Field Day
Steven.M.London at
Steven.M.London at
Fri Jul 1 09:06:00 EDT 1994
I can't believe all the complaining about poor operating in FD. I pride
myself in setting a good example. Unfortunately, the "last 2 letters"
masses listen to the DX nets every day, and only hear good examples of
contesting a few weekends each year. Just remember, this June's FD QSO
could be your November SS QSO. It doesn't pay to treat them with disrespect.
On the other hand, nothing is more frustrating than the hundreds of KB8's and
KD4's that call me in CQWW SSB. Not only do they waste my time with zero
point QSO's, but they cost me QSO's in the DX target zone I am aiming at, due
to their weak signals.
While they are telling me their call 3 times, and asking what the exchange
is, the DX stations who are in hunt-and-pounce mode don't even know I
am there, and tune right on by (or worse, start calling CQ on my run freq !).
At least the FD lids are worth 2 points !
Yes, there were a lot of name-brand contesters running 1D. I suspect it
has something to do with FD burn out. After you have won 4A with stacked
monobanders, or done 15A with KW's, it's hard to maintain the enthusiasm.
My own FD was great fun this year. Didn't take more than a few hours of
planning - everyone understood what they were suppose to bring and do.
1A from 8500 feet (where it was only 85
degrees, instead of 100 degrees), a 3 element tribander at 30 feet, some
wires at 55 feet, and 4 good operators (2 of whom adamantly refuse to be called
"contesters") added up to about 650 CW and 1400 SSB (and yes, FM) QSO's for
about 6500 points. We had 15 hours of sporadic-E on 15 and 10 meters, which
accounted for the bulk of our SSB QSO's. By the way, contrary to what Honda
may advertise, a 650 watt Honda generator cannot handle a 450 watt TS-940S.
The AC voltage dropped from 125 to 105 volts under load, causing the TS-940S
PLL's to unlock. BTW, an Icom 765 handled 105 volts AC without complaining.
A quick trip to the local rental store on Saturday AM solved the problem.
Steve, N2IC/0
n2ic at
>From Axel Karl <axelkarl at> Fri Jul 1 14:42:38 1994
From: Axel Karl <axelkarl at> (Axel Karl)
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 1994 15:42:38 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: unsubscribe
Message-ID: <199407011342.PAA00953 at>
>From David Robbins KY1H 413-494-6955(w) 413-655-2714(h) Robbins at GUID2.DNET.GE.COM <robbins at> Fri Jul 1 15:19:58 1994
From: David Robbins KY1H 413-494-6955(w) 413-655-2714(h) Robbins at GUID2.DNET.GE.COM <robbins at> (w h w h)
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 94 10:19:58 EDT
Subject: Station Available
Message-ID: <9407011414.AA09705 at>
My station is available for many of the summer and early fall contests.
So far it is taken for the IARU test, and NAQP CW, but is available for
WAE and any other contests over the summer up to the CQWW SSB weekend when
we do M/M. Some weekends may not have all the antennas available depending
on when the work gets planned, but there should be enough of them available
most of the time to keep anyone busy.
Right now i have plenty of radios, amps, computers, dvp's, and aluminum for
just about any kind of operation you would like to do. If you are interested
in coming and operating for any of the summer contests drop me a line.
73, dave ky1h robbins at
>From David Robbins KY1H 413-494-6955(w) 413-655-2714(h) Robbins at GUID2.DNET.GE.COM <robbins at> Fri Jul 1 15:22:21 1994
From: David Robbins KY1H 413-494-6955(w) 413-655-2714(h) Robbins at GUID2.DNET.GE.COM <robbins at> (w h w h)
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 94 10:22:21 EDT
Subject: antenna model software
Message-ID: <9407011420.AA10050 at>
do any of the current antenna model programs handle loaded elements?
am looking in particular to model the cushcraft 40m short elements. I can
do it with my old version of mininec, but would like something that does
optimisations and frequency sweeps.
73 dave ky1h robbins at
>From Joel B Levin <levin at BBN.COM> Fri Jul 1 15:08:25 1994
From: Joel B Levin <levin at BBN.COM> (Joel B Levin)
Date: Fri, 01 Jul 94 10:08:25 -0400
Subject: slow FD ops
Message-ID: <17534.773071705 at>
|Yeah, this zero-beating thing is one of my pet peeves about any CW
|contest. . . . On the
|other hand, JA's almost NEVER call off frequency...that's why it's so hard
|to pick one out of a pile...they're all on the same frequency, yours!
That's why if I'm can't bust through a pile-up (where I know the guy
isn't working split) I'll start shifting my frequency a hundred
hertz either way, hoping it will make it easier for the op to pick
me out.
>From mraz at (Kris I. Mraz) Fri Jul 1 15:26:50 1994
From: mraz at (Kris I. Mraz) (Kris I. Mraz)
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 94 09:26:50 CDT
Subject: Canada Day
Message-ID: <9407011426.AA13086 at>
Curious how many Canadian stations in the contest stayed below 14150!
Kris AA5UO
mraz at
>From MAVES.AWS at (Maves, Capt Brian) Fri Jul 1 10:18:00 1994
From: MAVES.AWS at (Maves, Capt Brian) (Maves, Capt Brian)
Date: Fri, 01 Jul 94 09:18
Subject: PED Source?
Message-ID: <199407011426.JAA09942 at>
I've got the latest version of VPED thanks to a past reflector posting.
Now I'm looking for the latest version of PED. Can anyone send me a
copy or the info on how to get it over the Internet. I'm sure it's been
posted here before, but not since I subscribed.
Thanks in advance, Brian
NB9T "deep in the hole"
maves at
>From laurence at (Laurence Mason) Fri Jul 1 17:05:06 1994
From: laurence at (Laurence Mason) (Laurence Mason)
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 94 16:05:06 BST
Subject: Efficiency
Message-ID: <9407011505.AA08653 at>
For the last few days there has been a lot of traffic discussing the
efficiency of exchanges and the skill of operators etc in FD. These
messages have been interjected with various requests of HELP,
UNSUBSCRIBE etc, etc which should be sent to the robot and not the
Exchanges are also increased in size by the large banners placed at the
end of some e-mails giving job title, company, disclaimer, phone
numbers, names of maiden aunts etc etc.
I personally don't have a major problem with this but it has just been
crossing my mind how everyone who complains about general operating
ability etc would react if they were called in this general style in a
Called by non points stations?
Given superfluous data in exchanges?
Perhaps we need elmers for e-mail usage and we could all become slick
e-mail operators as well.
Yours, mostly in jest,
Laurence G4HTD
laurence at
p.s. this weekend is European VHF/UHF FD and so far the
weather is sunny in the South of England - will it last??
>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> Fri Jul 1 16:22:20 1994
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 1994 08:22:20 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: help!
Message-ID: <773076140.216841.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>
> This says that -when sending a message or reply to the entire list of reflector
> subscribers- I cannot include those subscribers who also use MCImail, unless
> I send the message or reply to them separately, via MCImail.
> This seems totally absurd to me! Has anyone out there encountered and solved
> this problem?
MCImail let's you receive messages for free and charges you when you send
them. They also let you set up internal refelctors and so forth for a
price, and this is a bonanza for them because get to charge you $0.50
for every person you want to send a message to, rather than $0.50 for
the one message that you are originating.
Sending email to CQ-Contest (or any mailing list) is very annoying
to them because you get charged $0.50, rather than $15.00 to send
your message to the other 30 MCImail subscribers on the list. As a
result, they are doing some filtration on the traffic in and out of
their Internet gateway to frustrate this situation.
I had gotten the impression from a bunch of the MCImail users at
Dayton that MCImail had relented and wasn't doing this anymore, but
perhaps I misunderstood.
It appears MCImail has gone to some effort with this stuff, becuase
I am not aware of any commercial email package vendor that offers
such a hack.
>From DAVE CASE - KA1NCN <CASEDA at ECSUC.CTSTATEU.EDU> Fri Jul 1 16:43:03 1994
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 1994 11:43:03 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: caseda pocock broomfield sumnerl
Message-ID: <940701114303.2020ead6 at ECSUC.CTSTATEU.EDU>
Here is my the score for WE1Y 3A Connecticut.
I, KA1NCN, made all the QSOs on 20SSB with a 3el monomader at about 20
feet. Because the 50 foot tower was being used for VHF. W1ODY made all
the 20 and 40 CW QSOs.
Most of my comments about my | CW # PHONE |
now-ex-club would be too vulger |-------------------#-------------------|
to go out over, but | QSOs |PWR OUT# QSOs |PWR OUT|
the few people who were not |---|-------|-------#---|-------|-------|
complaining about the contesters |160| | #160| 12 | 100 |
number of QSOs. I am looking |---|-------|-------#---|-------|-------|
for a club in the Annandale-on- | 80| 130 | 100 # 80| 116 | 100 |
Hudson, NY area which would be |---|-------|-------#---|-------|-------|
interested in contesting and DXing | 40| 712 | 100 # 40| 229 | 100 |
and is a pleasant bunch of people |---|-------|-------#---|-------|-------|
who respects each other for their | 20| 76 | 100 # 20| 1014 | 100 |
appropriate talents. |---|-------|-------#---|-------|-------|
(tomorrow I am leaving on non-HR | 15| | # 15| 118 | 100 |
business for two weeks, than |---|-------|-------#---|-------|-------|
I will pop up as FP/KA1NCN, | 6| | # 6| 130 | 50 |
then I will be going to KH6 |---|-------|-------#---|-------|-------|
on Maui and the big island of | 2| | # 2| 16 | 45 |
Hawaii (does anyone know any |---|-------|-------#---|-------|-------|
contesters on those two islands | OTHERS # OTHERS |
who would like to meet.) On Aug 6th |___________________#___________________|
my internet address will probably | 2M| 10 | 35 # | | |
change, so send mail to my forwarding|PACKET | # | | |
internet address |---|-------|-------#---|-------|-------|
ao351 at if you | | | # | | |
need anything chased down/political | | | # | | |
information. *---------------------------------------*
CW QSOs 928 x 2 = 1856 | | CW # 1635 | Phone |
Total | | QSOs # | QSOs |
Phone QSOs 1769 X 1 = _1915__ | |Novice # |Novice |
| 0 |CW QSOs# 280 |Ph.QSOs|
Total QSO points __3771__ | | Total # | Total |
| 928 |CW QSOs# 1915 |Ph.QSOs|
13. Total QSO points 3771___ X Power Multiplier (5W or less, X5; 150W or
less, X2; over 150W, X1) __7542_ equals Claimed Score (less
bonus points) __1000_____
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