NsomethingO sprINT

Wed Jan 5 14:50:20 EST 1994

     Call used: NV6O                                           Location: CA

     Exchanged Information: NV6O nr (variable name) CA

     Hours of Operation: 01:57

     band      QSOs     points
      80          0          0
      40         37         37
      20         79         79
     TOTAL      116        116                       =  116

"See you later, dear - We're going to the Mall"
(Raiders first and ten on the thirty - four: 2100Z)
Think I'll take a small nap before I set up the computer and drag
the two coax lines through the window.
(Raiders half time report brought to you by.............:2230Z)
Why is my brain in a fog? A nice snooze like that?.....
Lets see, what did I put in the keyer memories last time?
Why did the 40M dipole resonant frequency move up to 7123?
I guess it's ok to leave the stack pointed at VP5.
I hope the Toshiba clock is still ok.
BANG -------WA2SRQ DE N(??)O  (2303Z)

OK, so I had a 7 minute brain fade at 2345Z on 20.  That was almost as
bad as the two 4 minute black outs later on.

Thanks to all for a great two hours - I'll say it again:

10 or 11 Q's with AA5BT, six or so with my hero, N2AA; same with VE4VV.

I hope Sean Connery doesn't know that I equate oh-oh seven with OOZE.

Thanks all:

Eric NV6O (mostly)

>From MSgt Bob Smith/SCSMH <smithb at GF-WAN.af.mil>  Thu Jan  6 00:05:43 1994
From: MSgt Bob Smith/SCSMH <smithb at GF-WAN.af.mil> (MSgt Bob Smith/SCSMH)
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 94 18:05:43 CST
Subject: Commercial Access to Internet
Message-ID: <9401060005.AA04554 at GF-WAN.af.mil>

Several months ago, there were some postings about cheap
commercial internet access.  MCI mail comes to mind.  There
may be others.  Anyway, I am researching access procedures
for WB0O.  He is thirty something miles north of Rugby
North Dakota.  This is remote, so don't really know what he
has available locally.  

BTW, he was telling me about his 80M 4 square with 90' 
rohn 20 verticals.  Still can't hear Europe very well.
But he is on the BHCC team for NAQP!

Respond to me directly, smithb at gf-wan.af.mil.

See ya this weekend,  73 de bob nd1h

>From bhorn at netcom.com (Bruce Horn)  Thu Jan  6 02:45:49 1994
From: bhorn at netcom.com (Bruce Horn) (Bruce Horn)
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 1994 18:45:49 -0800
Subject: ARRL DX Top 5 Corrections
Message-ID: <199401060245.SAA06907 at mail.netcom.com>

As several pointed out, the ARRL DX contest results are for 1993,
not 1992. Also K4VX is actually K4VX/0. Therefore:



  Simulated Zone 4 Top 5
    K4VX/0    5,710,944
    K8CC      5,037,210
    AA6TT/0   5,018,436
    W0AIH     3,200,496
    (that's all)

  Simulated Zone 5 Top 5
    W3LPL     8,792,388
    K1RX      7,661,262
    KY1H      4,628,286
    N2RM      4,252,288
    KY3N      3,226,392

That's all folks.

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM

>From D. Leeson" <0005543629 at mcimail.com  Thu Jan  6 02:27:00 1994
From: D. Leeson" <0005543629 at mcimail.com (D. Leeson)
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 94 21:27 EST
Subject: Dave
Message-ID: <00940106022700/0005543629NA3EM at mcimail.com>

Hey, I know the rules, but I found that, if you enter late and tune around
a bunch, you end up getting your name right back...I think I got my own name
back in 3 or 4 of the 9 Q's I made to be sure I had got my antennas back
together ok (lightning smoked the switch-box, made a quarter-size hole in
the circuit board).  Felt I had to defend the honor of Daves, Inc.!

73 de Dave, W6QHS

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