CQP date
N0bsh at aol.com
N0bsh at aol.com
Mon Jul 18 23:40:42 EDT 1994
Man, I can't wait until CQP and Oktoberfest don't coincide for a change. But
one has to have priorities.
Beer (lots) and babes (lots) over radio any day!!!!
Mike N0BSH
n0bsh at aol.com
>From Danny Eskenazi <0005720561 at mcimail.com> Tue Jul 19 05:14:00 1994
From: Danny Eskenazi <0005720561 at mcimail.com> (Danny Eskenazi)
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 94 23:14 EST
Message-ID: <01940719041410/0005720561PK2EM at mcimail.com>
Just got back on here and read the pileup on GAS!
We have somewhat of a concensus of interested contesters reading this
reflector, and I think we represent the majority of gung-ho contesters
(? do we?). If so, how does a group like ourselves deal with the problem?
How can this reflector effectively apply peer-pressure to those few (?)
who want to take advantage of the rest, by running abusive power?
We're supposedly a self-policing hobby..yet I've never seen anyone
actively deal with power cheaters in the 35 years Ive been active!
Just a lot of HOT AIR! (there is that exception where some local novices
were enticed into pinning the coax of a famous DXer in the 60s ... hint
"last two letters only"..)
Pesonally I've lost two (and a shot at another) records just this year to
"KNOWN" power abusers. I either give up contesting for records.. or
I implore this group to come up with a good suggestion on how to deal
with these "known" bad apples.
Hey...if we as a group this large and representative...cant deal with it..
THEN NO ONE CAN. Weve got the CQ COmmittee, the CAC, the ARRL contest
committee, and major contest players from around the world..ALL ON HERE!
WHAT DO WE DO? I WANT MY HOBBY BACK ! I don't want to quit playing
just because a few bullies have shown up on the playfield.
73 Danny K7SS
>From AGDM25A at prodigy.com ( KEVIN - WA8ZDT) Tue Jul 19 14:32:08 1994
From: AGDM25A at prodigy.com ( KEVIN - WA8ZDT) ( KEVIN - WA8ZDT)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 1994 09:32:08 EDT
Subject: K7SS QRP?
Message-ID: <013.00988572.AGDM25A at prodigy.com>
What's next???? How about not appearing in any more ham radio magazine ads
with your arm propped on top of a big amplifier, chomping a cigar, and
boasting that "Life's too short for QRP"?????
>From AGDM25A at prodigy.com ( KEVIN - WA8ZDT) Tue Jul 19 14:32:20 1994
From: AGDM25A at prodigy.com ( KEVIN - WA8ZDT) ( KEVIN - WA8ZDT)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 1994 09:32:20 EDT
Message-ID: <013.00988574.AGDM25A at prodigy.com>
W0UN is correct - QRO has REALLY died over the past ten years. I'll offer
two reasons...
The 1500W OUTPUT power limit. Fifteen years ago your amplifier choices
were limited. SB200? Some whimppy sweep tube thing? or spend a fortune
on a Henry ??K Now you can buy numerous beefy 1500W commercial amps over
the counter. Today's 1500W output limit seems to be enuff for most folks.
Hey, just installing the required 220V 30AMP electrical circuit is a major
project. And who needs the TVI hassle from a trashy homebrew amp?
Parts are harder to find and more xpensive. Have you checked the price of
a new 4-1000 lately? I think its almost a kilodollar!. WOW! Remember
when a 3-1000Z was $105 bux?
Today, it would cost almost $3k to build "THE BIG BOMB" linear described in
W0SYK's 1965 magazine article. For that kind of dough, you could save the
hassle and buy a fine commercial amp with a manufacturer's warranty.
By now most of the used 4-1000's and 3-1000Z's are old and gasious. That
leaves you with purchasing new one of the modern external anode tubes.
Fine tubes but they're a fortune too! Even if you did wanna spend the $$,
most people are reluctant to plopp a thousand dollar tube into they're
homebrewed contraption and risk blowing the grid out by some kind of
unknown parasitic. In the QRO days, if you blew up a tube, you could
replace it for forty bux at the next hamfest.
>From Steve Harrison <sharriso at sysplan.com> Tue Jul 19 16:48:20 1994
From: Steve Harrison <sharriso at sysplan.com> (Steve Harrison)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 1994 11:48:20 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9407191120.A5448-0100000 at eagle>
On Mon, 18 Jul 1994, Danny Eskenazi wrote:
> WHAT DO WE DO? I WANT MY HOBBY BACK ! I don't want to quit playing
> just because a few bullies have shown up on the playfield.
Ahha, THERE'S the answer! Create a new BULLY! class! Those who do not
mark their logs as entries to this new class will, by majority consensus
of those on this Reflector (or others, for that matter), be placed there
anyway. Certain Reflector members will be appointed to intercept award
certificates and stamp BULLY! on them.
And no, I doubt that Tree will appreciate your using the name BULLY in the
Internet contest...73, Steve KO0U/4
{Backyard-Reknowned BULLY of the Anthills at the Base of my Push-Up Mast}
>From oo7 at astro.as.utexas.edu (Derek Wills) Tue Jul 19 17:01:43 1994
From: oo7 at astro.as.utexas.edu (Derek Wills) (Derek Wills)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 94 11:01:43 CDT
Subject: K7SS QRP?
Message-ID: <9407191601.AA18807 at astro.as.utexas.edu>
What's next???? How about not appearing in any more ham radio
magazine ads with your arm propped on top of a big amplifier,
chomping a cigar, and boasting that "Life's too short for QRP"????
Unkind! When he's QRP he only uses one of them, heh heh.
Derek "are there libel laws on this reflector?" AA5BT, G3NMX
oo7 at astro.as.utexas.edu
>From Peter Hardie <hardie at herald.usask.ca> Tue Jul 19 17:12:40 1994
From: Peter Hardie <hardie at herald.usask.ca> (Peter Hardie)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 1994 10:12:40 -0600 (CST)
Message-ID: <Pine.3.88.9407191051.B10728-0100000 at herald.usask.ca>
On Tue, 19 Jul 1994, KEVIN - WA8ZDT wrote:
> Today, it would cost almost $3k to build "THE BIG BOMB" linear described in
> W0SYK's 1965 magazine article. For that kind of dough, you could save the
> hassle and buy a fine commercial amp with a manufacturer's warranty.
> By now most of the used 4-1000's and 3-1000Z's are old and gasious. That
> leaves you with purchasing new one of the modern external anode tubes.
What's wrong with going solid state? I've seen some QRP rigs that use
four 2n2222s in parallel for around 2W output.
So all you gotta do is fire up about 4000 2N2222s. My calculator tells me
that even at current Radio Shack prices (15 for $3.49 Canadian plus taxes
- lots of them) that's only about $930.
Pete "Is he smiling?" Hardie
ve5va.qrp at usask.ca
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