CQP Results from Florida
JKAHRS at delphi.com
JKAHRS at delphi.com
Sun Oct 2 21:59:32 EDT 1994
California QSO Party Results
Single Op State - Florida
Low Power Call - K2UVG
80 3 0
40 11 6
20 33 92
15 44 144
10 0 0 I tried!!
Total 91 242 Total QSOs = 333
Mult 52
Score 39,364
Comments: !I#pU
! - Gap Voyager for 40 and 80
I - 52 ft tower
# - Mosley PRO 57B for 20-10 mtrs
p - Low Power, TS-450S
U - Needed Noah's Arc for tropical disturbance/depression/etc.
Wait till next year.... $+$=Upgrade to PRO67B (2 elm on 40) and
91 Beta! I'm going to be HEARD on the low bands... and I thought
all the gators were here in FL.
It was nice to renew old CA friends. I spent 11 years as "/6"
up and down the coast (Carmel to San Diego) complements of the
US Navy. Thanks again for a fun weekend.
73, Hank
Internet: JKAHRS at delphi.com
>From Dr. Robert Kaufmann" <rkaufmn at cc.UManitoba.CA Mon Oct 3 05:54:07 1994
From: Dr. Robert Kaufmann" <rkaufmn at cc.UManitoba.CA (Dr. Robert Kaufmann)
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 1994 23:54:07 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: CQP Results VE4GV
Message-ID: <9410030454.AA22164 at hadar.cc.umanitoba.ca>
CQP Results
Category Single Op Low Power Distracted
Score 39,750
15M........ CW -17 SSB -17
20M........ CW -74 SSB -216
40M........ CW -1 SSB -4
92 + 237 = 329 Qs
Total Op time about 7.5 hrs
Equip: FT1000 KT34XA @66 ft , 402CD at 75 ft
This was the most BRUTAL contest I have been involved with in many years.
Conditions sucked. Not only that, this was basically a 20 M test with some
major league signals mixed in between the SSTV boys and the DX nets.( Does it
really take a net to work an LA4 ?!) Another question for the CA Kilowatts...
Is it necessary to run full legal limit for the CQP ? I mean really, Is 20
NOT crowded enough as it is ?
First hour started nicely with rate of 74. Having worked all of the signals I
could hear on 20 m SSB ( or that could hear me through the QRM)I moved to CW
where rates then fell from 42 to 13 over the next 2 hours. Click...that was the
sound of my rig turning off at 1900 z. Back at 0000 for a 23 hour. Not fun.
Sunday a.m. rates (1600/1700/1800) were 30/37/48 followed by 28 and 34.
Honestly, this was painful. On par with sweepstakes on Sunday aft. At
least when we had other bands to scour, it made it interesting. 15 opened very
briefly late Sun aft for 34 whole Qs. I twirled the dial on 10 m longing for
the days when hundreds of novices were there for the picking. 40m sigs were
very sparse. I had enuff crud in my ears from 20 M that I refused to go to
75/80 to torture myself with Low power. ( I know, I know, that's where
you need the amp ) If this is the way domestic conditions are going to be
for the next few years, I just may spend the time raising my 11 mo. old
daughter instead. With a little luck, she'll be able to copy code by the
time the next cycle peaks out. Harrumph !
CU in SS
73 Rob VE4GV
>From f.g.robertson at open.ac.uk (Fraser Robertson) Mon Oct 3 10:59:00 1994
From: f.g.robertson at open.ac.uk (Fraser Robertson) (Fraser Robertson)
Date: Mon, 03 Oct 1994 10:59:00 +0100
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <9410031111.AA11955 at sunflower.open.ac.uk>
>From rmarosko at bcm.tmc.edu (Ron Marosko) Mon Oct 3 14:21:45 1994
From: rmarosko at bcm.tmc.edu (Ron Marosko) (Ron Marosko)
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 08:21:45 -0500
Subject: VHF score
Message-ID: <199410031321.IAA16740 at bcm.tmc.edu>
Forwarded from W3XO/5, VHF score. Single-Op, EM00. He thoroughly
waxed me on 6m. Ouch. ;-)
>Date: 02 Oct 94 23:13:45 EDT
>From: Bill Tynan <70323.2750 at compuserve.com>
>To: "INTERNET:rmarosko at bcm.tmc.edu" <rmarosko at bcm.tmc.edu>
>Subject: Re: VHF score
>Content-Length: 241
>I finaly got my log done and mailed Friday.
>Total score: 66,341
>6 M Qs: 382
>6 M Grids: 149
>2 M Qs: 25
>2 M Grids: 14
>Note that I was running only 25 W on 2. Six was so good that I spent most
>of my time there.
>CUL ES 73,
#include <std.disclaimer.h>
As usual, the views expressed here do not represent the views of
the BCM management, staff, or any living person.
| Ron Marosko | The Computing Resource Center |
| rmarosko at bcm.tmc.edu | Baylor College of Medicine |
| kb5nfn at amsat.org | |
>From Alan Brubaker <alan at nah.dsd.ES.COM> Mon Oct 3 15:59:25 1994
From: Alan Brubaker <alan at nah.dsd.ES.COM> (Alan Brubaker)
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 08:59:25 -0600
Subject: California QSO Party.
Message-ID: <199410031459.IAA05549 at nah.dsd.ES.COM>
K6XO/7 Utah
160C 160S 80C 80S 40C 40S 20C 20S 15C 15S 10C 10S
11 25 56 92 23 92 65 96 51 55 0 2
CW QSOs: 206
SSB QSOs: 362
Total: 568 Multipliers: 57 (missed Colusa)
73 Band changes in 21 Hours and 08 Minutes.
Rate: 27 Best hour: 38 (0300-0359Z)
Final score: 76,494
Life in the skip zone is tough, but 15 meters was rather extraordinary
all weekend. The signals were just strong enough to be above the noise
most of the time, and the propagation sounded like a combination of a
weak sporadic E opening, meteor scatter, and tropo (there were some
storm systems between here and California all weekend). A KW and 3
elements pointed southwest seemed to be enough for me to be heard most
of the time, but if there was anyone else calling, I had no chance.
20 meters was similar, but a brief sporadic E opening on Sunday
afternoon brought the signals to S9+. It was during this time that I
was able to snag AA6AN in Imperial county for #56. Two more to go.
I had been looking for KD6KKP (Stanislaus) in the novice bands off and
on for the entire contest, but had not heard her. I heard many calling
for Colusa and others which I had in the log.
Near the end of the contest I was scouring the bands for a few more Qs,
and I checked the 15 meter novice band one more time - who do I find on
21,110 KHz? It was KD6KKP in QSO with a station in Sacramento county!
She cleared and I called her at 2158Z and she came back! We completed
the exchange just as the clock turned 2200Z. A cliff hanger to be sure.
10 meters opened for a while on Sunday, but I only managed 2 difficult
QSOs with WB6IRC and W6EEN on a backscatter path out of the Caribbean.
80 meters was quite noisy and 20 meters turned out to be the best band
by virtue of the Es opening. In the end, it was not quite enough to
break my old record. Next year.
Alan, K6XO/7
alan at nah.dsd.es.com
The skip's too long to run QRP...
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