WPX rules?

Ray Rocker rrrocker at rock.b11.ingr.com
Thu Jun 2 23:31:31 EDT 1994

> Since I am in 3 land, can I sign W2UP/NQ3 or some other exotic prefix? 
> Or, must I just do W2UP/3, or no portable?

Yeah, I worked a W8xxx/WI6, I wonder if that was legal and is really worth
a multiplier. (Of course with these crappy condx he was probably /WH6 and 
I botched it...)

Also I worked NP4IW/6. What's that count as? NP6? N6? W6?

-- ray WQ5L rrrocker at rock.b11.ingr.com

"Hello one and all
 Is it you I used to know
 Can't you hear me call
 On this old ham radio?"     -- Steely Dan, "King of the World"

>From gt5830b at prism.gatech.edu (KUNKEE,DAVID BRYAN)  Fri Jun  3 06:50:00 1994
From: gt5830b at prism.gatech.edu (KUNKEE,DAVID BRYAN) (KUNKEE,DAVID BRYAN)
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 01:50:00 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: June VHF SKEDS for W4NT
Message-ID: <199406030550.BAA20796 at acmex.gatech.edu>

We will be able to take any additional SKEDS for W4NT (Near
Franklin Mountain, NC EM-85) via Fred Kleber's (K9VV) 
alpha-numeric skypager at 800-749-0733.  We will be monitoring 
during the contest.  We have 50, 144, 222 and 432 MHz bands.
Please indicate the message is for Fred Kleber and supply
the necessary info.

73 de Dave, K0DI
gt5830b at prism.gatech.edu

>From Eugene Walsh <0004504465 at mcimail.com>  Fri Jun  3 07:55:00 1994
From: Eugene Walsh <0004504465 at mcimail.com> (Eugene Walsh)
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 94 01:55 EST
Subject: NONSENSE!
Message-ID: <03940603065530/0004504465PK3EM at mcimail.com>

1000 Dollar prizes???  What is this nonsense?
I feel that I am in a sitcom!
The only incentive I ever needed to do this was that
I loved it from the first moment I discovered it.  As 
a boy I admired those who did it well and tried to learn 
(By listening long hours) from them how to do it.
Why do people feel the need to promote things
which are not only impossible, but stupid?
The folks I see promoting these things are not folks
who are real competitors, who are in the results.
I don't see anything from anyone who really has put
some effort into this sport talking about this nonsense.
I sympathize with those who must pay to read this trash.
The fun of it is all there is.  There is nothing else.
If you try to make something else of it you will
destroy it, especially for yourself.
The only prize you can ever get from this activity
(Which from any other viewpoint except ours is 
totally insane), is the fun of doing it.
If you are looking for something else you are
cerebrally disadvantaged.
Winning a contest is wonderful.  The only thing worse 
than not winning is not being in it!
Regarding UW9AR/UA9BA, anyone who is awake for part of
the day knows that UW (Along with UV and UZ) now belongs 
to Ukraine.  
Willy, faced with changing to RU9AR, decided to opt 
for UA9BA, which was open.  His Internet address is 
still UW9AR at chal.chel.su until he changes it, if ever.

>From Peter G. Smith" <n4zr at netcom.com  Fri Jun  3 11:16:28 1994
From: Peter G. Smith" <n4zr at netcom.com (Peter G. Smith)
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 03:16:28 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: WPX rules?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9406030304.A18088-0100000 at netcom2>

Well, Steve's on the net.... Steve???  Steve????  Inquiring minds want to 

73, Pete                                       2003 Sarazen Pl.
n4zr at netcom.com                                Reston, VA 22091
N4ZR at N4OHE (PacketCluster)

On Thu, 2 Jun 1994, Leonard Kay wrote:

> >>Since I am in 3 land, can I sign W2UP/NQ3 or some other exotic prefix? 
> >>Or, must I just do W2UP/3, or no portable?
> >>Tnx/Barry
> >>
> We had a discussion going at KY1H during the contest about this. Someone
> (NCN, was it you?) said that you can't do that if you're from the
> continental 48 to begin with, but foreign (DXCC-wise) you can, so that
> KH6XYZ/NQ3 or G0XYZ/NQ3 is allowed, but W2UP/NQ3 isn't. 
> We weren't sure, though. I'd like to know if there's a definitive 
> answer to this, too....
> Len KB2R
> len at ariel.coe.neu.edu

>From Steve Harrison <sharriso at sysplan.com>  Fri Jun  3 15:48:00 1994
From: Steve Harrison <sharriso at sysplan.com> (Steve Harrison)
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 10:48:00 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: WPX rules?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9406031000.J12608-0100000 at eagle>

On Fri, 3 Jun 1994, Peter G. Smith wrote:

> Well, Steve's on the net.... Steve???  Steve????  Inquiring minds want to 
> know.

Huh? somebody say something?

Steve, KO0U/4 <sharrison at sysplan.com>

> 73, Pete                                       2003 Sarazen Pl.
> n4zr at netcom.com                                Reston, VA 22091
> N4ZR at N4OHE (PacketCluster)
> On Thu, 2 Jun 1994, Leonard Kay wrote:
> > >>Since I am in 3 land, can I sign W2UP/NQ3 or some other exotic prefix? 
> > >>Or, must I just do W2UP/3, or no portable?
> > >>Tnx/Barry
> > >>
> > 
> > We had a discussion going at KY1H during the contest about this. Someone
> > (NCN, was it you?) said that you can't do that if you're from the
> > continental 48 to begin with, but foreign (DXCC-wise) you can, so that
> > KH6XYZ/NQ3 or G0XYZ/NQ3 is allowed, but W2UP/NQ3 isn't. 
> > We weren't sure, though. I'd like to know if there's a definitive 
> > answer to this, too....
> > 
> > 
> > Len KB2R
> > len at ariel.coe.neu.edu
> > 

>From sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu  Fri Jun  3 10:57:29 1994
From: sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu (sellington)
Date: 3 Jun 94 09:57:29 U
Subject: new hams/new contesters

For all the negative things one can say about Citizen's Band operation over
the years, it has actually brought a significant number of people into ham
radio.  I'll bet we all know hams who got started that way.   Enhancing the
process may be something really worth considering.

Scott  K9MA

>From sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu  Fri Jun  3 11:01:55 1994
From: sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu (sellington)
Date: 3 Jun 94 10:01:55 U
Subject: Nested Mockingbirds
Message-ID: <9406031503.AA27111 at ns.PacBell.COM>

There aren't many birds nesting in 9-land between November and April.

Scott  K9MA

>From sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu  Fri Jun  3 11:05:27 1994
From: sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu (sellington)
Date: 3 Jun 94 10:05:27 U
Subject: new hams/new contesters

>It is flat-out illegal for a ham to use his callsign as a means of 
>identification on any radio/television service that is not amateur radio.

If so, that means it is legal for anyone EXCEPT me from using my call on
Citizen's Band.  Wierd!

Scott  K9MA 

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>  Fri Jun  3 16:11:13 1994
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 08:11:13 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: NONSENSE!
Message-ID: <770656273.504901.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>

> The only prize you can ever get from this activity
> (Which from any other viewpoint except ours is 
> totally insane), is the fun of doing it.
> If you are looking for something else you are
> cerebrally disadvantaged.
> Winning a contest is wonderful.  The only thing worse 
> than not winning is not being in it!

I agree 100% with N2AA.

Just kidding, but not really.  

Radiosporting is an area that lives up to the addage that says something
vaguely like "You only get out of it what you put into it."  There are
no real prizes and this is a good thing; it keeps your head clear.  Can
you imagine the stress that would be involved if you had to win, place,
or show in some certain number of events per year to have enough cash
flow to continue competing?  Bleh.  At that point it becomes a business
rather than a labor of love.

And Gene has also hit upon another key aspect to radio comepetitions which
is the participatory aspect to them.  I did a little WPXing last weekend
here from the house using my barefoot 930 and an R5.  Conditions really
sucked.  Good thing I didn't have to put in the full 36 (rather than just
30).  I worked almost every station I heard (about 30 guys) during my two 
hours on the air, and you know what?  It was great!  Is wireless incredible
or what?

--Trey, WN4KKN/6

>From Bill Standerfer <bills at hpislwes.lvld.hp.com>  Fri Jun  3 16:14:32 1994
From: Bill Standerfer <bills at hpislwes.lvld.hp.com> (Bill Standerfer)
Date: Fri, 03 Jun 94 09:14:32 MDT
Subject: Recruiting/Motivating New Contesters
Message-ID: <9406031514.AA16786 at hpislwes.lvld.hp.com>

Larry N6AZE wrote:

>I disagree with AB6FO's premise that money is what motivates people across
>the board, including in contesting. There are a lot of people in ham radio
>just because it is a corinthian pursuit. Many of us became interested in
>contesting because it was an intense way to improve skills,
>equipment, antennas, and DXCC totals. I brought my high school ham buddy
>NS2E (inactive for 6-7 years) to 6E2T this weekend and we discussed that two
>years of contesting had resulted in more QSOs, countries, operating time,
>technical proficiency and license upgrade than the previous 33 years of on
>and off solo hamming. 

I agree with Larry on this one.  I was inactive for a couple of years when a
friend got his license and shamed me into putting the tower up last year.
After 28 years on the air, last year's SS was the first contest I'd tried.  I
had more fun that weekend than I'd had being a ham for a *very* long time.
The bug has bitten and I'm having a great time.  And it was further incentive
to finally take the last upgrade step to extra.

I tried my first contest because it sounded like an interesting way to work a
few new states at a new QTH.  It was baptism by fire since I had no idea what
I was doing, but I found it addicting and a heck of a lot of fun.  Now I'm
continuing to enjoy contest operating because of all the things Larry

Would I have tried contesting earlier if some prize had been out there to try
for?  Hmmm...  Probably not.  I was rather intimidated by the "big guns" and
rapid fire exchanges in the heat of battle.  The thought of actually winning
something in that fracas, even a "rookie" award, would never have been a goal.
My goal was to make enough Qs to feel good enough to send in my first contest
log and get my call in real Contest Print with real Contest Ink in QST.

I think there would be a few new folks try contesting with some incentive,
like a nice transciever, as a goal.  I think the newer hams would be more
likely to be driven by a prize of some sort.  However, those of us who can
remember operating transmitters with 807s and 813s are probably driven to
enter our first contest for other reasons.


Bill Standerfer                        *        Hewlett-Packard Company
CFI-A, IA, ME                          *        VXI Systems Division
bills at lvld.hp.com                      *        Loveland, CO  80539 
Baron N222AB - KF0DJ - Pikes Peak 253  *        303-679-2378

>From Peter G. Smith" <n4zr at netcom.com  Fri Jun  3 16:18:57 1994
From: Peter G. Smith" <n4zr at netcom.com (Peter G. Smith)
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 08:18:57 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: WPX rules?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9406030839.A21613-0100000 at netcom6>

I was dumbfounded, within hours after my message referring to Steve 
(Bolia, keeper of the WPX rules, N8BJQ - I think) to see at least three 
different steves pop up on the 'net.  What are the odds of that?  Is 
there something about contesting that attracts Steves, or vice versa...?

73, Pete                                       2003 Sarazen Pl.
n4zr at netcom.com                                Reston, VA 22091
N4ZR at N4OHE (PacketCluster)

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