JSTEINMAN at aol.com JSTEINMAN at aol.com
Tue Nov 8 10:42:54 EST 1994

Thanks to all for the QSOs.

BAND          QSOs             ANTENNAs (3 towers)
  80              185          K8UR array of 4 vertical dipoles
  40              821          3el Telrex @100', 3el Mosley @70'
  20              376          6/6 Telrex @105'/55', 4el Quad @ 60'
  15              195          5/5 Telrex @90'/45', 4el Quad @60'
  10                 5           5/5 Telrex @80'/35', 4el Quad @60'

Total = 1582 x 77

Use of second radio netted about 175 Qs.

Stacked yagis on Bertha pole, usually pointed NE. Quad
usually pointed West. On 40 use Telrex NE and Mosley West.
On all 4 bands use power splitting to beam both coasts
simultaneously. It's an absolute MUST from the Midwest.

Best hour was 00-01 = 99 QSOs. 
Hit 40 very early, about 2330Z first night. Felt very loud there.
Spent a lot of time on 40 Sunday morning listening
to N5RZ work W9s on 20 I couldn't hear. Around 1530Z
20 finally livened up.

No serious effort planned for SSB as will be packing for 
WW CW trip.

See you then from Aruba as P40F.

Jeff KR0Y
jsteinman at aol.com  

>From jholly at hposl42.cup.hp.com (Jim Hollenback)  Tue Nov  8 15:50:26 1994
From: jholly at hposl42.cup.hp.com (Jim Hollenback) (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 07:50:26 -0800
Subject: What green keys?
References: <e8c_9411071632 at microbbs.us.com>
Message-ID: <9411080750.ZM13447 at hpwsmjh.cup.hp.com>

On Nov 7,  3:23pm, Scott Lieberman wrote:
> Subject: What green keys?
>  j> Don't think I threatened anyones plaque or certificate, certainly not
>  j> in SCV. At any rate, CW is getting to be a better mode, but I still like
>  j> the green keys better.
> What are "the green keys" ?
>         Scott, N1EE/6

Others have asked, so public reply ....

green keys as in RTTY. The real(tm) TTY's had a gray case and green 
keys on the keyboard.  One of the first 'electric' typewritters I used.

jholly at cup.hp.com

>From sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu  Tue Nov  8 09:43:28 1994
From: sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu (sellington)
Date: 8 Nov 94 09:43:28 U
Subject: Re-SS and CW filters ....

How many of you have recently CHECKED your transceiver with a separate
receiver to make sure it really transmits on the same frequency it

Scott  K9MA
sellington at ssec.wisc.edu

>From sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu  Tue Nov  8 09:46:38 1994
From: sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu (sellington)
Date: 8 Nov 94 09:46:38 U
Subject: W2VJN SS CW Results

>Two college stations placed in the top ten, W8UM ( W8CQN op) and
>W9YT ( K9ZMS op).

K9ZMS is now K6NA.

Scott  K9MA

>From DFREY" <HARRIS.DFREY at IC1D.HARRIS.COM  Tue Nov  8 14:46:09 1994
Date: 08 Nov 1994 09:46:09 EST
Subject: ss comments de K4XU
Message-ID: <QCY2.DFREY.3753.1994 11 080946 0946>

A also noticed many instances of sudden un ? or QRL? -prefixed
LOUD CQs on me after operating a new freq for several MINUTES,
which I took to be a two radio op re-firing his other station
after working a long one on a S&P or dueling CQ QSO on another
band... and reasserting his B-ness. My response was, as some
others said, to fight for the frequency. Yes we both loose, but
I'm stubborn, good frequencies are hard to find, and manners
still count.

Had several stations call me (not dupes), I'd send my exchange,
and they were gone -not to be found.  Another two-radio phenon???

Thoughts on QRP repeats: Try me with one shot.  I'm old but my
hearing is still good.  Rather a ?agn than the lost time.

Due to a math error, I ended operating 15 minutes over.  N6TR
needs an operating time meter....  Now to figure which QSOs to

The new phase-variable splitter worked great for adjusting the
takeoff angle on 40M.  Summed the verticals and the horizontal
loop or low dipole. Could almost set the skip distance.

Second radio, an ooold Omni-C (serial #"-1"), is seeing new life
with a pair or MRF-150 finals.  Sure wish Ten-Tec would break the
100W/12V barrier.  ...you listening Tom?

In all, a mediocre effort.  Missed getting a CW section
certificate for the first time in 18 years.  Congrats to Greg,
KO9Y, for a super effort.

Dick, K4XU  1023/76/A  Single op, 1.75 radios, no dueling CQs.

dfrey at harris.com

>From mtaylor at solar.msi-us.com (Mike Taylor)  Tue Nov  8 15:57:58 1994
From: mtaylor at solar.msi-us.com (Mike Taylor) (Mike Taylor)
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 1994 09:57:58 -0600
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <9411081558.AA09565 at solar.MSI-US.COM>


>From jholly at hposl42.cup.hp.com (Jim Hollenback)  Tue Nov  8 16:32:45 1994
From: jholly at hposl42.cup.hp.com (Jim Hollenback) (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 08:32:45 -0800
Subject: N4RJ SS CW
References: <9411081349.AA23642 at fns.com>
Message-ID: <9411080832.ZM16414 at hpwsmjh.cup.hp.com>

On Nov 8,  9:42am, Paul Sobon wrote:
> Subject: Re:  N4RJ SS CW
> >Sounded fun hearing contesters all the way up to 7080, it makes up for
> >the "contesters all the way down to 7025" in the 'phone things.
> >
> >Derek AA5BT, G3NMX
> I had to laugh when my 11 yr old daughter AD4PU was operating SS contest on
> 7075 and some guy gave her a lecture on operating in the AMTOR etc part of
> the band. He told her she would be sorry if she stayed.  She was getting
> QRM'd by one or two AMTOR police that were determined to teach her a
> lesson.   The filters on the 930 and the beam on 40 work wonders on guys
> like that. And CT doesn't care - just keeps on going and going and
> going......  They finally gave up and went after some other poor soul who
> made the mistake of moving up in the band.

Yeah, they were fun .... I ignored them and kept working Q's. They
really get bent out of shape during RTTY contest when the gang fills
the band from .065 to .105. Had one guy actually get on RTTY to lecture
me about band edges ... pointed out to him RTTY is legal from 14.000 to 
14.150 ... found out he could not take a joke.

jholly at cup.hp.com

>From Brooke Allen" <ballen at morgan.com  Tue Nov  8 17:00:11 1994
From: Brooke Allen" <ballen at morgan.com (Brooke Allen)
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 12:00:11 -0500
Subject: N2BA (K8HVT opr) SS score
Message-ID: <9411081200.ZM4933 at morgan.com>

K8HVT operated N2BA (ENY) for SS 94 CW:

1037Q x 77M  = 159.698 Points

73 de N2BA, Brooke Allen   ballen at morgan.com

>From georgen at redwood.stortek.com (George Noyes x5698)  Tue Nov  8 17:14:07 1994
From: georgen at redwood.stortek.com (George Noyes x5698) (George Noyes x5698)
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 94 10:14:07 MST
Subject: Stealing Frequencies
Message-ID: <9411081714.AA29736 at redwood.stortek.com>

Yes, the "act" was worse this year than in the past... 
Just a little listening would before calling CQ would have been 
appreciated by all, however I am getting used to working people
through the hosehead QRM...

Those times I did get outsted from a freq did however net me
Alaska, VE5, WY and NE -  at which point I must say Thanks Hosehead!

1025 Qs x 77 Sections

Class B, From my home QTH.

73 de George, W1XE (/0)

>From David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu  Tue Nov  8 17:38:14 1994
From: David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu (David C. Patton)
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 11:38:14 -0600 (CST)
Subject: CQWW CW etc VS6/VR2
Message-ID: <199411081738.AA28562 at ecom3.ecn.bgu.edu>

I am going back to VS6WO's QTH this year for two weeks.

Low banders take note:

   I will operate 80/160 each day from Tuesday, NOV 22 through
Saturday, December 3 (GMT).  I will be on starting at 1030Z and
continue through the Hong Kong night.  There are three good
frequencies--one of which I will transmit on: 3.501, 3.507, or 3.513.
 Past experience shows that the eastern NA stations will have from 10
to 30 minutes to get through at sunrise.

  Additionally, I will simultaneously operate 160 on 1.824 or 1.833.
IF 80 peaks and you hear me on 160, we can give that a go.  I will
try to build a RX antenna depending on space on the roof.

Look for VR2/WX3N outside CQWW CW.  Oh yeah, I listen up 1 to 2 KHz
above transmit frequency.

For CQWW CW I will operate VS6WO single-op.  I will have two FT1000s.
 Tips:  Will run NA/CA from 2230Z - 0130Z on 14.025 or 21.025.  The
rest of the time I will run EU on whatever band is open to EU.  Of
course that doesn't mean that NA won't be able to work me at other
      Longpaths:  2200Z - 2330Z on 7.007 or 3.501 for NA.  
                  1200Z - 1630Z on 28 MHz.  If you call CQ beaming
Southeast from NA I will call you on the second radio.  I would bet
the farm this opening will occur at least one day.  I will make a
point of listening for CQs from NA on 28 MHz at 15, 30, 45, and 00
minutes each hour.

If 14.025 or 21.025 is crowded with Zone 8/9 stations I will use
14.045 or 21.045

Good luck and CU as DX.

73, Dave Patton, WX3N
mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu

One more thing:  if you worked me on the low bands two years ago,
please refrain from making another contact this year--let the other
guys have a chance during these short openings.  TNX

>From Dick Dievendorff" <dieven at almaden.ibm.com  Tue Nov  8 18:15:31 1994
From: Dick Dievendorff" <dieven at almaden.ibm.com (Dick Dievendorff)
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 10:15:31 -0800
Subject: Don't cut MY Q!
References: <QCY2.DFREY.3753.1994_11_080946_0946>
Message-ID: <9411081015.ZM22473 at penguin.almaden.ibm.com>

On Nov 8,  9:46am, DFREY wrote:
> Subject: ss comments de K4XU
> Due to a math error, I ended operating 15 minutes over.  N6TR
> needs an operating time meter....  Now to figure which QSOs to
> cut!

>-- End of excerpt from DFREY

If you end up cutting out my QSO, would you please send a separate list of
deleted QSOs to the ARRL with your log?  I'd hate to lose MY 2 points because
you screwed up!

Dick Dievendorff, AA6MC

>From Bob McGwier <n4hy at ccr-p.ida.org>  Tue Nov  8 18:38:58 1994
From: Bob McGwier <n4hy at ccr-p.ida.org> (Bob McGwier)
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 13:38:58 -0500
Subject: Part-Time SS
Message-ID: <199411081838.NAA01390 at harder.ccr-p.ida.org>

At N2RM, we have or have had N2NT, N2AA, KR2J, myself (not a great contester
but a decent 160 operator which is what you need there), and more.  All are
happily married and have kids, and about half the operators are bachelor's.
This whole topic needs to be moved to the reflector toilet-humor at crap.com
where it will be read in the place and/or given the time it deserves.


Robert W. McGwier                  | n4hy at ccr-p.ida.org: ham radio, scouts,
Center for Communications Research | astronomy, golf (o yea, & math!) ASM
Princeton, N.J. 08520              | Troop 5700, ACM Pack 53, Sanhican #2 WWW,
(609)-279-6240(v) (609)-924-3061(f)| District and Council Activities Chair.
(609-443-8963 (h)                  | I used to be a Buffalo . . . NE III-120
                                   | proud parent in Brownie Troop 196

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