FD and all that

dcurtis at mipos2.intel.com dcurtis at mipos2.intel.com
Thu Jun 30 18:08:36 EDT 1994

We've seen a lot of complaints about not-too-sharp operation,
wierd phonetics, etc.  Yup, it's there.  Yup, it kills your
rate.  Repeat after me: "It's a hobby." If it ain't fun, 
go home.  If there's fun in it, find it and do it.  When
I had a chance to single-op for a while I went for rate
just for the fun of it.  At other times I just enjoyed
the good company, memories of FD's past and my old
elmer (now SK), and the good barbeque.

You get out of Ham Radio what you put into it.  If you put
in anger and frustration, you take it home with you again.
If you had fun at FD, you won, no matter what the score.  If
you made FD fun for a new op, and role-modeled good operating
practices, you won one for all of us.

On another topic:
Bruce WW1M wrote:
> 3.  Funny how, during an "emergency preparedness drill", if an actual
> emergency comes up, such as, in our case, severe weather, everyone hurriedly
> disconnects all the power and antennas, grabs a fresh 807, and heads for the
> cars...

We had a 4.3 'quake. At first, we thought 'BXP had backed into
the trailer...

73, Dave NG0X (2E SCV)

P.S. For the record: I did *not* say: Norway Gnome Zero Xylophone 

>From willis at lsil.com (Marc Willis)  Fri Jul  1 01:14:34 1994
From: willis at lsil.com (Marc Willis) (Marc Willis)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 94 17:14:34 PDT
Subject: "Wierd Phonetics"
Message-ID: <9407010014.AA06496 at sks-n68.scrd>

Remebering the Bobbett News Headlines 
KN6 Severed Organ
	Marc KN6SO

>From Barry Martz <ki8w at freenet.Grfn.ORG>  Fri Jul  1 01:30:14 1994
From: Barry Martz <ki8w at freenet.Grfn.ORG> (Barry Martz)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 20:30:14 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9406302055.E19505-0100000 at freenet.grfn.org>



de KI8W

>From Tom Frenaye <0002349723 at mcimail.com>  Fri Jul  1 02:43:00 1994
From: Tom Frenaye <0002349723 at mcimail.com> (Tom Frenaye)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 94 20:43 EST
Subject: TS-850
Message-ID: <15940701014351/0002349723PK4EM at mcimail.com>

I've had a TS-850 for a couple of years (and recently grabbed a second
one as a spare/second radio).  I'm pretty happy with it overall.  The 
N6TR modification in the NCJ earlier this year to allow for volume adjustment
of the CW sidetone is a requirement (plan carefully, if possible look at a
copy of the tech manual for the parts placement).  With some care you can
also break the rx line on the small board with the TR relay and set things
up for a second antenna (beverage, etc).  As NJ2L's review in QST noted, the
RIT/XIT control does not have an easy way to set it to zero (no dimple).
Switching from 2.7khz to 500hz filters and back is a bit of a pain if you
have to do it often.  There was a QST article about 18 months ago(?) by 
KB2?? on a way to control the filters and VBT externally.  

All in all, it starts out to be very good and there are reasonable ways
to get around a few quirks.  I find it hard to understand why Kenwood hasn't
made any changes to the design in two years though - they should have enough
feedback by now.  Don't assume I like the TS850 because I've compared it
to Yaesu or ICOM radios though.    73 Tom  K1KI 2349723 at mcimail.com

>From Steve Merchant <merchant at crl.com>  Fri Jul  1 06:20:30 1994
From: Steve Merchant <merchant at crl.com> (Steve Merchant)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 22:20:30 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: FD @ K6TZ - CW Stn Results
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9406302230.A25110-0100000 at crl2.crl.com>

I did Field Day for the first time in over 10 years, and did it from the 
Santa Barbara club station, K6TZ (yes, I'm still a club member).  We set 
up on the soccer field of Ellwood High School in Goleta, about 200 yards 
from the beach -- you can hear the sea lions at night.

The CW station came together late in the day, but we got up a tribander @ 
40', an 80/40 dipole @ 70' (fed with twinlead, tnx K1VR), and a 350' 
longwire for 160.  The club has a monster diesel generator (250A) -- 
power is no problemo.

We ran a TS930, a ThinkPad 720C and CT v9.01 -- made 669 Q's on CW.

We called ourselves 3A but the only real operating I saw was from the CW 
and VHF stations.  The phone station guys made some Q's on Saturday, then 
decided to work on their tans on Sunday -- it was 90+F there.  We had a 
novice station and a rover and a packet.  Hard to say what the final 
score will be.  Everyone seemed to have a very good time -- lots of food, 
esp. the traditional Santa Maria style Tri-Tip barbeque at the end of 
teardown on Sunday.

Next year:  1) All CW operators must log 10 hours on PED in the two weeks 
prior to the event.  2)  Forget 160m.  3)  Bring Xanax for the Real 
Contesters (tm).

It was lots of fun.

73, Steve  N4TQO
merchant at crl.com

>From Dieter Dippel" <UNRZ45 at daphne.rrze.uni-erlangen.de  Fri Jul  1 11:06:57 1994
From: Dieter Dippel" <UNRZ45 at daphne.rrze.uni-erlangen.de (Dieter Dippel)
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 1994 10:06:57 MET
Subject: WAEDC 1993 CW SCORES (20kByte)
Message-ID: <184221246 at daphne.rrze.uni-erlangen.de>

39th European DX Contest (WAEDC) CW 1993

List shows European and Non-European scores in each category. 

Complete results with detailed top scores, scores by countries, contest
comments and pictures will be published in the February issue of DARC`s 
CQDL radio magazine and in the WAEDC contest booklet. 

The WAEDC contest booklet will automatically be sent to those  who have
submitted a log in one of the 1993 contests.  If you did not send a log
in 1993 and you would like to receive the booklet, please write to:

WAEDC Contest Committee, P.O.Box 1126, D-74370 Sersheim, Germany  

Contest booklet mailing is in June, also for the certificates, plaques.

Number groups after call: score-QSOs-QTCs-multipliers

Single Operator Europe  

LY5R       694548  647 1315 354    S52AA      678380  937 1203 317 
DL2MEH     659013  760 1293 321    DL5ATD     634120  870 1040 332
YL2KL      613437  723 1200 319    S57MM      600399  796 1007 333
UT5UGR     591408  661 1337 296    IR2W       559548  855 1029 297
S59AA      559416  558 1235 312    UT4UZ      548695  614 1185 305

DL2EBX     518466  707 1027 299    LZ5Z       514796  801  962 292
S57DX      498213  650 1123 281    SP7GIQ     441650  788  818 275
DL7ON      402962  603  895 269    UY7E       354200  582  818 253
OH6NIO     345663  598 1193 193    SP5CJQ     340480  407  873 266
DL2ZAE     327446  548  683 266    SN3A       314080  747  763 208

I3FDZ      282036  493  744 228    UB5ZAL     279450  415  827 225
DJ9MT      267441  412  707 239    RB5QF      262440  473  742 216
DF8WS      257620  461  710 220    9A2OB      239544  549  560 216
SP9BBH     218313  344  799 191    UA6LAM     196944  493  626 176
DL6RDR     187110  318  573 210    UC2ADX     179208  467  319 228

DK3KD      175680  438  477 192    DL1JF      173951  347  536 197
UA3DPX     173850  316  843 150    LZ6R       166873  400  369 217
YU7BW      161336  483  455 172    DK4RM      160398  276  522 201
RA6LW      157334  300  511 194
G5LP       153966  273  493 201    DJ5GG      151050  343  452 190
DL7VOG     149891  273  658 161    OH8LAE     146927  332  371 209

UB3IQ      144652  335  506 172    HA5LZ      143242  300  466 187
OM3FON     142800  337  363 204    LY1DI      141198  313  386 202
DL5JQ      136116  289  395 199    OK2RU      129786  241  428 194
RA3AUU     128464  350  797 112    YU7AV      127463  301  616 139
DK5OS      123312  238  496 168    RB5QW      120006  318  360 177

OM3CND     119784  337  307 186    DJ7MG      115506  317  396 162
YO2DFA     115325  269  390 175    I0ZUT      109515  345  400 147
DL5GAC     107163  270  459 147    OZ5KU      103820  272  444 145
DL8UCC     101800  302  207 200    OK2EC       98164  321  185 194
DK3BN       95700  201  379 165    DK4TB       93896  302  182 194

DK9NH       89544  287  246 168    UY5TE       87898  223  396 142
SP3FLR      86636  241  243 179    YO9AGI      85624  241  375 139
RA3DUT      84937  291  250 157    DJ7PR       81088  212  236 181
DL1ARJ      80850  279  271 147    G3ESF       79212  276  207 164
SM6CUK      72738  150  299 162    DK9IP       69290  131  279 169

LZ2VP       67914  375  318  98    UB5ZKG      67860  269   79 195
DL1EV       67580  202  234 155    DJ1OJ       66080  186  286 140
LY2DX       65155  208  207 157    DL2NY       62350  226  204 145
LY2OU       58587  331    0 177    DL0UM       58233  329    0 177
LA4YW       57959  187  292 121    OH1AJ       57600  200    0 288

DL3JAN      57159  179  478  87    GM4SID      55296  275  157 128
HA6NW       54663  366   45 133    IK0SHF      53106  212  106 167
GM3CFS      52490  201  161 145    SP5YQ       51696  201  158 144
OM3TEG      48804  186  146 147    SP1AEN      47424  171  245 114
YL2DZ       47336  191  197 122    HA9SU       47040  374  116  96

UA3UCD      46332  194  130 143    LZ3FN       44460  220   40 171
DL5GBG      40905  148  257 101    DL3DTH      40020  194   96 138
YO8KOS      38502  137  142 138    DF3OL       38406  207   15 173
OK1MGW      38367  193   68 147    LZ2DL       37009  141  170 119
UO5OA       36850  238   97 110    RA3XA       36848   89  240 112 
OM3CCC      36153  222   87 117

DJ7RJ       35872  200   36 152    F/DL8FR     34780  196   39 148
SP6EQZ      34762  129   62 182    OK2HI       34504  167   60 152
LY1CX       34188  118  400  66    DF4TD       32430  172   63 138
DL5HBS      31725  133  102 135    OO4APA      31584  170  112 112
DK5DQ       31165  171  100 115    ON4XG       30392  175   87 116

DL7VOX      30301  170   23 157    YU1BO       29792  148  244  76
DL7VZF      29580  168   87 116    OE5SPW      29512  215    2 136
DJ5AV       28558  158   60 131    S58MU       28428  131  178  92
DK6NJ       26187  150   53 129    RB4EK       25702  137   44 142
DL2DUL      25652  212    0 121    YL2GVW      24072  204    0 118

ES6PZ       23874  173    0 138    UA1NFA      23868  170   34 117
DL6CIA      23400  145   55 117    YU1RA       23324   96  247  68
DJ9MH       22895  151   90  95    YU7SF       22703  104  207  73
DL8UED      22512  201    0 112    DL8NBE      21672  125  133  84
DK7FP       21456  101  197  72    IK0ADY      21297  124  105  93

DL1GBQ      20544  161   53  96    PA3BBP      20424  222  222  46
OK1MNV      20160  164   46  96    DF3IAB      19902  131  190  62
OH6RC       19504  122   90  92    DL8HAA      19488  122  102  87
HB0/DJ9CB/p 18868  128   84  89    DL1ZQ       18815  119  236  53
OH3NM       18800  188    0 100    DL2HTF      18724  151    0 124

OK1VD       18032  202  120  56    YO3CR       17871  161    0 111
DF0RN       17834  113  128  74    YU7KM       17748  136   38 102
DL2GBB      17640  180    0  98    RN1NJ       17290  112   70  95
LY1CN       17236  139    0 124    DL8UI       16983  153    0 111
S51MF       16638  117  165  59    OK2BWJ      16335  104   61  99

DJ9RR       16100  142   19 100    DL8FM       15568  139    0 112
DJ2YE       15370  145    0 106    HB9DX       14880   80    0 186
LY3BY       14352  138    0 104    G5MY        13689  169    0  81
DL4GBA      13200   78   54 100    SP5GH       13197   73   10 159
DL2HRA      12792  164    0  78    RA3UC       11970  133    0  90

HA3GE       11663  107    0 109    DL2RUG      11644  107   35  82
PA3GBQ      11628  235   88  36    UC2ABO      11396   76   78  74
OK1DQT      10608  104    0 102    OM3CPY      10286  139    0  74
HB9HLE      10260   82   89  60    OK2BDI      10206  138   51  54
DK5GD       10192  132   76  49    SP3HC       10112  128    0  79

YL2EC       10080  120    0  84    DK7LA       10044  101   61  62
SP4GFG       9718  113    0  86    HA8FW        9309   87    0 107
IK5TSS       9125  125    0  73    UB5PCU       8816  100   52  58
OK1AXB       8798   72   94  53    DL6DCJ       8769  102    9  79
LY2BKT       8190  100   95  42    OE/DL8DYL    8096   93   91  44

SM0TGG       7869  129    0  61    DJ8WD        7544   92    0  82
OK2SWD       7398  124   13  54    DL5HL        6804  108    0  63
SP3FAR       6612   58    0 114    DL3MGT       6365   65   30  67
LY1DR        6348   42   50  69    UA4AO        6324  102    0  62
HA4FB        6264   87    0  72    UB5PAC       5904  123    0  48

LZ3BG        5776   84   68  38    OH2GI        5658   82    0  69
OM3CDN       5625   75    0  75    SP2JGK       5590   65    0  86
SP6AUI       5590   86    0  65    DJ7ST        5548   76    0  73
SP4EAK       5472  144    0  38    UB3MP        5459  103    0  53
DL7UTA       5440   68    0  80    Z32DR        5382  117    0  46

DJ1FN/A      5110   70    0  73    EA7CA        4488   50   38  51
EA6ZS        4488   88    0  51    SM0NJO       4416   69    0  64
OE1TKW       4320   42   66  40    OO4KFM       4088   73    0  56
DL6NW        3933   69    0  57    OK2BND       3834   71    0  54
UB5JNW       3604  106    0  34    DL0SE        3478   74    0  47

DF2HL        3456   54    0  64    HB9RE        3312   82   10  36
UB5VK        3200  100    0  32    RA3UF        3072   48    0  64
PA3BTH       2970   55    0  54    UA4QK        2940  105    0  28
OM3YCA       2928   61    0  48    DL6UAM       2880   72    0  40
OK1AOU       2812   74    0  38    PA0YN        2730   46   45  30

UA1OMS       2662   35   86  22    SP5UAF       2660   70    0  38
YO5BQ        2624   64    0  41    PA0TA        2585   47    0  55
SP3LPR       2507   27   82  23    EA2CR        2432   43   33  32
SP4TBM       2352   42    0  56    YU7YZ        2352   84    0  28
DL5DAV       2336   33   40  32    EA7TG        2300  115    0  20

II2I         2250   75    0  30    DL6AXI       2236   36    7  52
YL2PP        2212   79    0  28    RT5UE        2160   60    0  36
SP6JZB       2160   40    0  54    SP2DKI       2120   53    0  40
DK3AX        1935   34    9  45    DL2DN        1888   59    0  32
YO2QY        1855   35    0  53    OM3CNS       1824   57    0  32

DK8IP        1748   38    0  46    DL2VLA/p     1600   50    0  32
LZ1BJ        1530   15   70  18    DL7YS        1530   41   10  30
LZ1IA        1500   40   10  30    DL9ZWG       1435   35    0  41
DL5BWE       1416   39   20  24    LZ1FJ        1404   48    6  26
YU1ANO       1400   35    0  40    OK1MYA       1368   36    0  38

OK2PJD       1296   54    0  24    YU1FJK       1170   19   20  30
UA3VRP       1152   28   20  24    ON5WL        1116   62    0  18
DL1IZ         990   30    0  33    RB5EM         880   20    0  44
DF4XG         840   30    0  28    YO4AAC        819   21    0  39
OK2PBG        598   23    0  26    LA5AP         594   33    0  18

IK3VZO        580   16    4  29    DL1DBR        460   20    0  23
YO2ARV        440   20    0  22    DL3HWW        352   22    0  16
EA7PN         312   13    0  24    LZ1OQ         300   15    0  20
SP8LZC        110   11    0  10    DJ0CU          72   12    0   6
UB2JQ          50    5    0  10    IK3NWX         24    4    0   6

RA3QK          22    1   10   2    UV3QUP         22    1   10   2

Single Operator Non-Europe

EA9LZ    12427210 2278 2192 543    C43A      1954575 1872 1851 525
EA8EA     1692875 1824 1801 467    UH8EA     1506883 1766 1763 427
K2TW       931380 1291 1289 361    K1VR      906912 1206 1206 376
7Q7XX      857410 1305 1090 358    N6AR       853370 1171 1167 365
EA8AB      837760 1088 1088 385    UN7BY      735110 1011 1003 365

K2LE       731218 1122 1121 326    AA3B       708178 1117 1117 317
HZ1AB      695624  988  966 356    EX0M       677079 1005  924 351
ZF2NE      648985 1226 1223 265    HZ1HZ      624750 1085 1040 294
UD0/DL0KVA 622080  960  960 324    UM8QDX     585396 1017  801 322
JH7WKQ     572796 1168 1105 252    JH5FXP     541576 1049  987 266

JJ3YBB     532611 1087 1052 249    KC1F       521664  912  912 286
W2AX/1     513264  892  884 289    AB2E       466400  885  875 265
K3WW       458934  784  777 294    RW0AB      458658  923  919 249
UA9RZ      452473  878  869 259    JA5EXW     395560  857  848 232
RW9SW      389844  666  660 294    HH2PK      359813  747  746 241

KA1DWX     354732  575  573 309    W3UM       348676  717  712 244
JR7OMD/2   336141  761  760 221    UN7BN      317968  591  578 272
ZL3GQ      301000  604  600 250    PY2OU      272718  630  621 218
JA1JKG     252747  673  548 207    RI6B/UV9CAZ246400  562  558 220
JA5ONK     229964  615  589 191    K1KI       224406  414  405 274

KB4GID     210648  524  524 201    YV1OB      207836  466  466 223
VK2APK     207414  502  500 207    WA2ASM     184672  464  464 199
K2PS       183612  433  425 214    JR1TOS     182628  519  507 178
WZ8A       174658  467  467 187    K0LUZ/4    172396  461  456 188
JA9CWJ     169600  530  530 160    VE1IW      163866  447  434 186

JH4RHF     162432  635  634 128    K5ZD       160170  423  420 190
PP7JR      153660  409  371 197    JH3CXL     152760  580  560 134
RV9CE      150682  424  234 229    JA0CGJ     136375  546  545 125
WA2WYR     132682  407  407 163    VE3UWC/VE8 129924  403  399 162
K2SX/1     126294  303  279 217    WA7EGA     124614  483  483 129

KA2HMJ     123630  479  472 130    UL7IDX     123398  393  388 158
EA8/DJ3WE  120870  404  386 153    JA7IC      115824  456  456 127
JR4GPA     110625  449  436 125    JK1AJX/1   102311  391  390 131
NG9J       101084  342  341 148    KI3L       100130  323  323 155
KL7HF       97324  447  392 116    VS6BG       96624  347  324 144

N6ND        93572  315  313 149    VE7QO       89139  350  341 129
K4BAI       86944  304  304 143    PY1AJK      82998  262  260 159
JA5APU      80772  385  377 106    K5KLA       79496  264  259 152
JA2UOT      79016  294  287 136    K6KM        69148  300  286 118
K6NA        66045  298  297 111    HP1AC       60346  211  211 143

K4JEZ       58800  198  194 150    W3AKD/1     58692  203  199 146
W3GG        55224  235  233 118    N8LM        55080  270  270 102
WA6KUI      50255  221  216 115    NL7DU       49036  303  295  82
W6BIP       45980  209  209 110    VU2PTT      45652  209  195 113
K2TD        41624  174  170 121    N6AW        39760  180  175 112

PW2N        38640  173  172 112    K3ND        37672  140  137 136
KN4QV       36000  145  143 125    UL7RE       34776  232  182  84
JH1BDS      33575  202  193  85    JF3LGC      32100  268  267  60
JN3SAC      31768  181  180  88    N0FFZ       30411  141  138 109
K4FPF       29898  152  150  99    JA3ARM      28574  159  155  91

JI3BFC      27680  177  169  80    N0FMR       27168  142  141  96
YB3OSE      25974  169  164  78    VE2AWR      24026  147  146  82
WA0RJY      22092  132  131  84    W2/DL5AWI   19908  126  126  79
JH3JYS      19422  129  120  78    JA0BMS/1    19062  185  168  54
JF3IUC      18720  108  100  90    LU1EWL      17300  100   73 100

N0AT        16380  118  116  70    W6KXG       16200  114  111  72
CE3BFZ      15810  155    0 102    JA1BUI      15244  104  102  74
7K1QOE/1    12366  115  114  54    VK4TT       11660  135  130  44
YB6TI       10556  167   36  52    VP9MZ       10504  101    0 104
JH3CLU/1    10220  146    0  70    JA1LDJ      10024   92   87  56

WB4UBD       9900   99    0 100    VE5SF        9744   86   82  58
JA3UWB       9570   75   70  66    ZL1AIZ       9266   68   45  82
PY2HF        9016   81   80  56    JA6HJP       7616   57   55  68
W6HAL        7296   78   74  48    PP7CI        6732   53   49  66
KP4DDB       6413   62   59  53    LU1DFB       6288  120   11  48

PP7CW        6240   54   42  65    UA0KAP       5928  103   11  52
K8CV         5376   72   12  64    K1ER         5238   50   47  54
PY1CCO       4002   48   39  46    UA9XF        3942   73    0  54
PY2CZL       3652   83    0  44    WI0R         3618   67    0  54
W5NR         3420   58   56  30    7K3BKY       2560   64    0  40

W4YN         2424   51   50  24    VE3ST        2400   32   28  40
JE8KKX       2088   33   25  36    N6AA         2074   31   30  34
JG3EHD       2048   37   27  32    KA7FEF       1620   35   10  36
JA2KPV       1620   34   20  30    N6AZE        1512   40    2  36
JA8XIC       1056   25   19  24    JF1SQC        858   23   10  26

JH1DLJ        780   20   19  20    JA0CTW        360   18    0  20
JA3JOT        336   16    0  21    JK7KCC        240   12    0  20
JA1AAT        160   10    0  16    JH1NXU        108    9    0  12
JE2NWN         50    5    0  10    

Multi Operator Single Transmitter Europe

RU1A      1492192 1288 2299 416    UR8J      1044090  853 1725 405
LY2WW     1001986  927 1696 382    DL0DK      956449 1036 1501 377
DK0EE      847024  777 1759 334    DJ7AA      823990  888 1339 370
UT3UA      761112  774 1458 341    DF0WA      494190  613 1097 289
DF0CF      480150  827  919 275    DL0WAE     466620  806  734 303

OL1A       464820  821 1009 254    UT7W       431472  731  885 267
UZ4WWA     378488  706  858 242    RZ1AWO     373488  732  774 248
HA8KVK     301790  721  744 206    DL0CT      300300  418  682 273
UT4JWJ     282500  468  782 226    DL0TGH     266680  526  604 236
YU7BCF     241820  344  726 226    DL0KF      235920  355  628 240

HA3KHB     207656  687  341 202    LY3MR      207270  362  625 210
DJ5LA      183606  400  462 213    DK6HH      177399  398  459 207
IO2L       166894  917    0 182    DL0AGE     140694  301  485 179
DL0MUE     136136  295  433 187    DL0ZN      132600  381  219 221
DL0KM       88357  301  292 149    LY2OM       84375  260  365 135

YL2GN       84000  302  178 175    RZ1AWJ      70720  214  330 130
DL0BO       68418  201  342 126    DJ3XK       65436  228  171 164
TM3M        62604  410   13 148    YO3KSB      43840  234   40 160
DJ6WD       28272  140  108 114    DK0ME       21909  182   19 109
4N7M        11720   98  195  40    DJ9RX        9460  110    0  86

DL8BAV       7138   86    0  83    YU7AJM       1666   49    0  34
OK2KVI        460   23    0  20    DL0CES        168    5    7  14
DL0AU          66    6    0  11    SP3KPN         21    3    0   7
DA0ASG          8    2    0   4

Multi Operator Single Transmitter Non-Europe

KC1XX     1808352 1933 1931 468    N3RD      1417058 1691 1691 419
UZ9CWW    1257686 1456 1422 437    UX9C      1058681 1411 1216 403
JL1ZCG     791920 1305 1300 304    NN3Q       281416  612  601 232
PY2BW      268822  531  515 257    PY2APQ      17136  119  119  72
LU7FEU         18    3    0   6

Multi Operator Multi Transmitter Europe

R6L       1203255 1270 1701 405    LY7A      1145200 1138 1725 400
ER7Z       238128  600  368 246    DF0AFP         50    5    0  10

Multi Operator Multi Transmitter Non-Europe

UZ0SXF     431067  807  772 273    JR0YJO      31302  177  156  94

SWL Europe

LYR-1580  1021700  859  841 601    OM3-27707  537880  456  335 680
DE9SDA     488566  504  485 494    YU1GR      471424  694  234 508
UA1-143-1  231660  314  271 396    ONL383     112716  288  116 279
UB5-070-73  43803   87  192 157    SP4-208     13130  101    0 130
OK2-9329     6780   56   57  60    DE0GMH       1200   20   30  24

SWL Non-Europe

UA9-154-24 463001  554  305 539    JA4-4665/1   8712  100   21  72
JA-SWL         36    6    0   6



Many thanks to all stations for their contribution to the contest.

***** WAEDC CW 1994: 13 Aug 94 (0000z) - 14 Aug 94 (2400z) *****

Please send questions to DL2DN @ DB0RBS.#BW.DEU.EU .

73, Herb, DL2DN - WAEDC Contest manager -

>From Dieter Dippel" <UNRZ45 at daphne.rrze.uni-erlangen.de  Fri Jul  1 11:09:03 1994
From: Dieter Dippel" <UNRZ45 at daphne.rrze.uni-erlangen.de (Dieter Dippel)
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 1994 10:09:03 MET
Subject: European DX Contest 1994 (5kByte)
Message-ID: <18C9D438E at daphne.rrze.uni-erlangen.de>

| European DX Contest 1994 |
CW : Aug.  13 - 14
SSB: Sept. 10 - 11
RTTY: Nov. 12 - 13
                                    +- Attention ----------------+
0000 UTC Saturday - 2400 UTC Sunday | From 1994 the WAEDC is     |
                                    | back to the 48-hour format!|
For more detailed information please write to
WAEDC Committee, P.O.Box 1126, D-74370 Sersheim, Germany

This is the 40th annual contest sponsored by  the DARC. The acti-
vity will be between European countries and the rest of the world
(except RTTY where everybody works everybody).

3.5 - 7 - 14 - 21- 28 MHz. Minimum operating time on a band is 15
minutes. A quick band change is allowed to work new multipliers.

(A) Single operator, all bands.
(B) Multi-operator, single transmitter. Only one signal may be on
the air at any given time.
(C) SWL.

Note: DX packet cluster spotting is allowed in all classes.

Only 36 hours of  operating time out of the 48-hour contest period
are permitted for single operator stations.  The  12-hour off time
may be taken in one, but not  more  than 3 periods any time during
the contest and must be indicated in the log.  Off time must be at
least 1 hour.

Exchange: RS(T) plus QSO number starting with 001.

One point per QSO. If QTC traffic  (see there)  is made, one point
for each complete QTC.

QTC Traffic:
Additional point  credit  may  be  earned by making use of the QTC
traffic feature. A QTC is a report  of  a  confirmed QSO that took
place earlier in the contest.A QTC can only be sent by a non-Euro-
pean station back to a European station. (But only once and not to
the station reported in the QTC.) The general idea is that after a
number of Europeans have  been  worked  by a DX station, a list of
these QSOs can be reported back during a QSO with another European

A QTC contains the time, call  and QSO number of the station being
reported (i.e. 1234 DF0AA 031, which  means that  DF0AA  has  been
worked at 1234 UTC and gave serial number 031).
DX: A maximum of 10 QTCs to a EU station is allowed. 
EU: You can receive a maximum of 10 QTCs from a DX station.
(Exception RTTY, which  allows transmitting and receiving of QTCs,
but not between the  same  continent. The sum of QTCs sent and re-
ceived between two stations must not exceed 10.)

A station can be worked several times to complete the number of 10
QTCs. QTCs are sent  in  series.  3/7  indicates  that this is the
third series of QTCs and 7 QTCs are being reported.

The multiplier for  Europeans  is determined by the number of DXCC
countries outside Europe  worked on  each band. The multiplier for
non-Europeans is  determined  by  the number of European countries
worked on each band (see WAE country list).  In  the RTTY part the
multiplier is determined by the number of countries  worked on the
WAE/DXCC country lists.

Bonus Multiplier: Multiply your multiplier  on 80 meters by 4,  on
40 meters by 3, and on 20/15/10 meters by 2.

Final score:
Total QSO points plus total QTC  points times the sum total multi-
plier from all bands. (i.e.:
(200 QSOs + 100 QTCs) * 80 multiplier points =  24000 final score)

Only single operator, all  band  class  may be used. The same call
sign, European or  non-European, may be logged only once per band.
The log must contain both  call signs of a QSO and at least one of
the control numbers. Each call sign counts one point,each complete
QTC one point  (only  a maximum of ten QTCs per station). You  can
count up to two QSO points and two multipliers in one QSO.
The multiplier is determined by the DXCC and WAE country lists.

Club competition:
Club members must operate within a 500 km diameter and the club is
required to be a local club,  not  a  national organization. To be
listed, three  entries  from  a  club are requested and the club's
score is determined by its member scores in the CW,  SSB  and RTTY
part of the WAEDC. A special trophy will be awarded by the DARC to
the winning clubs from Europe and Non-Europe.

Certificates and plaques:
Certificates are awarded to the top scorers in each class in each
Continental winners will receive a plaque.

It is suggested that you use the official DARC  or equivalent  log
forms. Submit a dupe  sheet for each band. A summary sheet showing
the scoring and signed declaration is  required.  Logs may be sub-
mitted on a disk. The 5,25 or 3,5 inch disk must be MS-DOS format-
ted (40 or 80 tracks) and the ASCII files must contain all contest
QSO information in the same order as the usual paper logs.

Logs must be postmarked no  later  than  September 15th for the CW
section,October 15th for the SSB section and December 15th for the
RTTY section.

Mailing address < NEW >:
WAEDC Contest Committee, P.O.Box 1126, D-74370 Sersheim, Germany

WAE country list (UA1N deleted):
HA-HB9-HB0-HV-I-IS-IT-JW Bear-JW Spitsbergen-JX-LA-LX-LY-LZ-OE-OH-
Rhodes-SV9 Crete-SY-T7-T9-TA1-TF-TK-UR-YL-YO-YU-Z3-ZA-ZB2-1A0-3A-
4U1 Geneva-4U1 Vienna-9A-9H

Meet YOU in WAEDC 1994!

73 Herb DL2DN @ DB0RBS.#BW.DEU.EU 

>From Dieter Dippel" <UNRZ45 at daphne.rrze.uni-erlangen.de  Fri Jul  1 11:13:55 1994
From: Dieter Dippel" <UNRZ45 at daphne.rrze.uni-erlangen.de (Dieter Dippel)
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 1994 10:13:55 MET
Subject: WAEDC 1993 SSB SCORES (25kByte)
Message-ID: <1A1BE663A at daphne.rrze.uni-erlangen.de>

39th European DX Contest (WAEDC) SSB 1993

List shows European and Non-European scores in each category. 

Complete results with detailed top scores, scores by countries, contest
comments and pictures will  be  published in the March  issue of DARC`s 
CQDL radio magazine and in the WAEDC contest booklet. 

The WAEDC contest  booklet will automatically be sent to those who have 
submitted a log in one of the 1993 contests.  If you did not send a log
in 1993 and you would like to receive the booklet, please write to:

WAEDC Contest Committee, P.O.Box 1126, D-74370 Sersheim, Germany  

Contest booklet mailing is in June, also for the certificates, plaques.

Number groups after call: score-QSOs-QTCs-multipliers

Single Operator Europe

S52AA      957900 1430 1145 372    DK3GI      702240 1063  533 440
IR2W       535282  951  727 319    S59AB      489332 1126  597 284
S57MM      481574  752  582 361    UT4UZ      412503  531  980 273
YZ1AA      405114  603  903 269    DJ0FX      403841  857  570 283
DJ9MT      339080  486  898 245    GM0ECO     329148  605  871 223

SP7GIQ     325045  804  451 259    4O1V       262000  469  531 262
ZB2JL      246708  955   24 252    DJ0VZ      246477  484  583 231
YU7AV      198121  469  444 217    DK5OY      193960  527  219 260
DL9OE      189392  279  433 266    DL8UCC     187440  384  397 240
EA3CWK     187187  692  155 221    DF1IK/P    183150  507  307 225

DK1QH      175305  298  601 195    YU1NR      173951  403  480 197
DJ1SR      169074  448  461 186    SM6VR      142080  412  356 185
OH3OJ      126900  400  446 150    LY3BA      126880  225  751 130
DF0CF      118440  161  497 180    DL2RL      115184  205  421 184
DL1EK      114267  373  556 123    DL1APW     111111  244  237 231

LY1DS      101124  171  465 159    DL8MEJ     100640  163  466 160
DL6CIA      99153  199  280 207    DJ5AV       90496  310  138 202
DL6KY       89304  185  303 183    DL8OBQ      87261  211  282 177
PA3FNE      86172  235  281 167    SP9XCN      83482  167  456 134
OZ5EV       83160  182  322 165    DL1GBQ      74649  134  367 149

DK3KD       70224  247  285 132    OH1AF       68090  317  302 110
RA3XO       67035  155  390 123    DL1JF       58953  139  318 129
PA0MIR      57682  145  237 151    DL0CES      55352  146  261 136
DL3MGT      52734  113  404 102    YO9AGI      51870  129  270 130
DJ9RX       51504  120  344 111    DF5OC       51192  180  144 158

DK7LA       51146  126  352 107    DL1JBQ      49491  158  193 141
DL1MDU      47775  180  345  91    DL2FAG      47760  120  278 120
RA6LW       46846  115  282 118    DJ3ST       46150  107  248 130
DL8HBC      44880  124  250 120    UA4NC       42822  112  122 183
DK5DQ       42336  103  275 112    LY2OU       42336  124  317  96
DL7UTA      41818  184  222 103

LZ1BJ       40608  111  265 108    DK7ZH       40100  108  293 100  
DL0AS       38870  131   99 169    DJ9UI       37080  116  244 103
LY3BH       35462  154  144 119    DL9SDD      35190  112  194 115
DK8IP       34900   96  253 100    SP6IXF      34243  150  133 121
I0ZUT       33448  133  163 113    DL5IC       32982  139  100 138

UB5VAP      32689  130  207  97    OM3CTA      32670  119  151 121
DJ9MH       31524   77  207 111    SP9HZF      31232   89  155 128
UA1TAN      31148  313  286  52    SP9MAT      31110  105  150 122    
I3FDZ       31024   81  196 112    LZ6R        30272  193  151  88    
DL8FP       29232  131  121 116    YO7LFV      28672   96  160 112    

LZ1DM       28321   93  130 127    OE8SKQ      26588  289    0  92    
IR1A        26400  300    0  88    DL1GGK      26240   98  222  82    
UB2JZ       26228   69  263  79    DL4GBA      26000  113  147 100    
HA8XX       25122   73  164 106    DL1RAP      23875  145   46 125    
DL5MHO      23871   97  122 109    SP5UAF      23730   92  118 113    

OH6IU       23622  361   20  62    DF4TD       22815   91  104 117    
UT5UGR      22120  100  216  70    DF1IC       21952  224    0  98    
DL2SBY      20424  111  111  92    PA0KHS      20304  144    0 141    
II2I        19952   66  166  86    DK0PC       19170   83  187  71    
DJ9HX       19026  126    0 151    DL4SUA      18906  106  305  46    

UY5TE       18170   72  158  79    DK1GO/p     17600   84  136  80    
DF8HS       16884  104   97  84    DJ1OJ       15834   93  110  78    
SP6NIC      15375  125    0 123    DK4TB       15200   88  102  80    
DL2OBF      15189   67  182  61    ES6PZ       14950  115    0 130    
LZ2WM       14628  109  167  53    DK8US/p     13778   23   60 166    

DL1BKT      13692   88   75  84    DJ7MG       13260   72  123  68    
PA0KDM      12971  109    0 119    YU7SF       12446   67   60  98    
DL9DBK      12426   56  162  57    PA0DUO      11881  109    0 109    
YU7KM       11554  106    0 109    DF8VV/p     11520  160    0  72    
DJ6WD       11172   75   72  76    IK8LWA      11096  146    0  76    

SP6DVP      10823   87   50  79    EA3LS       10692   57  105  66    
G6QQ        10478   56  113  62    UC2ABO       9322   40  118  59    
DF5NF        8772   92   10  86    UO5OED       8700  100    0  87    
DL8AAV       7650   56   97  50    DK9HN        7296   86   10  76    
DL1LBP       6784   44   84  53    DL6HBQ       6604   68   59  52    

SP7SEW       6600   66    0 100    DJ2YE        6570   73    0  90    
DL4VAD       6550   45   86  50    UZ6HWH       6400  160    0  40    
LZ2VP        6386   72   31  62    DL1DBR       6231   68   25  67    
DL3AG        6148  106    0  58    OM3YCA       6112   44  147  32    
DK8IJ        5644   68    0  83    DL4VAI       5500   60   40  55    

F8WE         5487   93    0  59    DL5MFH       5459   33   70  53    
DJ8WD        5451   79    0  69    OH6RC        5092   59   17  67    
LY1DR        4717   36   53  53    SP9AGS       4700   65   29  50    
EA3GHQ       4672   64    0  73    OM3CPY       4544   71    0  64    
HA3GN        4466   77    0  58    DL9MFB       4410   70    0  63    

DK4IO        4368   48   30  56    F5JBF        4284   68    0  63    
LZ1OQ        4250   50   35  50    DF2HL        4235   37   40  55    
DL6DVU       4189   71    0  59    OH3NM        4002   69    0  58    
LZ2PO        3927   39   38  51    DL1HAJ       3888   39   69  36    
PA0YN        3808   32   87  32    DL5DAV       3800   46   30  50    

DL2ECZ       3763   53    0  71    DF7HJ        3705   57    0  65    
HB9DX        3382   38    0  89    SP9BLF       3360   60   20  42    
OE1WWL       3350   40   10  67    EA1FK        3344   76    0  44    
EA5GRC       3192   57    0  56    LZ2DF        2952   22   60  36    
EA2CLK       2914   62    0  47    9A3ZO        2650   53    0  50    

EA2CR        2548   21   77  26    OM3CRH       2448   51    0  48    
OE1TKW       2400   30   50  30    DK1RU        2352   39   10  48    
OK1BB        2244   44    0  51    DL0KB        2200   44    0  50    
DL1HSR       2106   39    0  54    SP2DKI       2068   47    0  44    
IK0QJO       1968   41    0  48    OK2TH        1748   46    0  38    

SP4CUF       1710   45    0  38    DK6MT        1700   15   35  34    
OK2SWD       1520   40    0  38    SP2AHD       1500   50    0  30    
YO2ARV       1456   26    0  56    DL1EV/p      1404   14   40  26    
UB5LBX       1392   36   22  24    DL8DBW       1240   31    0  40    
YO7AEW       1188   33    0  36    DK3YD        1080   29    7  30    

LA2T         1080   34   11  24    LA1PHA        936   36    0  26    
DL2HTF        900   25    0  36    LA2AD         884   34    0  26    
YO5BWI        858   33    0  26    DF2KD         836   28   10  22    
DL3HWW        736   23    0  32    LZ2FM         672   21    0  32    
IV3GCP        648   27    0  24    YO8AEU        630   21    0  30    

DL3DCM        616   28    0  22    SP6ECA        612   18    0  34    
IK0LSV        592    7   30  16    YO4FYQ        480   16    0  30    
SP9MDY        400   20    0  20    SP2WEP        400   20    0  20    
OZ1ASP        378   21    0  18    SO1FFF        352   22    0  16    
DL2DCN        342    8   10  19    G0NIF         342   19    0  18    

LZ3SM         264   12    0  22    DL3WB         256   16    0  16    
SV9/DL1DXF/p  256   16    0  16    DK9OS         250    5   20  10    
DK5KJ         210   15    0  14    IK4RSK        168   12    0  14    
SP4BPH/A      130   13    0  10    LA6BBA         96    8    0  12    
UB2JQ          91    7    0  13    DL1EJO         88   11    0   8    

PA0DOM         88   11    0   8    DL6DCJ         48    6    0   8    
OH6UP          32    4    0   8    SP7DZA         18    3    0   6

Single Operator Non-Europe

RH0E      1762761 2071 2038 429    4X/S59PR  1668300 2014 2006 415 
AK1A      1278706 1779 1640 374    K2TW       835710 1357 1313 313
AA1AA      647280 1044 1044 310    HH2PK      622215 1052 1043 297
EX0A       551232  957  957 288    K3WW       474249  821  820 289
JJ3YBB     452670  959  951 237    PR0R       391495  805  780 247

N4UH       308549  668  623 239    KE2VB      282862  607  607 233
PP5ZYZ     275548  771  743 182    K2PS       248920  638  632 196
N6AR       205972  444  440 233    JA5FDJ     184800  623  609 150
NG9J       179344  511  508 176    PP5JD      153389  490  487 157
OA4ANR     141662  371  363 193    JA5EXW     140350  409  393 175

KA1DWX     130746  288  278 231    RA9ST      130680  396  396 165
NN3Q       125442  311  310 202    YB6AVE     119886  383  371 159
EA1AK/EA8  116820  303  287 198    WE6G       114345  349  344 165
W2UP       113937  351  348 163    LU8FDZ     103350  398  397 130
UI8QU      100975  297  280 175    WS1M        96240  405  397 120

VK2APK      84152  316  312 134    UN7FW       79520  284  276 142
RW9AB       79220  246  220 170    W8KKF       77220  298  296 130
UA0JQ       75735  286  275 135    LU6ETB      71680  321  319 112
JR1GSE      65000  251  249 130    WZ8A        63045  235  232 135
JA7BEW      60828  281  267 111    LU2NI       57268  279  277 103

JA1YNE      55272  282  282  98    KA5W        52393  218  215 121
K5ZD        51802  239  200 118    KB0C        50799  207  206 123
VE3VID      34977  202  191  89    YB6INU      32960  275  240  64
WO9S        33028  186  173  92    3B8DB       31820  223  207  74
UZ9CWY      30108  193  193  78    N1OAZ       28938  159  159  91

KE3GA       28304  123  121 116    K1JB        27984  217  207  66
W5ASP       27720  160  155  88    VK3EW       26752  210  208  64
AB2E        26433  151  146  89    JF2XJE      26058  138  120 101
K2TD        25984  125  107 112    JA2DLM      23424  124  120  96
WA2UDT      19669  111  110  89    PY2HF       19140  147  143  66

JK1AJX/1    15400  110  110  70    UA9XC       14580   92   70  90
LU7FEU      14280  103  101  70    VU2JOS      13510   97   96  70
BV2A        13072  118   34  86    JH2HFD      12506   85   84  74
WA2WYR      10712   62   41 104    YB3OSE      10626   91   70  66
CE3BFZ      10395   75   60  77    KA1DSQ      10088   99   95  52

YB2BKJ       9982   82   79  62    JA2UKS       9916   71   63  74
KE0UI        9792  106   98  48    K4BAI        9454   83   80  58
JH1UUT       9322   83   75  59    N2VW         8692   55   51  82
ZY5C         8642   77   72  58    VE2AWR       8164  157    0  52
WB0YJT       8064   75   69  56    DL2YAK/HC5   7852   82   69  52

K1CLN        7800   80   70  52    PY2APQ       7224   65   64  56
UD6DKW       7200   80   70  48    KA7ZUM       5936  106    0  56
VE7XO        5712  102    0  56    WB0O         5712   68   68  42
JF3LGC       5400   68   67  40    JA1IT        5117   63   56  43 
YC3SPS       5050  101    0  50    W6KXG        4520   57   56  40

UA9XF        4326  103    0  42    N4MM         3920   56    0  70
VE5SF        3706   56   53  34    KL7FAP       3026   51   38  34
K8CV         2720   35   33  40    JE3RHR       2496   49   29  32
CP1FF        2324   42   41  28    JA1BUI       1898   43   30  26
JA1LZR       1656   26   20  36    CE5BPE       1638   33   30  26

VE3BR        1386   32   31  22    JA0HYU       1118   23   20  26
HK3MKQ        992   31    0  32    VE7GKI        900   20   10  30
N2VPI         840   35    0  24    JA3UWB        792   33    0  24
JA5IP         768   24    0  32    JL6IPK        672   18   10  24
PY2NY         640   17   15  20    N2LQQ         640   32    0  20

KC1F          616   24   20  14    JA1JLP        450   15    0  30
JL1MWI        440   13    9  20    KH6GMP        396   22    0  18
JG5OYU        294   11   10  14    JA3JOT        270   15    0  18
JH4OYA        240   15    0  16    KC4IYD        196   14    0  14
N6AA          180   12    6  10    JE1LGY        156   13    0  12

JA1AAT        154   11    0  14    JA4DHN        140   10    0  14
KA9MLQ         98    7    0  14    JH4LPY         84    7    0  12
JG1GCO         84    7    0  12    JN1FEA         80   10    0   8
YC3MIG         80   10    0   8    C21/KC6DX      72   12    0   6
WZ1R           50    5    0  10    JA0GZ          40    5    0   8

JR7LVK         16    4    0   4    7M2JTT          2    1    0   2
JA9XAT          2    1    0   2    OD5EH           2    1    0   2

Multi Operator Single Transmitter Europe

DF0HQ     1346034 1348 1211 526    UR8J      1203048  923 1309 539
OE6MBG    1069530 1521  794 462    DK0EE      978985  869 1490 415
DL0WAE     695572 1043  759 386    OL1A       500489 1255  648 263

LY2WW      442605  508 1045 285    DL0HN      441792  768  648 312
DL0UM      438368  536  906 304    US7I       436239  707  652 321
UT7W       381598  572  786 281    DL1SBR     337700  423  805 275
4O9S       290280  650  766 205    G0SDX      286272 1043  448 192
F6FIO      262262 1001    0 262    DF0PK      255482  308  611 278

DK0ME      252568  623  341 262    DL0TGH     239860  330  565 268
DL0CT      206573  316  507 251    DL0ZN      200739  301  546 237
DK2FR      164696  284  408 238    ER7Z       155584  369  515 176
DL3LAB     151844  351  397 203    DL0KM      117819  268  473 159
PI4TUE     112308  501   87 191    DL0HD      102108  267  537 127

LY2OM      101824  204  388 172    IO2L       101500  580    0 175
OM3KAG      62237  523    0 119    DL0MUE      59248  142  226 161
PA0CKV      46460  386  119  92    UZ4AYT      40320  145  215 112
YU7AJM      22386   79  167  91    DK2PR       17370  183   10  90
DJ9UN       10001   50   87  73    DF6NA        3696   55   29  44

SP3KPN       2400   48    0  50    SP8KEA       1628   37    0  44
OK2KVI        528   33    0  16    DK0GM         400   20    0  20
DL0HFC        120   10    0  12    IK5TSS          4    2    0   2

Multi Operator Single Transmitter Non-Europe

P39C      2141820 2279 2101 489    EA9LZ     1917468 2188 2160 441
ZW5B      1723953 1985 1942 439    KC1XX     1582420 1866 1690 445
C40R      1392110 1915 1899 365    UX9C       830256 1176 1176 353

LU1FC      427460  800  795 268    N1AU       356286  750  747 238
N3BNA      345912  752  739 232    P40ST      324940  796  744 211
LU4AA      267528  633  623 213    JA7YAA      94976  450  446 106
W8BI        12580   96   89  68

Multi Operator Multi Transmitter Europe

DL0DK     1256382 1491 1326 446    R6L       1119519 1084 1263 477
LY7A       623322  624 1122 357    DF0DF      273462  540  609 238
OH1AA      153002  320  357 226

Multi Operator Multi Transmitter Non-Europe

JR0YJO      28796  166  147  92    DX1DBT      24882  169  150  78
JA9YAV      18870  105   80 102

SWL Europe
LYR-1580   887328  690  574 702    OM3-27707  609504  452  455 672
OM3-0001   199688  436    0 458    DE0DEM     193440  280  340 312
UB4-060-17 154284  264  252 299    OH2-836    152779  395   78 323
I0-8941PG  129850  210  161 350    RB5IIU     121392  169  263 281

UB5-060-29  89817  190  139 273    ONL 4003    43624  204   62 164
RS94781     37740  168   17 204    DANIEL SOER  34510  178   60 145
DE1RWZ      33320  140    0 238    YU1EFG      30510  113    0 270
SP-0189-GD  24892  127    0 196    OK2-9329    14014   74   69  98

RA1-143-1   10890   82    8 121    DE0GMH       1806   32   11  42

SWL Non-Europe

UA9-154-24 254190  392  163 458    ILA568/VE8  77550  294  223 150
IDXC INS99  30672  108  108 142    WPE6GFZ/0   29440  192  128  92
CX3NO       23736   96   76 138    JA1-7777    11639   80   33 103
JA1-20762    3536   34   18  68   


Many thanks to all stations for their contribution to the contest.

**** WAEDC SSB 1994: 10 Sep (0000z) - 11 Sep (2400z) ***** 

Send questions to DL2DN @ DB0RBS.#BW.DEU.EU

73, Herb, DL2DN

39th European DX Contest (WAEDC) RTTY 1993

List shows European and Non-European scores in each category. 

Complete results with detailed top scores, scores by countries, contest
comments and pictures will be published in the April issue of DARC`s 
CQDL radio magazine and in the WAEDC contest booklet. 

The WAEDC contest booklet will automatically be sent to those  who have
submitted a log in one of the 1993 contests.  If you did not send a log
in 1993 and you would like to receive the booklet, please write to:

WAEDC Contest Committee, P.O.Box 1126, D-74370 Sersheim, Germany  

Contest booklet mailing is in June, also for the certificates, plaques.

Number groups after call: score-QSOs-QTCs-multipliers

Single Operator Europe  

UB0QQ      190008  423   45 406    UB4HQ      182000  410   45 400
OE2OWM     175240  290  230 337    I2DMI      174002  333  149 361
DJ2BW      169663  342   79 403    DJ5LA      165347  262  291 299
ER0F       157344  427   20 352    S57MM      149644  338   80 358
I2TQU      107331  279  120 269    G5LP        64636  210   76 226

YU7AM       57096  189   55 234    I2WEG       56980  210   10 259
DF7JC       54600  170   90 210    S53AA       51980  203   27 226
GM0/WN1G    39220  185    0 212    DL9GGA      36636  152   20 213
EA2CNT      36252  202   10 171    PA0XPQ      33460  140    0 239
LA7AJ       33325  145   10 215    YL3FM       30855  155   10 187

OK1MP       29213  121   10 223    DL9YAJ      28756  116   42 182
OH1NSJ      26595  115   20 197    UB5TAU      24236  111   35 166
I0KHP       21736   92   60 143    I2HWI       21708  134    0 162
IK0HBN      20413  127   10 149    SP3FIM      19656   77   40 168
YO3FRI      19272  132    0 146    IK0CNA      13824   73   55 108

EA2CNG      13250   92   14 125    SP9MAX      12496   78   10 142
UB5LBX      11808  103   20  96    DJ5AV       11616   58   30 132
SM7BHM      11475   75    0 153    DJ2YE        9514   71    0 134
SM0TGG       9380   70    0 134    YO6JN        9324  101   10  84
DF3CB        8856   44   38 108    IK2IKW       8763   59   10 127

OZ5MJ        8712   66    0 132    SP2FOV       8100   71   10 100
IK1TWC       7665   73    0 105    SM7ATL       6206   58    0 107
UA4ANZ       5376   56    0  96    UC2LEG       5040   46   10  90
OM3CPS       5035   43   10  95    ES4MM        4588   62    0  74
OM3CPA       3825   35   10  85    OK2TBC       3672   54    0  68

EA7HAB       3619   47    0  77    S52OR        3444   41    0  84
EC3ACG       3256   74    0  44    LZ1MC        3082   46    0  67
OH2LU        3081   29   10  79    OH2OM        3080   44    0  70
F5VAU        2484   36    0  69    SP3OCW       2205   35    0  63
EA3GFW       2156   49    0  44    SM7AIO       2016   36    0  56

YU7AE        1968   41    0  48    EA7ADH       1760   32    0  55
OH5UL        1488   31    0  48    SM4CJY        792   18    0  44
DK5KJ         720   20   10  24    SP3RAV        656   16    0  41
SP2QCN        646   17    0  38    DL8HBC        378   14    0  27
SP6OPE/6      280   14    0  20    LA3RIA        100   10    0  10

YO3FWC         63    9    0   7    SP9TCE         48    6    0   8    

Single Operator Non-Europe

UH8EA      444559  737  324 419    HH2PK      327712  718  360 304
UN5PR      140630  245  245 287    HK0HEU     107136  416  160 186
ZV2BW       40608  217  159 108    AB5KD       38086  254   20 139
OA4ZV       17113  147   10 109    LU8FDZ      14640  112  132  60
K5KLA       11102  104   18  91    VE7SAY       9720  216    0  45

WA2WYR       7300   43   30 100    W9FFC/2      2450   35    0  70
NA2M         2120   53    0  40    WA8FLF       1872   58   20  24
CP1FF        1200   40    0  30    ZL2JON       1128   27   20  24
KC4IYD       1088   34    0  32    VE5SF         975   39    0  25
OA4ANR        304   19    0  16    

JA4MES          8    2    0   4

Multi Operator Single Transmitter Europe

LZ5R       362516  482  365 428    OH2AG      237600  444  150 400
OH0BBF     224234  528   59 382    OH3NE      110950  317    0 350
4O9S        57584  236    0 244    RT7U        49910  205   25 217
SP3PLD      43681  139   70 209    LY1BZB      17160  130    0 132
DL0HFC       3496   36   10  76    DF0LI        1652   44   15  28

Multi Operator Single Transmitter Non-Europe

UZ9CWA     724164  504 1050 466    W9NGA      219461  491  290 281

SWL Europe

ONL383      35640  152   10 220    DE0GMH      20336   90   34 164
SABINE W.   10240   62   18 128    SP4-208      3408   48   23  48

Checklogs: SP6NVK KD4AZH         

Many thanks to all stations for their contribution to the contest.

******  WAEDC CW 1994: 13 Aug 94 (0000z) - 14 Aug 94 (2400z) *****
*****  WAEDC SSB 1994: 10 Sep 94 (0000z) - 11 Sep 94 (2400z) *****
***** WAEDC RTTY 1994: 12 Nov 94 (0000z) - 13 Nov 94 (2400z) *****

Please send questions to DL2DN @ DB0RBS.#BW.DEU.EU .

73, Herb, DL2DN

>From Garry R. Shapiro" <0006860332 at mcimail.com  Fri Jul  1 10:46:00 1994
From: Garry R. Shapiro" <0006860332 at mcimail.com (Garry R. Shapiro)
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 94 04:46 EST
Subject: help!
Message-ID: <85940701094658/0006860332DC1EM at mcimail.com>


MCI Mail subscribers are encouraged to send and receive correspondence
with individuals on the Internet.  There is no policy which would 
discourage an MCI Mail subscriber from being included on an Internet 
mailing list.  However, MCI prevents the delivery of messages sent 
from MCI Mail to other MCI Mail subscribers via the Internet.  Therefore, 
if an MCI Mail subscriber attempts to send a message to the recipients 
of an Internet list and the list contains the names of MCI Mail 
subscribers, the message will not be delivered to those MCI recipients.  

Thank you for using MCI Mail.


MCI Help

This says that -when sending a message or reply to the entire list of reflector
subscribers- I cannot include those subscribers who also use MCImail, unless
I send the message or reply to them separately, via MCImail.

This seems totally absurd to me! Has anyone out there encountered and solved
this problem?
Garry, NI6T    ni6t at mcimail.com

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