N6TR BBS # ??
KR2J at aol.com
KR2J at aol.com
Fri Jul 22 18:11:27 EDT 1994
Can anyone provide me with N6TR's BBS telephone number ?
Bob KR2J at AOL.com
>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM Fri Jul 22 17:28:00 1994
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 94 09:28:00 PDT
Message-ID: <2E300144 at admin.ClemsonSC.NCR.COM>
From: owner-cq-contest
To: BillK5GA
Cc: cq-contest
Date: Thursday, July 21, 1994 12:09PM
How about a DX Sprint? Call CQ once, then move it on down the line?
Chaos! Fun!
(but maybe not for 48 hours ;-))
73, Ward N0AX
I was thinking about this last night, and would like to echo Ward's
Make it a CQ WW Sprint! The QSY rule applies for everyone! Since it would
be like a Chinese firedrill, the following would be irrelevant:
packet usage/spots
frequency control
mid-contest telephone skeds
Now, when???? Who will sponsor???
Thanks to K5GA for a refreshing idea. BTW, I've always heard:
"If it's true, it ain't braggin' ....."
73, Tom WB4iUX (Tom.Skelton at ClemsonSC.NCR.COM)
>From fhmoore at nemed.b11.ingr.com (frank moore) Fri Jul 22 22:28:28 1994
From: fhmoore at nemed.b11.ingr.com (frank moore) (frank moore)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 94 16:28:28 CDT
Subject: New contest idea
Message-ID: <199407222128.AA01601 at nemed.b11.ingr.com>
In keeping with the let's change the contest or make a new one thread...
I propose a new contest where "east coasters" can work only "west coasters"
and vice versa (mid coasters don't work anyone cuz they're in a black hole
anyway). The coasters have to keep working each other until they stop arguing
and get back to discussing. :-)
Frank "in sort of close to the east coast, Alabama", KE4GY
fhmoore at ingr.com
>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> Fri Jul 22 22:37:16 1994
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 14:37:16 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: CQ Less, Score More
Message-ID: <774913036.555096.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>
> One way to reduce the amount of CQing in a manner that does not
> totally change the rules is to include the Run/Mult aspect of the
> QSO in the score. Stations calling CQ get one point per QSO; stations
> answering the CQ get 2 or 3 points per QSO. This would automatically
> reduce CQing, although not completely. Computer logging can deal with
> the scoring, and also help to tell the operator if he/she should be
> Running or S&Ping. Computer checking could also verify point
> credit taken. What Say?
The contest should not be scored in any manner whereby the information
required is not embedded in the log and relatively foolproof for people
who are trying to follow the rules. There's really no way to tell whether
you were calling CQ or answering CQs by looking at the log. You can tell
in general, but you cannot usually identify the exact moment of transition.
--Trey, WN4KKN/6
>From peterj at netcom.com (Peter Jennings) Fri Jul 22 22:45:35 1994
From: peterj at netcom.com (Peter Jennings) (Peter Jennings)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 14:45:35 -0700
Message-ID: <199407222145.OAA00340 at netcom13.netcom.com>
> I have become alarmed at the number of stations, large and small, that
> call CQ with 90% occupancy rate because all they need do is press the
> play button on the Ventriloquist/DVP/Parrot/Voice Keyer.
> The above is a quote from Peter Jennings, AB6WM, also known as the
> marketer--not quite the creator--of Frankenstein's Monster: the
I plead guilty to being the creator of Ventriloquist but not all of
the other monsters. Or should that be nolo contendere? I almost
mentioned it in the original message, but decided to let it pass now
that j-Com is out of my hands ... hair ... er, whatever ... etc.
Maybe it's my guilt that makes me feel this way. Naaah.
> Ventriloquist voice keyer. Sorry, Peter old chum, I could not quite
> pass on sharing the irony...(Of course, I own an use a DVP, which
Yes, the irony was apparent to me, even during the contest!
I was first "bothered" by the change it made in contesting
during CQWW from C31 several years ago.
My support for a change in the sound of some contest by limiting the
CQing has nothing to do with trying to level any playing field. I'm
just looking for a break in the QRM. I know what it's like to be a
pipsqueak signal, even a rare one, in CQWW. Maybe if we had more
contests, the activity could be spread out more over the year. ;-)
-- AB6WM peterj at netcom.com
>From Scott A Stembaugh <n9ljx at ecn.purdue.edu> Fri Jul 22 23:27:29 1994
From: Scott A Stembaugh <n9ljx at ecn.purdue.edu> (Scott A Stembaugh)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 94 17:27:29 -0500
Subject: CQ Less, Score More
Message-ID: <199407222227.RAA23271 at en.ecn.purdue.edu>
In message <774913036.555096.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> Trey writes:
>> <<stuff deleted about getting more points for S&P QSOs than for CQ QSOs.>>
>The contest should not be scored in any manner whereby the information
>required is not embedded in the log and relatively foolproof for people
>who are trying to follow the rules. There's really no way to tell whether
>you were calling CQ or answering CQs by looking at the log. You can tell
>in general, but you cannot usually identify the exact moment of transition.
>--Trey, WN4KKN/6
Exactly. It is not uncommon for me to be CQing with my weak-pistoled setup
and have somebody come in and camp out right next to me. If I need him I'll
work and then scoot over a bit and start CQing again. I wasn't really in
S&Ping nor did he answer my CQ (but if he could hear me to work me, why did
he jump on my freq??). N6TR software knows what mode you are in, but I don't
believe CT cares.
Now for a new contest idea...how about everybody on both coasts can only have
an (read one) indoor dipole and run 50 watts. All the extra antenneas are to
be sent to us poor disadvantaged souls in the blackhole. Also to be included
is cash for us to buy land that we can flood and turn into a salt-marsh. Gee
if I turn it into a wetlands habitat maybe I could get federal
:-) (sort-of).
73...scott n9ljx at ecn.purdue.edu
>From Tim Coad" <Tim_Coad at smtp.esl.com Fri Jul 22 23:24:22 1994
From: Tim Coad" <Tim_Coad at smtp.esl.com (Tim Coad)
Date: 22 Jul 1994 15:24:22 -0700
Subject: If it aint broke......
Message-ID: <n1437231488.51654 at smtp.esl.com>
Subject: Time:3:04 PM
OFFICE MEMO If it aint broke...... Date:7/22/94
Re: changing contests rules:
Is something broken here?
What are we trying to fix?
Dont we all love the current big contests? -- Why change them?
(Yes change the reporting of them, please.)
Are we talking new contests?
Dont non-contesters hate us enough already?
The idea of a no cq contest is interesting in that it
isolates one area of a contester's skill, but its not
interesting enough to incorporate into one of the
big contests........Oh wait....I spoke too soon.....
I can see it now....Yes...
A new catagory:
Single-op/Assisted/Search&Pounce/Low Power/20 Mtrs Only.
Oh and a CQWW Sprint......Fine,
lets make it from 0000z to 0400z on 10 and 15 mtrs only. Sounds fair to me.
Tim - NU6S
>From tree at cmicro.com (Larry Tyree) Fri Jul 22 23:38:20 1994
From: tree at cmicro.com (Larry Tyree) (Larry Tyree)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 94 15:38:20 PDT
Subject: CQing
Message-ID: <9407222238.AA07969 at cmicro.com>
Am I the only one who thinks that a station who calls more than 12
unanswered CQs should give up his frequency to whoever calls him
on it?
Tree N6TR
tree at cmicro.com
>From Morao Esteban <z801183a at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us> Sat Jul 23 00:39:09 1994
From: Morao Esteban <z801183a at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us> (Morao Esteban)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 19:39:09 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: What is wrong with Voice Keyer
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9407221956.B9241-0100000 at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us>
Can some tell me whay is wrong to use a voice keyer during a contest?
done we use CW memory keyers...for cw contest
Esteban J. Morao
z801183a at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us
>From Jim Reisert AD1C 22-Jul-1994 1939 <reisert at wrksys.enet.dec.com> Sat Jul 23 00:39:30 1994
From: Jim Reisert AD1C 22-Jul-1994 1939 <reisert at wrksys.enet.dec.com> (Jim Reisert AD1C 22-Jul-1994 1939)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 94 19:39:30 EDT
Subject: New contest idea
Message-ID: <9407222339.AA22409 at us4rmc.pko.dec.com>
Frank KE4GY suggested:
>I propose a new contest where "east coasters" can work only "west coasters"
>and vice versa (mid coasters don't work anyone cuz they're in a black hole
This is prefect for New England, since we are on the East Coast, and lots of
European countries are on Europe's West Coast.
73 - Jim AD1C
>From MSgt Bob Smith/SCSMH <smithb at GF-WAN.af.mil> Sat Jul 23 02:17:59 1994
From: MSgt Bob Smith/SCSMH <smithb at GF-WAN.af.mil> (MSgt Bob Smith/SCSMH)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 94 20:17:59 CDT
Subject: BHCC and stuff
Message-ID: <9407230117.AA23742 at GF-WAN.af.mil>
1. Any one want on the roster for BHCC teams in the upcoming
NAQPs? Contact me direct.
2. Trey, how come I keep getting unsubscribed by the robot?
Do I need to send junk mail every now and then to stay (gasp)
on the list?
3. Anyone seen a NCJ lately?
73 de bob - nd1h
smithb at gf-wan.af.mil
>From MSgt Bob Smith/SCSMH <smithb at GF-WAN.af.mil> Sat Jul 23 02:26:22 1994
From: MSgt Bob Smith/SCSMH <smithb at GF-WAN.af.mil> (MSgt Bob Smith/SCSMH)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 94 20:26:22 CDT
Subject: BHCC means
Message-ID: <9407230126.AA01157 at GF-WAN.af.mil>
This is the Black Hole Contesting Conspiracy. Informal member-
ship requirement is a firm belief that you live in the
propagational disadvantaged area of the north central great plains.
Diety association is not required. (IE occasional SOUP or GAS
offerings to the propagation gods)
73 DE bob nd1h
smithb at gf-wan.af.mil
>From barry at w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner) Sat Jul 23 01:17:33 1994
From: barry at w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner) (Barry Kutner)
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 94 00:17:33 GMT
Subject: CQing
Message-ID: <y81VPc1w165w at w2up.wells.com>
tree at cmicro.com (Larry Tyree) writes:
> Am I the only one who thinks that a station who calls more than 12
> unanswered CQs should give up his frequency to whoever calls him
> on it?
> Tree N6TR
> tree at cmicro.com
If there are 12 or more unanswered CQs, who is this phantom you are
turning the frequency over to?
On another note, how about a rule banning multi's from CQing. Wouldn't it
be nice for the rest of us to have a shot near the bottom of the bands?
Barry N. Kutner, W2UP Usenet/Internet: barry at w2up.wells.com
Newtown, PA Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
Packet Cluster: W2UP >K2TW (FRC)
>From Randy A Thompson <K5ZD at world.std.com> Sat Jul 23 02:57:53 1994
From: Randy A Thompson <K5ZD at world.std.com> (Randy A Thompson)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 21:57:53 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CQing
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9407222133.A14132-0100000 at world.std.com>
>From Dave Kalahar KD4HXT <72437.3454 at compuserve.com> Sat Jul 23 03:31:35 1994
From: Dave Kalahar KD4HXT <72437.3454 at compuserve.com> (Dave Kalahar KD4HXT)
Date: 22 Jul 94 22:31:35 EDT
Message-ID: <940723023135_72437.3454_FHG44-2 at CompuServe.COM>
>From James White <0006492564 at mcimail.com> Sat Jul 23 05:09:00 1994
From: James White <0006492564 at mcimail.com> (James White)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 94 23:09 EST
Subject: de K1ZX. Contest within a contest
Message-ID: <55940723040955/0006492564PK4EM at mcimail.com>
The idea of having fewer guys who really shouldn't be CQing NOT CQ
is indeed refreshing to those who have to tune around them religously.
...usually we're asking ourselves why this guy thinks he should be CQing !
When to CQ and when to S&P is perhaps the most elsuive and hard to define
principle of contesting....the rate meter on K1EA hopefully makes the point
to those who suddenly discover it! Alas, you just have to learn though that
just because you want to run DX does not mean you will be able to from your
QTH. Positive thinking is indeed a traight of great contesters but: " you
can't always get what you want" Those with less than CQable stations have
found that in tuning they can "get what they need"
Two issues here are....
A) There is too much CQing by guys who shouldn't be doing
it........this is not an elitist statement, those who shouldn't be trying to
run DX simply become fodder for the non-contesters who accuse contesters of
band pollution-a guy who is successfully stringing them is not the target of
criticism, he is successfully operating.........the unanswered parrot is the
bad guy...he typically is of low antennae, making him of high angle and weak
to DX-but loud to the local Antitest.
B) To those of you who chose to challenge the limits of search &
pouncing...why not ? How ? Just do it.....
What do I mean? Well, contests within a contest are not a new
thing, I have seen here on the Internet where the Washington guys did a
contest within a contest during the ARRL DX. One contest one of my novice
day hero's (W1AX) would partake in was during SS...he would work as many
QSOs as there were multipliers....think that was a 75Qs x 75Section score
back then.....he created a contest within the contest for his own enjoyment
-a specialized sweep. I have too many contest buddies to try this one, SS is
kinda like a fix until the next Dayton-ya gotta say hi! Roger ('AX) also
has his personal contest of 5BDXCC within the 5BDXCC....his counters are 5
bands with the same station in each country.
The drawback of working a contest within a contest is recognition of
what you did...sometimes you can gain that recognition through a soapbox
comment where you highlight what you did.......most times your effort will
go un-noticed....unless you talk it up! If you have a contest within a
contest (CWAC.....quack?) that you wanna get into during an upcoming contest
you should let your club newsletter editor know about it, or post it to the
Contest Reflector...you may even find someone else who also would like to
try that CWAC. The CWAC can also be a way to ignite club interest in a
contest members usually overlook. If there are several club members in a
given CWAC - let the editor of the writeup know about it...heah, if you have
found a fun way to get your fellow club members into the parent contest-
everybody wins! If you live to find your call in a box someplace, CWACs are
probably not for you.....unless your CWAC gains enough followers and you
take the gauntlet as score gatherer (ala wizzer and fox) and you let the
rest of the world on Internet know about it...which could lead to NCJ
....I will stop with this verbal diarhea. BUT FIRST:
I will try and get on the Internet Sprint tomorrow....is there a
progam within CT or NA that you use to log with? Please lemme know...I
wouldn't have the faintest idea of how to handle post contest creation of
log files suitable for submission to Tokyo Rose! Appliance Operator Needs
Help....please write:
Jim, K1zx (k1zx at mcimail.com)
my initial 'int name will not be
Beavis or Butthead.....but it will be cool, yeah...contests are cool.
>From pub759 at idptv.idbsu.edu (Jim Larson) Sat Jul 23 07:03:09 1994
From: pub759 at idptv.idbsu.edu (Jim Larson) (Jim Larson)
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 1994 00:03:09 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Contesting & America
Message-ID: <m0qRaAw-0000eiC at idptv.idbsu.edu>
Well everyone, let's see how much trouble I can make for myself. My intent
is not to make anyone angry but to maybe open some eyes.
I read about the unfairness of contests for various reasons. I hear about
people wanting to make things equal. This doesn't sound like Americans, at
least the Americans that founded this country.
America is slowly loosing its competitive nature, not just in ham radio but
in everything in general. The poor people want handouts from the
government. Everyone wants "easy money" or "easy anthing" for that matter.
Everyone wants "free" health care for all. But the "free" really isn't.
What happened to people wanting to do their very best and being proud of
their efforts no matter what they were up against. And the people who
wanted to make it on their own without any handouts from anyone.
I am afraid we are letting a very common 90's feeling creep into our
competitive spirits and are requesting "leveling or equalization" of the
playing field to make things easier for us. We all know it is easier to
work Europe from the east coast and Japan from the west.
Why not just play the game and have fun and do the very best we can with
what we have from where we are and quit being so darned concerned about
equality. If we carry this back from ham radio into everyday life, alot
more would be accomplished and we would feel better for a good days hard
work not matter what the circumstances.
End of my soapbox...
Hope I didn't make too many of my peers angry....
73, Jim KK7A, Boise, ID
--------- Jim Larson, KK7A
--------- 2005 Regal Drive
--------- Boise, ID 83704
Internet: pub759 at idptv.idbsu.edu
>From AGDM25A at prodigy.com ( KEVIN - WA8ZDT) Sat Jul 23 08:35:15 1994
From: AGDM25A at prodigy.com ( KEVIN - WA8ZDT) ( KEVIN - WA8ZDT)
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 1994 03:35:15 EDT
Subject: CQ-CONTEST!
Message-ID: <013.01007426.AGDM25A at prodigy.com>
This is Whiskey Alpha Ate Zanzibarrrr Denmark, Tokyo....
..... There, I just opened up the band!
>From Stuart Ritter <ritter at csn.org> Sat Jul 23 14:29:23 1994
From: Stuart Ritter <ritter at csn.org> (Stuart Ritter)
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 1994 07:29:23 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9407230747.A18365-0100000 at teal.csn.org>
>From Dave Pascoe <pascoe at MathWorks.Com> Sat Jul 23 14:42:09 1994
From: Dave Pascoe <pascoe at MathWorks.Com> (Dave Pascoe)
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 1994 09:42:09 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: What is wrong with Voice Keyer
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9407230908.A3000-0100000 at zippy>
On Fri, 22 Jul 1994, Morao Esteban wrote:
> Can some tell me whay is wrong to use a voice keyer during a contest?
> done we use CW memory keyers...for cw contest
Absolutely nothing is wrong with using a voice keyer. Most of the people
who complain about their use:
1) Don't have one. :-(
2) Are annoyed by the fact that we sound *exactly* the same on each CQ.
(This is one reason I have a few CQs stored that sound different, just
to keep these types of contest-bashers away).
Several digital voice keyers are now available, and simple ones can be
put together quite inexpensively. So the financial barrier isn't what it
used to be a few years ago.....
I've found over time that #2 above occurs quite a bit......
-Dave KM3T
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