Sealing of Coax Connectors
Wed Jul 6 23:34:42 EDT 1994
I've noticed some postings on the reflector regarding the use of tape
and Scotchcoat. Some time ago Allan K7CA and myself embarked on building a 2
meter EME array for the late W7HP. Needless to say, don't rely to much on
Scotchcoat if you live in a area of high UV exposure. The stuff rotts. Two
days of thunderstorms let in the rain after our usual 300 days of sunshine.
The net result was about 50 Type N connectors replaced along with all the
low loss feeders and phasing stubs.
CRS "STUF" made by DuPont is a good solution to many of the problems.
Take a tube of STUF and squirt some into the ends of the connectors where
they mate. Then screw them together and let it ooze. Personally I like using
properly sized heatshrink tubing along with stuff on the connector bodies
and connectors. Then liberally cover with #33 electrical tape. This STUF as
it is called helps prevent corrosion and improves the dialectric properties
of the connectors.
Regarding cables ect. I would direct bury the cables using a good grade
of non contaminating cable. A shallow trench with fine gravel in the bottom
should be adequate. Ground the cable to the base of the tower tied to ground
system and sleep at nights during electrical storms.(Helps reduce induced
73, Bob KG7D
via internet"rkile at"
>From GOOSE WD8LLD <GOOSTER at> Thu Jul 7 03:36:27 1994
Date: Wed, 06 Jul 1994 22:36:27 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <01HEEHQ4HNNM95OBCA at>
Hi all. Sorry that it took so long to get these posted but it has been
hectic here after FD.
here are the K8MR 1A FD results. (<200w PEP)
band cw ssb
160 3 0
80 276 127
40 441 307
20 293 190
15 41 0
10 0 0
6 13 79
2 10 79
pkt 19
sat 1
----- ----- -----
total 1097 782 ---------> 1879
total pts. 5910 + 800 bonus
ops: k8m
that's K8MR, KU8E, NZ4K, W8KIC, KG8DN, WD8LLD, +one other that i can not recall his call. goose, wd8lld <gooster at>
>From stevem at (Steve Maki) Thu Jul 7 04:16:02 1994
From: stevem at (Steve Maki) (Steve Maki)
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 1994 23:16:02 -0400
Subject: Hot Buttered Toast...
Message-ID: <199407070316.XAA00609 at>
Contrary to what most people believe, it is possible (unless working on
something like a HyGain balun which apparently was designed to PREVENT
weatherproofing) to weatherproof connectors with lowly electrical tape
alone, even the cheap kind. Here are the "secrets":
1) Use lots of it. Again, use lots of it. Start an inch from the connector,
build up enough layers on the cable at the start of the connector and other
points of transition so that there isn't a sharp change in diameter anyplace.
2) Use lots of stretch, but go back over the joint with a layer of not very
stretched tape.
3) Cut, don't break the end. If it is done right, the tape will never
unravel, but to be sure, you can put a ty-wrap over the end.
Self fusing siliconized tape (such as Plysafe) works great, but is a little
difficult to remove.
After trying just about every other method, I've always come back to plain
old vinyl tape. I buy 50 rolls at a time and make it a point to use up as
much of it as I possibly can.
Steve Maki K8LX
stevem at
>From Tom Frenaye <0002349723 at> Thu Jul 7 05:35:00 1994
From: Tom Frenaye <0002349723 at> (Tom Frenaye)
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 94 23:35 EST
Subject: 205BA design?
Message-ID: <82940707043528/0002349723PK4EM at>
I have an older HyGain 205BA that needs to be moved from one tower to
another. While I have it down I'd like to optimize the design. I seem
to remember an article in NCJ (not in index), or something in one of
the antenna modeling demo programs (YO MN etc) that had the details.
Can anyone point me the right way?
Also, with the "mess" of wires coming into the radio room here I'm
looking for good ideas on how to label them. I've managed to label my
cables in a way that attracts cats (they eat the labels). Most recent
plan is some heavy duty tape and permanent marker pens - but wonder if
there are better ideas out there.
Replies direct to: 2349723 at
Thanks! Tom K1KI
PS: Has anyone tried any of the big Inverted Vee arrays described by WA2WVL in
his talk at Dayton? What's your experience with multi-element inverted Vees on
40 80 or 160?
>From Robert Penneys <penneys at> Thu Jul 7 11:54:40 1994
From: Robert Penneys <penneys at> (Robert Penneys)
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 1994 06:54:40 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Phonetics
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9407070641.A27132-0100000 at>
or Winnipesaukee Nebuchadnezzar Three Kalamazoo?
Bob Penneys, WN3K Frankford Radio Club N.E.R.D.S.
Internet: penneys at Mail: 12 E. Mill Stn. Dr., Newark, DE 19711 Work: Ham Radio Outlet (DE) 800-644-4476, 9:30-5:30 Eastern Fax: 302-322-8808
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