Midwest 3830

ka9fox at aol.com ka9fox at aol.com
Wed Mar 2 17:03:43 EST 1994

When George WB5VZL or myself take the scores on 3830 for many of the domestic
contests, we are able to hear the East, Midwest and West Coast stations just

Leave 3830 alone, and just get somebody in the middle of the country to take
scores (George and I have volunteered).  It appears that some feel only east
coast stations are reporting scores on 3830.  I believe this may be a problem
limited to the DX contests, because we have no problem getting the entire
country to dump in scores after Sweepstakes, N.A. QSO Parties, Sprints, etc. 
The situation probably exists because the left coast can't hear who is taking
scores on the east coast.

My two pennies.

Scott KA9FOX (15m op at K3LR this weekend - thanks Tim!)

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