nv6o arrl cw m/s

Tue Feb 22 11:18:55 EST 1994

                   ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST 1994

      Call: NV6O                     Country:  United States
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Single


      160        1        3   3.0        1
       80       97      288   3.0       25
       40      389     1167   3.0       60
       20      196      588   3.0       59
       15      286      858   3.0       54
       10       57      171   3.0       22

     Totals   1026     3075   3.0      221  =   679,575

Operator List: K6ANP, KM6AS, NV6O, KJ6TC at top of tower with tools

Equipment Description:Same old stuff.  765, Titan, 5el10, 4el15, 4el20
                      1el40, vee on 80.
                      Lightning assisted rotor control.

Club Affiliation: River City Contesters

Wondered why bands sounded real dead at about 1900z Sunday.Noticed that
40m swr was not the usual KLM 2:1, but worse.
Rotator control failed and turned a few too many times.
Let's see 25000 lb-inches divided by 6 into ......Burst RG-8 x 3.

Gave up at that point.  Tried to fix rotor, but........old technology.

43 hours.  Horrible rain static on 160.

Now I know what to do with no-code advanced class club members.
"Tell me when the antenna points to the green house....."

>From Ed Gilbert <eyg at hpnjlc.njd.hp.com>  Tue Feb 22 19:43:43 1994
From: Ed Gilbert <eyg at hpnjlc.njd.hp.com> (Ed Gilbert)
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 1994 14:43:43 -0500
Subject: 10 minute rule
Message-ID: <9402221947.AA02355 at hp.com>

ad1c wrote:

> 5.  Isn't it time we did away with the 10 minute rule?  Or made ARRL
>     M/S work the same way as CQWW M/S (separate multiplier station).

I disagree.  The "S" in M/S stands for "single transmitter".
There is nothing "single transmitter" at all about the CQWW
version, where you need to have 2, 3, or 4 operating positions,
each with separate rigs, antennas/bandpass filters, and networked
computers, to be competetive.  This may be fun for those that
have enough equipment and operators to do it, but it's much
closer to a M/M.  I like the arrl definition of M/S, which allows
2 or 3 operators to keep one rig on the air for the whole contest
without requiring a M/M station setup.  


Ed Gilbert, WA2SRQ

>From Peter Hardie <hardie at herald.usask.ca>  Tue Feb 22 19:49:55 1994
From: Peter Hardie <hardie at herald.usask.ca> (Peter Hardie)
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 1994 13:49:55 -0600 (CST)
Subject: where does the black hole begin?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.88.9402221301.B28059-0100000 at herald.usask.ca>

>  I don't think Texas is in the "hole" either, but I know for sure there ain't
>  no part of W2 in it.
>  Where does "the black hole" begin and end?
I don't know the answer to that but I'd say that I'm smack bang in the 
middle of it!
ve5va.qrp at usask.ca

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