Wrist Rocket safety tip
Gilmore Creek Geophysical Observatory
kl7ra at icefog.gcgo.nasa.gov
Wed Jun 15 02:43:33 EDT 1994
Just a little reminder that the "wrist rocket" is not user friendly
at 40 below zero. I know, not a big problem for those of you that
live in the life zone on earth. Many years ago when I was stupid
and thought I could work stations on 80 meters during the World
Wide I bought a "wrist rocket" to string up a vertical wire in a
tree. I test fired the thing in my garage with one of the steelies
that came with it just pulling back a little and put a hole in my
garage door. Wow are they powerful! I then went out into 40 below
weather and selected the lucky tree that I could launch a spark
plug over. That started the clock running on the surgical tubing
they use for fire power. I shot the plug up and it went only about
30 feet. Humm.. Must not have pulled far enough back. Next shot I
pulled really hard and it went only 15 feet this time. The next try
I really hogged back on that sucker and the surgical rubber parted
where its attached to the aluminum tubing of the frame. The blow
staggered me back about two steps before I fell down in the snow
with the broken wrist rocket in one hand and the spark plug in the
other. I stared up at that tree thinking this wasn't such a good
idea before my eyes swelled shut. Don't use them at 40 below. 30
below is probably okay.
Rich KL7RA Fairbanks Alaska kl7ra at icefog.gcgo.nasa.gov
>From barry at w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner) Thu Jun 16 02:26:22 1994
From: barry at w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner) (Barry Kutner)
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 94 01:26:22 GMT
Subject: IRC's
Message-ID: <NqLZNc1w165w at w2up.wells.com>
PITTSM at ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu writes:
> In reference to thupcoming YV0 operation and the announcement by YV5KAJ of
> of same, can someone tell me why, more and more, we're seeing that one IRC
> "doesn't cover the return postage? I was under the impression that one IRC
> was good for airmail postage from any country in the postal union. Is this
> just a scam to double their income, or is there a legitimate reason why
> this is really true? Seems that even if one IRC wasn't enough to cover
> return postage at the post office, it certainly is enough to pay for return
> postage when exchanged on the ham market. IRC's for sale around where I
> live sell as soon as they're posted for 50 or 55 cents apiece. What's the
> scoop?
> Gary
> Nashville, TN
I believe the guys have been saying one GREENSTAMP doesn't cover postage,
which is believable the way the dollar is nowadays on the currency
market. However, if you read the fine print on the IRC is it SUPPOSED to
cover return postage of the lowest weight-class division. For example, if
some country sez postage is 3 rupees per 10 grams, and your envelope +
return card weighs 15 grams, then they gotcha for the extra IRC.
73 Barry
Barry N. Kutner, W2UP Usenet/Internet: barry at w2up.wells.com
Newtown, PA Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
Packet Cluster: W2UP >K2TW (FRC)
>From Thomas A. Collins" <0006726326 at mcimail.com Thu Jun 16 01:20:00 1994
From: Thomas A. Collins" <0006726326 at mcimail.com (Thomas A. Collins)
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 94 19:20 EST
Message-ID: <63940616002036/0006726326ND2EM at mcimail.com>
Well, it is now JUNE. The WPX 93 PHONE RESULTS were published in MARCH.
Since the deadline for CQ is at least TWO MONTHS ahead of time, Steve
Bolia, N8BJQ, the contest manager for the WPX contest, should have known
who the winners are probably back in JANUARY or FEBRUARY. That is at least
a good FIVE or SIX MONTHS ago. Since I am entitled to small award, a
lousy certificate, I think it's high time Mr. Bolia put his money where
his mouth is. I really wouldn't mind so much, but the fact that this is
my first win (Multi Single, 2 land call area) REALLY frustrates me.
How long does it REALLY take to print a certificate???? I can understand
some delay in plaques, but SIX MONTHS ??? I KNOW many have waited even
longer, but what are we going to do? Just stand by and let CQ get away
with this??? If Mr. Bolia cannot handle his duties, then maybe he should
step down as contest manager. I sent him a letter over 2 WEEKS ago, and
I have received NOTHING. No certificate, no explanation, no letter. If
this is the way he (and CQ) treats the little guy, then I have no choice
but to boycott the WPX contest.
A very frustrated winner,
Tom KY2T
>From Randy A Thompson <K5ZD at world.std.com> Thu Jun 16 03:25:37 1994
From: Randy A Thompson <K5ZD at world.std.com> (Randy A Thompson)
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 22:25:37 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9406152203.A24149-0100000 at world.std.com>
Geez...you have obviously never been involved in adminstering a contest
(or anything else by the sound of it). N8BJQ and every other person
working on CQ contests has a real paying job that takes real time. The
contest is something they are volunteering to do. As such, it may not
always get high priority treatment -- especially in the months
immediately following the results. You got any idea how many hours it
takes just to type in the line scores????? Not to mention actually
checking logs.
I must have missed the part of your message where you volunteered to help
Steve get some of the log checking done and certificates out. I am sure
that must have been what you meant to say...
Congratulations on your first contest win. I know it's exciting. But
you must realize that a few months is a blink of the eye when it comes to
waiting for contest certificates!
As for boycotting the contest because you didn't get a certificate, that
is your choice. However, you can get a certificate from the ARRL for
just talking to someone on the air for more than 30 minutes (RCC). Go
for it!
Randy, K5ZD K5ZD at world.std.com
On Wed, 15 Jun 1994, Thomas A. Collins wrote:
> Well, it is now JUNE. The WPX 93 PHONE RESULTS were published in MARCH.
> Since the deadline for CQ is at least TWO MONTHS ahead of time, Steve
> Bolia, N8BJQ, the contest manager for the WPX contest, should have known
> who the winners are probably back in JANUARY or FEBRUARY. That is at least
> a good FIVE or SIX MONTHS ago. Since I am entitled to small award, a
> lousy certificate, I think it's high time Mr. Bolia put his money where
> his mouth is. I really wouldn't mind so much, but the fact that this is
> my first win (Multi Single, 2 land call area) REALLY frustrates me.
> How long does it REALLY take to print a certificate???? I can understand
> some delay in plaques, but SIX MONTHS ??? I KNOW many have waited even
> longer, but what are we going to do? Just stand by and let CQ get away
> with this??? If Mr. Bolia cannot handle his duties, then maybe he should
> step down as contest manager. I sent him a letter over 2 WEEKS ago, and
> I have received NOTHING. No certificate, no explanation, no letter. If
> this is the way he (and CQ) treats the little guy, then I have no choice
> but to boycott the WPX contest.
> Signed,
> A very frustrated winner,
> Tom KY2T
>From DAVE CASE - KA1NCN <CASEDA at ECSUC.CTSTATEU.EDU> Thu Jun 16 03:52:29 1994
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 22:52:29 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Cue sheets for FD ops
Message-ID: <940615225229.20216081 at ECSUC.CTSTATEU.EDU>
After working a sweat up trying to get my local club psyched up about
FD, I now see that it is necessary to have a cue-sheet so all the
people who would be smoking cigars can have something to cue them it
should they start ragchewing.
I wonder if any of you have any that you could email me. I don't think
that there is a danger of my club beating yours.
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