ARRL DX CW comments de WQ5L

Ray Rocker rrrocker at
Tue Feb 22 01:32:06 EST 1994

Ahhh...this is embarrassing but what the hey. Here's my numbers.

High power (400 W)
One low wire antenna (I mean LOW)
Hours operated: 11.5

Band   QSOs  Mults   Mults by continent
----   ----  -----   ------------------
10m    19    12       7 NA,  4 SA,  0 EU,  0 AF,  0 AS,  1 OC
15m    76    38      12 NA,  6 SA, 17 EU,  2 AF,  0 AS,  1 OC
20m    60    35      14 NA,  7 SA,  9 EU,  2 AF,  2 AS,  1 OC
40m    95    43      11 NA,  9 SA, 18 EU,  1 AF,  1 AS,  3 OC
80m    19    14       8 NA,  1 SA,  4 EU,  1 AF,  0 AS,  0 OC
TOTAL 269 x 142  == 114,594

Random musings:

My first time to break 100k. Look out world!!! *cough cough*
I didn't call CQ once. All S&P. Just havin' fun :)
I got one (1) non-599 signal report. Thank you DL0SRB.
Where were KL7 and KH6 hiding?
That 6D2X score: *WOW*
How about NP4Z or P49V scores? I got them (and 6D2X) on 5 bands.


I didn't think it was so bad, at least here in the deep South...
10 was par for this point in the sunspot cycle: no EU or JA but strong
Latin America and Pacific.
15 to Europe was quite good I thought! Quite a few honest 5x9 signals.
Good opening to South Africa on Sunday. JA was too weak for me to work.
20 was great to OH and northern UA1 right at the start. The rest of the time
was pretty boring. I slept late both mornings though.
40 was better than usual I'd say. Strong Europe and Pacific, and even the
big gun JAs were hitting S5 on my meter around 0900Z. That *is* rare.
80, 160: yuck! Static from hell. Period.


The one needed DXCC counter I heard, 7P8EZ, couldn't hear me! *sniff*
I don't know if its the logging programs or what, but folks had trouble
believing WQ5L is in AL. They either copy WQ4L & AL, or WQ5L & AR. 


-- ray // WQ5(not 4)L
   rrrocker at

>From Peter Reed <P.L.Reed at>  Tue Feb 22 11:37:10 1994
From: Peter Reed <P.L.Reed at> (Peter Reed)
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 1994 11:37:10 GMT
Subject: ARRL Score
Message-ID: <28702.199402221137 at solx1>

    Preliminary Score (Multi-Single)
    GB5DX (op's VE5ZX & NZ1W)
    	Band	QSOs	States
    	160	10	5
    	80	185	28
    	40	526	45
 	20	645	49
    	15	681	46
    	10	0	0
    Total: 2047 Q's x 173 S's = 1.062 M points
    It is a vastly different contest working from G than VE5. There
    actually is DX on 80m's.
  			*** Dr. J. Sylvan Katz *** 
   Science Policy Research Unit, Mantell Building, University of Sussex,
                 Falmer, Brighton, East Sussex, UK  BN1 9RF
                   Tel: (273) 686758   Fax: (273) 685865
                               VE5ZX & G0TZX

>From STEVE BJARNASON <sbjarnas at>  Tue Feb 22 12:41:22 1994
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 1994 07:41:22 -0500 (EST)
Subject: NOMAIL
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9402220744.A601-0100000 at>


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