TS-930S (was: The perfect HF transceiver)
DEVANS at lynx.colorado.edu
DEVANS at lynx.colorado.edu
Mon Jul 11 15:28:44 EDT 1994
>Internal radiophysics.com LAN RFC 822 headers
>From evans at jupiter Mon Jul 11 08:23:14 1994
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>Date: Mon, 11 Jul 1994 08:20:42 -0600
>To: interput("in%""cq-contest at tgv.com""")
>From: evans at jupiter (D. R. Evans)
>Subject: TS-930S (was: The perfect HF transceiver)
>X-Mailer: <PC Eudora Version 1.4>
I received a large number of private responses to my query about the 930 and
computer control. Distilling the answers:
1. It would be very difficult and not worth the effort to reverse engineer
the custom chip that controls the 930s. (However, in my naivete, I still
don't quite understand why some relatively simple controller that just reads
and commands the VFO could not be built without going to great lengths.)
2. There are a LOT of 930 owners out there who are 1) very pleased with the
rig; 2) wish that it had some sort of computer control; 3) have seen nothing
that they feel to be really better than a 930, except for the computer
control issue.
(3. There are a few people who look down their noses at any rig that is not
a [fill in your own make/model here], especially if it isn't brand spanking
new. I include this information simply so that none of the resondees is left
4. Several people said something to the effect of "if you find out anything
more, let me know, because I want one".
Thanks for all the input. At least now I know that I'm not alone in liking
the 930.
73 -- Doc NQ0I
Doc Evans NQ0I/G4AMJ : devans at orion.colorado.edu
al019 at freenet.hsc.colorado.edu
>From thompsos at cuug.ab.ca (Scott Thompson 974-2215) Mon Jul 11 07:07:24 1994
From: thompsos at cuug.ab.ca (Scott Thompson 974-2215) (Scott Thompson 974-2215)
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 1994 00:07:24 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: IARU - CI6AO
Message-ID: <9407110607.AA15388 at sun>
CI6AO Alberta SSB only
op VE6MD
Band Q's Zones HQ
~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~
160 2 2 0
80 52 9 0
40 116 12 2
20 968 40 12
15 29 10 0
10 1 1 0
-- -- --
1168 74 14 345,840 Pts.
By continent - NA 77.8%, SA 2.5%, EU 9.1%, AS 8.2%, OC 2.4%, AF 0%
Arrived at the station to find the Henry 2K was toast, so used a small
500 watter. (The reason I went to that station instead of mine was for
the Henry :)) Sure could have used that Henry and better antennas in some
of the HQ pile-ups! Had to shut down for about 45 minutes at 24:00Z for
one of the better light shows I've seen in a while. Was hoping for a JA
run on 15 that unfortunately never materialized. Conditions wern't the
worst, but certainly could've been better. Thanks to those last few Q's
at 08:00Z that kept my head from hitting the keyboard :) All around, it
was a lot of fun!
73 from the "real" black hole ;)
thompsos at cuug.ab.ca
>From hhoyt at k4pql.apex.nc.us (Howard Hoyt) Mon Jul 11 13:00:32 1994
From: hhoyt at k4pql.apex.nc.us (Howard Hoyt) (Howard Hoyt)
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 94 12:00:32 GMT
Subject: IARU K4PQL S.O. CW
Message-ID: <LRPaPc1w165w at k4pql.apex.nc.us>
Conditions appeared quite good for this juncture of the sunspot
cycle. A really fun contest.
73, Howie
band CW QSOS CW pts SSB QSOS SSB pts mults
160 19 37 0 0 8
80 63 169 0 0 18
40 292 1018 0 0 38
20 872 3638 0 0 51
15 199 723 0 0 32
10 1 3 0 0 1
_____________________________________________________ SCORE
total: 1446 5588 0 0 148 = 827,024
| Howard Hoyt |
| Apex, N.C. |
>From Steve Merchant <merchant at crl.com> Mon Jul 11 06:18:26 1994
From: Steve Merchant <merchant at crl.com> (Steve Merchant)
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 1994 22:18:26 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: AG6D IARU CW Only
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9407102226.A28840-0100000 at crl2.crl.com>
1115 x 95 533K 1/1 28/6 252/27 765/43 69/18 0/0
20 was IN-credible -- more EU than 48 hrs of WPX. I used three antennas
on 20, and two each on the other bands. I'm convinced a second radio
could have contributed as many as 150-200 additional Q's over the 24 hour
period. Best dx was Z21HS on 80. N6TR was everywhere.
73, Steve N4TQO
merchant at crl.com
>From Axel Karl <axelkarl at cs.tu-berlin.de> Mon Jul 11 12:55:17 1994
From: Axel Karl <axelkarl at cs.tu-berlin.de> (Axel Karl)
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 1994 13:55:17 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Unsubscribe
Message-ID: <199407111155.NAA25410 at rinser.cs.tu-berlin.de>
# in case of false syntax, pse write back how to unsubscribe ... #
# mny tnx fer help de Axel, DD6UKB #
>From David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu Mon Jul 11 16:11:39 1994
From: David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu (David C. Patton)
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 1994 10:11:39 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: WX0X M/S IARU HF Championship
Message-ID: <199407111511.AA20916 at ecom1.ecn.bgu.edu>
WX0X Multi-operator IARU HF
160 13- 4
80 110-20
40 332-44
20 1225-62
15 114-36
10 149 9
1943-175 = 1.252 Million
>From K4VX/0.
Stn really played. 15 really stunk, but 20 was the best it could be.
Nice job by OX3/WJ2O! Hard to believe Zone 5 is so rare!!
This is fun contest. How about eliminating the ARRL DX contests, and
using this (Radiosport) format instead? Have one CW weekend and one
SS weekend. Everybody works everybody for points, and DX contacts
are worth more. The Europeans obviously love this contest too. And
there seemed to be excellent activity from JA. It is really fun to
run stateside guys when condx are poor, and it doesn't take a big
station to make lots of Qs.
Worked the low power weakness of 9V1ARU (love that call) on 40!!
Thanks James.
73, Dave Patton, WX3N
mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
>From fish at crl.com (Bill Fisher (KM9P) Concentric Systems, Inc.) Mon Jul 11 16:48:44 1994
From: fish at crl.com (Bill Fisher (KM9P) Concentric Systems, Inc.) (Bill Fisher KM9P Concentric Systems, Inc.)
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 1994 08:48:44 -0700
Subject: IARU note
Message-ID: <199407111548.AA07152 at mail.crl.com>
I was up in Tennessee doing a bike race this weekend and decided to take the
rig along and hand out a few KM9P/M QSO's. Saturday afternoon I turned on
20 meters and noticed that the receiver was getting de-sensed by a VERY
strong signal. Since I was in a strange town, I figured I must have
wondered across a local working the contest....
Wrong! W5WMU! He was on the stop of my IC-745 and I can't remember that
ever happening from home. No other signal on the band was even close!
Those must be some BIG ANTENNAS down there!
Other note: Congrats to the guys at HG94HQ. I assume this is the same
station as HG73DX. These guys always pull me out of the crud on 20 meters
when the band is barely open and I'm mobile. This is opposed to the many
stations that are louder, and that just continue to CQ. The moral of this
story is you still have to hear em to work em!
It was very interesting operating from the car. I wish I had written down
more notes from the contest. I would like to get reports from the Europeans
that operate the contest with small stations, and that can tell us who can
hear and who can't! Maybe in WAE I'll get on and work the boys /M, make
good notes, and post them to the reflector. Any of you Non-USA guys: I'm
sure all of us would be interested in these types of notes from the contest.
I loved hearing Willy's comments about 80M signals from the US last year.
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