
Wed Jul 20 12:44:43 EDT 1994

Here's a QST.  A few months ago, someone asked about the new
Watkins-Johnson HF-1000 Communications Receiver.  I just happened to
pick up the June issue of "shortwave magazine" (a UK Publication) and
was going to read it at lunch. The key feature of the receiver is that
it uses DSP in the IF at a 100kHz sampling rate converting it to 16 bits 
of the 32 bit word used by the processor. The sensitivity claimed for
CW is 0.35 micro-volts and for SSB is 0.56 micro-volts.  The MTBF is 
claimed to be in excess of 10,000 hours.  My math may be off but I think
that works out to about a dollar an hour figured on the list price given.

73, alan N2ALE/6

>From John W. Brosnahan" <broz at csn.org  Wed Jul 20 21:17:52 1994
From: John W. Brosnahan" <broz at csn.org (John W. Brosnahan)
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 1994 14:17:52 -0600
Subject: It is all relative
Message-ID: <199407202017.AA12145 at teal.csn.org>

>Here's a QST.  A few months ago, someone asked about the new
>Watkins-Johnson HF-1000 Communications Receiver.  
>                                         My math may be off but I think
>that works out to about a dollar an hour figured on the list price given.
>73, alan N2ALE/6
If you can get an equivalent transmit system for $10K with 10,000 hour MTBF
and an Antenna SYstem with the same numbers you'd end up with a great
$30,000 system that costs you about $3 per hour instead of the $3 to $4
per MINUTE that the 900 numbers cost.
Lots of fun for less than 2% of the cost.
Seems like quite a bargain!
73  John  W0UN  broz at csn.org

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