Antenna stacking distance advice

zf8bs at zf8bs at
Thu Jun 30 10:01:39 EDT 1994

The absolute expert on Yagi stacking is Tom Schiller, N6BT, who not too long
ago quit his job as a programmer and started up his own company building
antennas:  Force 12.  Tom has put up closely-spaced Christmas trees at both
N6TV and AA6MC, both of whom are on this reflector.  I'd be willing to bet
you get a response from at least one, if not both, of these guys.  It would
be really worth your time to give Tom a call and chat with him about spacing
your Yagis.  The bottom line is that you can put them much closer together
than you would ever guess, IF...  And that's where I get lost; I don't know
the conditions that allow you to closely space them.  But both N6TV and
AA6MC have a stack of 40/20/15/10 with an 80 dipole on top in a very short
mast spacing.

My roster shows N6BT's home number as 415-964-5554 and his work number
as 408-988-2766, but there's no guarantee these are correct.  Bob and Dick
can probably also help you over the Internet, but everything they know came
from Tom.
                                                Bruce, AA6KX

>From K. Caruso x226-6935, NIPG-Servers" <caruso at  Thu Jun 30 17:18:47 1994
From: K. Caruso x226-6935, NIPG-Servers" <caruso at (K. Caruso x226-6935, NIPG-Servers)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 94 09:18:47 PDT
Subject: FD Expectations
Message-ID: <9406301618.AA04624 at>

 I went into Field Day (my first) with two thoughts. One, there would
be alot of new operators and two, Field Day is not a contest.

 As a fairly serious contester with the ability to talk extremely fast I tried
to take the edge off. I passed along more than a few "big signals here", "thanks
for the new section", "have a nice day" and "no problem on the dupe". If the
operator was 1D and slow, I would try to match his pace to get the Q done in
one exchange. All in all it worked pretty well and I had a blast. Speaking of
dupes, I found it much faster to just log it and move on, maybe pass along 
"Thats a dupe OM, QRZ WT1T".

 I even managed to get admonished by a 4-lander to "slow down"!

 I'm a newcomer to the reflector, just signed up yesterday.

 (FD - WT1T 5A EMA with the B.A.R.S. group)

>From Lyndon Nerenberg <lyndon at>  Thu Jun 30 17:58:37 1994
From: Lyndon Nerenberg <lyndon at> (Lyndon Nerenberg)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 09:58:37 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Canada Day Contest....
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9406300937.I7828-0100000 at>

> Does the RAC contest really start 0000 July 1 as the post I printed
> from one of these reflectors indicates?  That means it starts Thursday
> (today) evening at 2000 EDT?!?  Am I all wet here?

Yup, that's correct.

Watch out for VE7ZZZ - I think this is one of the years we plan on taking 
first place.


[ To quote VE7RBL: "we only send in logs every second year 'cuz we get 
tired of winning all the time." :-) ]

>From jtp1 at (John Pescatore)  Thu Jun 30 18:02:24 1994
From: jtp1 at (John Pescatore) (John Pescatore)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 13:02:24 -0400
Subject: TS 850
Message-ID: <9406301702.AA16182 at>

I was an early adopter of the TS-850, mine has been through many Field Days,
Sweepstakes, IARUs, and part time real (DX) contests.


1. NO 110VAC power supply - A pain to guest op with.
2. TX Audio sensitive to clipping if you drive Mic gain to hard - This is
   often called the TX SSB power problem. I have no problem getting 100W
   out on SSB, but you don't want to drive the 850 ALC into the red or it
   sounds like shit.
3. Godawful RIT design: narrow range, no reset, no center detent, funny
4. No receive antenna jack. Only an issue for me when I tried to bring in to
   W3LPL for CQ WW and couldn't get it wired in without a relay.


1. Great receiver, best I have ever heard.
2. No 110VAC power supply - great for field day. Probably helps RX, too.
3. With internal antenna tuner and voice memory, the perfect Field Day
   station in a box. The voice memory is a little hokey, though.

I would not buy the 850 for my main contest radio, unless the only contest I
did all year was Field Day.

pescatore at

John Pescatore
GTE Government Systems
Rockville, MD
jtp1 at

>From John Boudreau <ve8ev at>  Thu Jun 30 18:04:19 1994
From: John Boudreau <ve8ev at> (John Boudreau)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 94 11:04:19 MDT
Subject: Canada Day Contest....

 Does the RAC contest really start 0000 July 1 as the post I printed
> from one of these reflectors indicates?  That means it starts Thursday
> (today) evening at 2000 EDT?!?  Am I all wet here?
> Ron Rossi

No Ron, you're dry enough.  The contest starts today at 0000 and ends


John - VE8EV

John Boudreau VE8EV     INTERNET: ve8ev at

>From John Boudreau <ve8ev at>  Thu Jun 30 18:08:07 1994
From: John Boudreau <ve8ev at> (John Boudreau)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 94 11:08:07 MDT
Subject: Canada Day Contest....

>  Does the RAC contest really start 0000 July 1 as the post I printed
> from one of these reflectors indicates?  That means it starts Thursday
> (today) evening at 2000 EDT?!?  Am I all wet here?
> Ron Rossi
 No Ron, you're dry enough.  The contest starts today at 0000 and ends
 John - VE8EV
 John Boudreau VE8EV     INTERNET: ve8ev at

>From Walton L. Stinson" <wstinson at  Thu Jun 30 18:13:53 1994
From: Walton L. Stinson" <wstinson at (Walton L. Stinson)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 11:13:53 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: FD QSO's
Message-ID: <Pine.3.05.9406301151.B16438-b100000 at>

I operated fd with two unlicensed 11 year old boys.  this was our second
year operating 1E 5w battery. we had a great time and they are now intently
studying for their novice/tech licenses.  convinced me that fd can be a 
great INTRODUCTION to ham radio for folks who arent even licensed, if we
will just get out of the way and let them operate.  BTW the CAC is looking at
changing the Novice Roundup into an Elmer type event to encourage this
type of an introduction to HF and contesting.  We ended up with
3800 points, with the boys making more than half the Q's.
73, walt, w0cp

On Thu, 30 Jun 1994, KEVIN - WA8ZDT wrote:

> Saturday evening we put WN8PEE's thirteen year old son, Patrick on 40m
> phone.  He talked (excitedly) while I logged using NA.  He would read the
> calls off the computer monitor.  He pushed the speedometer over 200/hr
> several times!   The kid had a blast!   If he'd kept at it we probably
> would have beat George's 2800 Q's and 700 dupes.  And I never had to say a
> word.  Anybody can do it .... just talk fast...
>                    73  WA8ZDT

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