cmschonewaldcox at
cmschonewaldcox at
Tue Oct 4 22:59:18 EDT 1994
An answer was given to the contest reflector several days ago
concerning what counts for clubs by K3EST and later by N2AA.
It is impossible to answer everyones questions in the magazine.
The rules are fully explained in the CQ WW HANDBOOK. If you have a
specific question call CQ and they will refer you to the right
source. Your question WILL be answered.
>From Lau, Zack, KH6CP" <zlau at Wed Oct 5 19:12:00 1994
From: Lau, Zack, KH6CP" <zlau at (Lau, Zack, KH6CP)
Date: Wed, 05 Oct 94 14:12:00 EDT
Subject: VHF contest bands
Message-ID: <2E92ED84 at>
Billy Lunt came to me with an interesting question--what constitutes
an amateur band? For instance, can I operate red and blue lasers
as separate bands? I know that Al Ward is keeping two separate
DX records for the two wavelengths. What about the red from a HE-NE
laser and the red from a semi-conductor laser?
I wonder if anyone has tried to claim 2.3 and 2.4 GHz as separate
bands? How far must two frequency segments be separated to
constitute a separate band?
>From jholly at (Jim Hollenback) Wed Oct 5 17:37:47 1994
From: jholly at (Jim Hollenback) (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 09:37:47 -0700
Subject: All manner of stuff
References: <9410051416.AA07034 at>
Message-ID: <9410050937.ZM19459 at>
On Oct 5, 3:16pm, Ezekiel the Prophet wrote:
> Subject: All manner of stuff
Couldn't find this one in my KJ version
> Here! Here! I am a keen SWL with a not-too-good QSL reply total. One
> reason is I go via the bureau (direct with reply postage adds up and
> I am only a poor university student....) and so many stations have
> never replied. I hope one day to be QRV on hf from my home (GD- Isle
> of Man) and I bet when guys are working me as a new country on 17m
> then they'll be wanting my QSL card.....
> One final thing guys, when you are posting details of stations
> could you if you know mention whether or not QSl cards from SWls
> are welcome or not, and also whether via the bureau is OK..?
> Theres no point me sending a card to a guy who is going to throw all
> the SWL/Bureau cards in his bin....
ALL QSL cards are answered at WA6SDM. Bureau is just fine. If your REALLY
want my card that bad, direct with an IRC will get it back direct. But,
hey, I guess someone might consider a W6 a rare one!
73, Jim, WA6SDM
jholly at
>From Pete Wildman <pdw1cg at> Wed Oct 5 03:31:37 1994
From: Pete Wildman <pdw1cg at> (Pete Wildman)
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 22:31:37 -0400
Subject: Individual Score Postings
Message-ID: <199410050231.AA89575 at com1.comm.Virginia.EDU>
I'm in favor of continuing the practice of detailed score
postings/comments from any and all contests. Perhaps the fact
that I don't pay per message has addled my mind, but the lengthy
score/comment postings are what I enjoy most. They allow me to see
where my own efforts may have been lacking, and also tell me what kind
of stations [equipment/configuration/QTH] I'm competing against. Keep
the scores coming!
pdw1cg at com1.comm.Virginia.EDU
>From Larry Schimelpfenig <lschim at> Wed Oct 5 20:09:27 1994
From: Larry Schimelpfenig <lschim at> (Larry Schimelpfenig)
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 15:09:27 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: NA UPDATE
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9410051527.B24087-9100000 at>
Tim K3LR responded to my querry about problems with NA 9.05. He told me
that next week he will make a global mailing of an update to anyone who
purchased ver 9 since Dayton. Sez it has a number of enhanced features and
problem corrections. See ya'll in SS 73 de larry K7SV
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