - Most contesters expect a 599 and would be thrown off their rhythm if
   you send them realistic reports. They would have to override the
   automatic 599 logged by their program. QRPer's might love you but 99%
   of your contacts would hate you.
 - The sender also has to override the automatic 599 sent by his
   program. In addition to remembering to log it, you have to go out of
   your way to send it.
If you want a real signal report, you can ask for it outside of the
"formal QSO". I have had people do this and generally don't mind. Maybe
we need a special code for this (e.g., "TU SIG?"). Then I can reach over
to my paddle and send "569 TU" before hitting the key to call CQ again.

I understand your frustration - after someone asks you to repeat your
call three times it seems kind of silly to get a 599, but rhythm is the
key to high rates.

See you on the bands.

599 MD
Larry,  K3TLX

>From howie cahn <howi at>  Fri Feb 18 18:58:30 1994
From: howie cahn <howi at> (howie cahn)
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 13:58:30 -0500 (EST)
Subject: ?-RST 599-?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9402181342.A15844-0100000 at>

On Fri, 18 Feb 1994, MR KEVEN J DROST wrote:

> As we approach this weekend's ARRL DX contest may I once again make my plea
> for REALISTIC RST signal reports?
> Many DX stations - especially the precious QRP ops - appreciate a realistic
> RST report to judge their station setups.  Band condx will likely be
> marginal ... so please extend them this courtesey.  If 10M is so poor you
> only work a dozen Europeans ... its silly to give them a 599!

You gotta be kidding...

howie, wb2cpu/qrp 

>From robert penneys <penneys at>  Fri Feb 18 19:12:51 1994
From: robert penneys <penneys at> (robert penneys)
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 94 14:12:51 EST
Subject: GO FRC!!!!!!!!!
Message-ID: <9402181912.AA04316 at>

Good luck to all in test... I have to go out of town in middle of it and six
other things, wha\\\q~klf
but will CU.

GO FRC!!!!!!!!!!  Bob WN3K

>From oo7 at (Derek Wills)  Fri Feb 18 19:40:13 1994
From: oo7 at (Derek Wills) (Derek Wills)
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 94 13:40:13 CST
Subject: ?-RST 599-?
Message-ID: <9402181940.AA04370 at>

	> As we approach this weekend's ARRL DX contest may I once again 
        > make my plea for REALISTIC RST signal reports?

Yes, the ideal contest exchange is "GE OM, mni tnx fer call.  Ur RST
is 559 to 579 with some QSB and slight QRM from contest activity.
Name here is Wilberforce - Wilberforce - Wilberforce and qth is 25 miles
south of Los Angeles.  Hope to cuagn soon es tnx contest qso, qsl vy sure
via buro, 73, dit dit".   Other competitors will really appreciate this.

Look, if the other guy hears you immediately, you're loud.  If he takes
a few tries to get your call you're marginal.  If he calls CQ again,
you are too weak.   Call those 599, 569 and 229 if you like.

I've occasionally given 559 to some expedition as a way of telling them
that they are weak, but I'm sure they have 599 in their log before they
even put my call in.   

Sorry, them's the fax.  Yes, it's silly, but the name of the game is to
make as many QSOs as you can, and you only confuse people if you depart
from the game rules.

Derek aa5bt

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