WAE SSB 93 Top USA/VE Scores

ka9fox at aol.com ka9fox at aol.com
Fri Jan 14 13:12:55 EST 1994

I inquired about, and received from DF4RD a listing of the top scores in the
'93 WAE SSB and thought I'd share the top USA/VE scores with you all:

39th European DX Contest (WAEDC) SSB 1993

Number groups after call: score-QSOs-QTCs-multipliers

Top 20 Single Operator USA/VE
AK1A      1278706 1779 1640 374    
K2TW       835710 1357 1313 313
AA1AA      647280 1044 1044 310    
K3WW       474249  821  820 289
N4UH       308549  668  623 239    
KE2VB      282862  607  607 233
K2PS       248920  638  632 196
N6AR       205972  444  440 233    
NG9J       179344  511  508 176    
KA1DWX     130746  288  278 231    

NN3Q       125442  311  310 202    
WE6G       114345  349  344 165
W2UP       113937  351  348 163
WS1M        96240  405  397 120
W8KKF       77220  298  296 130
WZ8A        63045  235  232 135
KA5W        52393  218  215 121
K5ZD        51802  239  200 118
KB0C        50799  207  206 123
VE3VID      34977  202  191  89

Top 10 Multi-Single Non-Europe

P39C      2141820 2279 2101 489
EA9LZ     1917468 2188 2160 441
ZW5B      1723953 1985 1942 439
KC1XX     1582420 1866 1690 445
C40R      1392110 1915 1899 365

UX9C       830256 1176 1176 353
LU1FC      427460  800  795 268
N1AU       356286  750  747 238
N3BNA      345912  752  739 232
P40ST      324940  796  744 211

Complete results with detailed top scores, scores by countries, contest
comments and pictures will  be  published in the March  issue of DARC`s 
CQDL radio magazine and in the WAEDC contest booklet. 
The WAEDC contest  booklet will automatically be sent to those who have 
submitted a log in one of the 1993 contests.  If you did not send a log
in 1993 and you would like to receive the booklet, please write to:
WAEDC Contest Committee, P.O.Box 1126, D-74370 Sersheim, Germany  
Contest booklet mailing is in June, also for the certificates, plaques.

>From Jim Hollenback <jholly at hposl42.cup.hp.com>  Fri Jan 14 18:31:52 1994
From: Jim Hollenback <jholly at hposl42.cup.hp.com> (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 94 10:31:52 PST
Subject: ARRL RTTY sprint
Message-ID: <9401141831.AA14439 at hposl42.cup.hp.com>

Was anyone collecting the RTTY roundup results? any results to post?

Thanks, Jim, WA6SDM
jholly at cup.hp.com

>From jbarry at curia.ucc.ie (John Barry)  Fri Jan 14 18:50:36 1994
From: jbarry at curia.ucc.ie (John Barry) (John Barry)
Date: 14 Jan 1994 18:50:36 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: WPX awards
Message-ID: <9401141850.AA24332 at curia.ucc.ie>

Is there anyone on this reflector who is involved in
issueing awards/certificates for the WPX contests?

If not, does anyone know how I might contact someone?


de John

John Barry EI7DNB
Packet  : ei7dnb at ei7dnb.Cork.Irl
InterNet: jbarry at curia.ucc.ie

>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM  Fri Jan 14 19:27:00 1994
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 94 11:27:00 PST
Subject: NAQP
Message-ID: <2D36F270 at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>

I hope to see ya'll in the ssb portion of NAQP this weekend....should be
active about 2000 Z after son's basketball game.  Prepare for the
return of ELF  from South Carolina!

73, Tom WB4IUX

>From rklein at lobo.rmh.pr1.k12.co.us (Ronald D. Klein)  Fri Jan 14 19:18:06 1994
From: rklein at lobo.rmh.pr1.k12.co.us (Ronald D. Klein) (Ronald D. Klein)
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 94 12:18:06 MST
Subject: NA country file?
Message-ID: <9401141918.AA12210 at lobo.rmh.pr1.k12.co.us>

Could somebody point me to a source of an updated country file for use with 
CT? Mode internet connection dies for the weekend in 45 minuts (1 PM MST) and 
I'd like to get it before then!

Ron - W0OSK

>From Michael Owen <MOWE%SLUMUS.bitnet at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>  Fri Jan 14 19:50:50 1994
From: Michael Owen <MOWE%SLUMUS.bitnet at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> (Michael Owen)
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 94 14:50:50 EST
Subject: Texas Hwy. 290?
Message-ID: <14JAN94.16035281.0018.MUSIC at SLUMUS>

I was in Texas during the past week and did some travelling between
Austin and Houston.  Along the way I glimpsed on the horizon the most
astonishing antenna farm that I have ever seen.  At 55 mph (well...), I
couldn't count 'em very well but it looked like 8 or 10 towers.  They
were on the north side of '290, maybe 10 miles away.  I'm just curious -
whose were they?  Thanks- Mike Owen W9IP

Michael R. Owen, Ph.D.                        a.k.a.: W9IP
Department of Geology                         Northern Lights Software
St. Lawrence University                       Star Route, Box 60
Canton, NY  13617                             Canton, NY  13617
(315) 379-5975             -  voice  -        (315) 379-0161 (6-9pm)
e-mail: MOWE at SLUMUS            FAX   -        (315) 379-5804

>From Jim Hollenback <jholly at hposl42.cup.hp.com>  Fri Jan 14 20:31:05 1994
From: Jim Hollenback <jholly at hposl42.cup.hp.com> (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 94 12:31:05 PST
Subject: RTTY scores
Message-ID: <9401142031.AA17276 at hposl42.cup.hp.com>

Is someone collecting ARRL RTTY roundup scores? Do you have any to post?
jholly at cup.hp.com

>From jayt at comtch.iea.com (Jay Townsend)  Fri Jan 14 23:44:37 1994
From: jayt at comtch.iea.com (Jay Townsend) (Jay Townsend)
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 1994 15:44:37 -0800 (PST)
Subject: ARRL RTTY Roundup (fwd)
Message-ID: <m0pKyBx-0005rZC at comtch.iea.com>

Forwarded message:

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