IOTA Rules
Wed Jul 27 16:17:31 EDT 1994
RSGB Islands on the Air Contest 1994.
Here's a reminder of the rules for the IOTA Contest 1994.
The Super Duper for IOTA (SDI) logging program is available from EI5DI,
QTHR. You must pay for Super Duper for other contests, but the
version for IOTA is free. To order a copy, send EI5DI a blank formatted
disk, return addressed envelope and three IRCs.
Dave G4BUO
The aim of the contest is to promote contacts between
stations in qualifying IOTA island groups and the rest
of the world and to encourage expeditions to IOTA islands.
UK entrants must be RSGB members - see the general rules
for HF contests published in January 1994 Radio Communication.
Note: Mainland G/GM/GW = EU005
Mainland GI/EI = EU115
2. WHEN.
1200 UTC Saturday 30th July to 1200 UTC Sunday 31st July 1994.
3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28MHz, CW and SSB. IARU bandplans must be
observed, and CW contacts must be made only in the recognised
CW ends of the bands. Contest preferred segments must also be
observed, i.e. no operation must take place on 3.56 - 3.60 MHz,
3.65 - 3.70 MHz, 14.06 - 14.125 and 14.30 - 14.35 MHz.
(a) Single operator.
CW only, SSB only or mixed-mode.
(b) Single operator limited.
CW only, SSB only or mixed-mode. Operation is limited
to 12 hours, and contacts on any THREE bands count for
points. Off periods must be clearly marked and must be
a minimum of 60 minutes in length.
(c) Multi operator single transmitter.
Mixed mode. Only one transmitted signal.
Use of packet cluster or other assistance during the contest
places the entrant in the multi operator category.
(a) IOTA Island Stations.
Stations on an island with an IOTA reference, for
example AS007, EU005. This section includes the
British Isles. Entrants intending to operate from a
location whose IOTA status is not clear are advised
to confirm validity by reference to the IOTA directory
available from RSGB head-quarters. Please indicate on
the entry whether the station is permanent or a contest
DXpedition, i.e. antennas and equipment installed
specifically for the contest.
(b) World (listed by continent).
Any station in a location which does not have an IOTA
(c) Short Wave Listener.
See rule 10. The format of the listings will depend on
the number of entries received.
Send RS(T) and serial number starting from 001, plus IOTA
reference number if applicable. Do not use separate
numbering systems for CW and SSB. Stations may be contacted
on both CW and SSB on each band. Entrants in section (a)
MUST send their IOTA reference as part of each contact.
(a) QSO Points.
Each contact with an IOTA island counts 15 points. Other
contacts count 5 points, except contacts with the entrant's
own country or own IOTA reference, which count 2 points.
(b) Multiplier.
The multiplier is the total of different IOTA references
contacted on each band on CW, plus the total of different
IOTA references contacted on each band on SSB.
(c) Total Score.
The score is the total of QSO points on all bands added
together, multiplied by the total of multipliers.
8. LOGS.
UK stations must use a Summary Sheet and RSGB-style log
sheets, other entrants may use log sheets in local format,
together with a summary and signed declaration that the rules
and licence conditions have been complied with. Separate log
sheets must be used for each band (but not each mode). Single
mode entrants who make contacts on the other mode should submit
these separately as checklogs.
Logs must show: Time, Callsign, RST/serial number/IOTA reference
sent, RST/serial number/IOTA reference received, multiplier
claimed, and QSO points. Entrants are encouraged to submit
cross-check ('dupe') sheets and a multiplier list. Logs on
computer disk are welcomed, in accordance with RSGB format.
Entries must be postmarked 26 August 1994 at the latest, and
mailed to the following address:
RSGB IOTA Contest,
c/o S. Knowles G3UFY,
77 Bensham Manor Road,
Thornton Heath,
CR7 7AF,
IOTA stations must state their location, i.e. island from
where they operated, as well as their IOTA reference number.
Checklogs from non-entrants are welcome.
Points may be deducted, or entrants disqualified, for
violation of the rules or the spirit of the contest. This
includes refusal by IOTA island stations to make contacts
with their own country when requested. Use of a third party
to make contacts on a list or net is also against the spirit
and may lead to disqualification. Duplicate contacts must
be marked as such with no points claimed. Unmarked duplicates
will be penalised at ten times the claimed points, and
excessive duplicates may cause disqualification.
Scoring is as for the transmitting contest. Logs must be
separate for each band, and show Time, Callsign of station
heard, RST/serial number/IOTA reference sent, callsign of
station being worked, multiplier claimed, and QSO points.
Under "callsign of station being worked", there must be at
least two other QSOs before a callsign is repeated, or else
ten minutes must have elapsed. If both sides of a QSO can
be heard, they can be logged separately for points if
(a) The IOTA Trophy (non-returnable) will be presented by
the IOTA Committee to the entrant, whether single-operator
or a multi-operator group in the IOTA Island Stations
Section (DXpedition subsection), with the overall highest
checked score, regardless of mode. A trophy will also be
awarded to the leading non-DXpedition IOTA entrant, and
it is hoped to introduce further trophies as the contest
(b) The DX News Sheet Trophy (retained for one year only) will
be presented by the Editor of DX News Sheet to the British
entrant operating from a location in the UK (including GD,
GJ and GU) with the highest checked score in the single
operator SSB category. The winner of the IOTA Trophy will
not be eligible for this award.
(c) Certificates will be awarded to leading stations in each
category and section, and in each continent, according to
12. Note from the IOTA Director.
Amateurs planning to activate an all-time new one for IOTA
over the IOTA Contest weekend should, if possible, arrange to
commence their operation in the preceding 24 hours to enable
the new reference number to be issued before the start of the
contest. Once the contest is under way, it will not be
possible to issue a new number and, without this, contacts
made will not count as island contacts.
>From jholly at (Jim Hollenback) Wed Jul 27 15:42:11 1994
From: jholly at (Jim Hollenback) (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 1994 07:42:11 -0700
Subject: marking coax
References: <WGJE-6423-2209/27*/I=L/G=ERIC/S=SCACE/O=ADN/ADMD=TELEMAIL/C=US/@MHS>
Message-ID: <9407270742.ZM20243 at>
On Jul 26, 7:50pm, ERIC.L.SCACE at wrote:
> Subject: marking coax
> Two other ideas:
idea 1 deleted.
> 2. Go to the electrical supply store. Buy a set of rolls of colored Scotch
> 88 electrical tape. There are many colors to choose from. Wrap one or more
> colored bands at the ends of your cables, and keep a legend. I use about six
> colors (wht, blu, red, grn, bwn, yel), so two bands gives me 36 combinations.
> Three bands gives another 216 possibilities.
> For convention, I "read" the colors starting from the connector-end of the
> cable so as to not confuse RED-BLU with BLU-RED.
> The drawback of this method is that one has to keep a list of cables. For
why? brwn-blk = 10 meters, brwn-org = 15 meters, etc. unless of course you
can't get all the needed colors.
jholly at
>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> Wed Jul 27 15:52:55 1994
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 1994 07:52:55 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: time flies ...
Message-ID: <775320775.158097.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>
Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.
Hard to believe a year has elapsed since taking over the editorship of
the National Contest Journal. My run will be coming to an end soon
and it's time to find a new person to fill this role. If you think
you have an interest, drop me a line and we can discuss what's
--Trey, WN4KKN/6
>From alan at (Alan Brubaker) Wed Jul 27 16:21:41 1994
From: alan at (Alan Brubaker) (Alan Brubaker)
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 94 09:21:41 -0600
Subject: marking coax
Message-ID: <9407271520.AA12534 at dsd.ES.COM>
For what it is worth, here is how I do it with colored plastic tape following the
standard color code:
160 = Blue
80 = Gray
40 = Yellow
20 = Red
15 = Green
10 = Brown
For the WARC bands, it is:
30 = Orange
17 = Violet
12 = Brown and Red
So 12 meters is the only band that I have to mark the feedline with more
than one tape. Once you get it straight in your mind, there is nothing
ambiguous with this system, I have found.
Good luck.
Alan, K6XO
alan at
Just some more roadkill on the Information SuperHighway...
>From tree at (Larry Tyree) Wed Jul 27 15:34:09 1994
From: tree at (Larry Tyree) (Larry Tyree)
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 94 07:34:09 PDT
Subject: SS Winners and mults
Message-ID: <9407271434.AA26414 at>
> >>Give me a contest where the Q/M ratio is more than 10 and I'm in fat
> city!!!
> Except SS of course where the winners never look for mults.
> Tim - NU6S
On CW, this is not true! I typically spend several hours looking for my
last mult in the SS. I get it around noon on Sunday every contest. The
trick is doing it with the second radio.
On a different subject, I delete messages having to do with grid squares.
It is just too different from how we do things now.
>From tree at (Larry Tyree) Wed Jul 27 15:53:35 1994
From: tree at (Larry Tyree) (Larry Tyree)
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 94 07:53:35 PDT
Subject: SprINT logs
Message-ID: <9407271453.AA26633 at>
We still need some more logs to get the name tracings to look good. Currently
our QSO match percentage is about 45 percent, which is about half of the 90%
we have been able to achieve before. If you are on the list, or are able to
talk to someone on the list, please do what you can to get the log submitted
to me ASAP!!!
Date 9407 9404 9401 9310 9305
Percent Matched 48.5 89.3 89.9 81.7 72.7
> qth: n5rz tx=97 --=0 ok
> qth: w1ph nh=85 tx=1 ok
> qth: k1zx fl=71 --=0 ok
> qth: kr0y tx=62 --=0 ok
> qth: dl1iao dx=53 pr=1 ok
> qth: wn3k de=35 --=0 ok
> qth: wt3h pa=29 --=0 ok
> qth: k4xu il=27 --=0 ok
> qth: kd6ewt ca=26 ct=1 ok
> qth: w2pa ny=16 --=0 ok
> qth: oh7ma dx=13 --=0 ok
> qth: nl7gp ak=12 --=0 ok
> qth: wq2k ny=11 --=0 ok
> qth: nc6u ca=9 --=0 ok
> qth: w3cpb md=9 --=0 ok
> qth: k7sv va=8 --=0 ok
> qth: na4k tn=7 --=0 ok
> qth: ve4vv mb=6 --=0 ok
> qth: w4xj tn=5 --=0 ok
Thanks for your support!!
If you have deleted your log by mistake, perhaps using a disk editor will allow
you to find your log. This might work better than some unerase routines.
73 Tree
tree at
>From Tim Coad" <Tim_Coad at Wed Jul 27 18:22:47 1994
From: Tim Coad" <Tim_Coad at (Tim Coad)
Date: 27 Jul 1994 10:22:47 -0700
Subject: SS Multiplier Hunting
Message-ID: <n1436817786.36024 at>
Reply to: RE>SS Multiplier Hunting
>No no not so....
>>Wrong QRM .....Breath
>>>What planet do you work SS on......
Hmmm.... Looks like things have changed since I worked SS.
I had clean sweeps three years in a row and NEVER looked for a mult. Of
course this was SSB, and it was back in the 80's, and people did not use two
radios much. Maybe now it makes sense to spend 12 hours S&Ping for a
Thanks for the tips...Ill be back in it this year after 10 years of absence
and all of your advice will sure help!
Tim - NU6S
>From k3lr <k3lr at> Wed Jul 27 18:40:51 1994
From: k3lr <k3lr at> (k3lr)
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 1994 13:40:51 -0400
Subject: TIC Ring Rotors
Message-ID: <199407271740.NAA27007 at>
I purchased several more rings (some big an some small) from TIC a few
months back and the delivery was OK then, but in recent conversations
with TIC (for more rings) it looks like delivery could be a problem.
The ring rotors that I have really work well, with easy installation
and no failures so far. Turning evereything from large full size 40
meter beams to small 10 meter beams.
Tim K3LR
K3LR at
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