
Steven.M.London at att.com Steven.M.London at att.com
Mon Jul 25 08:45:00 EDT 1994

> Maybe the trophies and awards should be eliminated altogether.  The guys from
> Seattle had the idea right -  I didn't "win" the WRTC, but me and everyone
> else that got a green and pink tee shirt has WINNER proudly displayed.

On the other hand, as the guy who came in #1 in the WRTC (the "real" winner),
I felt cheated when everyone got a tee shirt that said "winner".  For a change,
here was a contest where I WAS G-A, and everyone was a so-called "winner".

How would you really feel if N2RM, W3LPL, K1AR and K4VX/0 all got the exact
same award, regardless of how they placed relative to each other ?  Gee,
maybe I ought to enter M/M using 100 watts to a wet noodle, make 50 or 100
QSO's, so I can receive the same recognition as N2RM !

Steve London, N2IC/0
n2ic at longs.att.com

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