'94 CQP Score from Ill

JimKD0AV at aol.com JimKD0AV at aol.com
Mon Oct 3 12:09:55 EDT 1994

California QSO Party--1994

Call:KD0AV                             State: IL
Low Power                               Category: Single Op (Squirt Gun!!)
Time: 2 1/2hrs.

Band                CW             SSB
160                     0                  0
 80                      3                  1
 40                    28                  0
 20                    16                  7
 15                    15                  3
 10                     0                   0   listened!!
                       ----                ------
Total                 62                  11

24 mults                     4,992 points

Condx were poor to midwest but nice opening on 15 mtrs for short time on
Sunday pm.  Condemned due to CCR's to stealth antenna (center fed zepp in
trees)  so hard to get through on SSB on low power.

ILL QSO party this coming weekend--give a listen

73, Jim

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