AE6Y CQP score

AE6Y at AE6Y at
Sat Oct 8 00:29:55 EDT 1994

This is my third posting, since the first two for some reason were rejected
by Trey's postmaster (not enough postage?).  Since I'm all in favor of
individual score postings, here goes:
AE6Y hi power, single-op, 
band       cw    phone
80          124    105
40          111      47
20          249    692
15            85    265
10              1       8
tot          570   1117      = 1687 q's times 58 mults = 228, 752 pts.

Rig: ts950sdx, tentec Titan, 4 el Force 12's for 20-10 at about 50'. inverted
vees for 40/80.

Soapbox:  Had a great time.  first time I've ever been able to run neck and
neck with N6TV  (till he graciously left SCLA and went to YOLO county with
N6BT saturday nite). Clearly, I need to get a 40 m. beam (N6BT has a nice one
that puts two shortened 40m elements on my 30' boom with the 4 20 m
elements), plus gotta get on 160 for those two dozen or so q's.
   Most fun was using my homebrew windows logging program (for cqp/ss/wpx
only).  In the week before the contest I became inspired to add a dvk
facility that reads back .WAV files recorded through the soundblaster card
and sends them to the phone patch input on the rig. The day before the
contest I integrated this into the main program so that the fct keys sent
essentially the same messages on cw and phone.  Also had it send exchanges.
 The advantage with the soundblaster card is flexibility, and the ability to
edit your recordings (eg, delete pauses, increase volume, alter tone, etc).
 Plus, the fidelity is excellent.  I'm going to keep working on this, since I
see it  clearly as the wave (or should I say .WAV?) of the future in dvk's.
  Thanks to all for the qso's, as well as to the roughly 100 noncontesters
who gave me QSO number 1 in the contest.
73, andy, ae6y at

>From Robert Wood <w5robert at blkbox.COM>  Sat Oct  8 19:53:44 1994
From: Robert Wood <w5robert at blkbox.COM> (Robert Wood)
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 1994 13:53:44 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: DVP?
Message-ID: <9410081353.aa14321 at blkbox.COM>

> Looks like the DVP will be history shortly. As an occasional phone
> contester, should I consider getting one before its too late? Or are
> the other options just as good (soundblaster etc)?
> 73 Bill N6CQ/3 (n6cq at
Bill, get two.  I like it.  works, and sounds pretty good and the interface
with contest loggers is great.
Robert Wood                      
WB5CRG  w5robert at   

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>  Sun Oct  9 15:42:21 1994
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Sun, 9 Oct 1994 07:42:21 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: CQ-Contest FAQ
Message-ID: <781713741.633491.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>

  CQ-CONTEST at TGV.COM Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List
		   Revised:  August 14, 1994


CQ-CONTEST at TGV.COM is an electronic mail reflector dedicated to hams
interested in all types of amateur radio contesting.  This is a good
place for score reports, expedition rumors, and other contest-related
discussion or announcements.  This forum is more like the NCJ than
QST; INFO-HAMS at UCSD.EDU and are good places to
look for a more rounded discussion of the hobby.

Although there is overlap between contesters and DXers, CQ-CONTEST is
not a DX-oriented group.  DX at UNBC.EDU is an electronic mail mailing
list dedicated to the discussion of DXing.  For details on how to
subscribe to this and other mailing lists, consult the List of Lists
at the end of this message.

Each message you send to CQ-CONTEST at TGV.COM will be sent out to all
the other subscribers, kinda like a 2-meter repeater that has a
coverage radius of 12,000 miles or so.	Think of sending mail to the
list as the equivalent of an ANNOUNCE/FULL message on PacketCluster.
Use regular email to send a message to a specific individual.

Electronic mail is also different from packet radio, in that many
subscribers receive their email through commercial services such as
CompuServe and MCImail.  In essence, many people are paying for each
byte of every message sent to CQ-CONTEST.  In order to minimize
spurious messages, follow the operating hints detailed below.

How do I join CQ-CONTEST?

Subscription management is handled automatically by a program that
answers mail send to CQ-CONTEST-REQUEST at TGV.COM.  Send a message to
CQ-CONTEST-REQUEST at TGV.COM that says SUBSCRIBE if you wish to join the
group, or UNSUBSCRIBE if you want to drop out.	The Subject: line is
ignored.  Messages sent to CQ-CONTEST at TGV.COM are broadcast to *all*
readers, so don't send subscription requests there.

What are the suggested "operating practices" for CQ-CONTEST?

Put your name and call sign on every message you send.	We don't all
know everyone by just a call or a nickname.

Use a subject line that indicates the true subject of your message.

Wait a while before answering someone's question.  Six other people
have probably answered it already.  Most answers should go directly 
to the person who posed the question, rather than to the list.

Unlike PacketCluster, many people pay $$$ when they receive messages.
Some people pay per message, some per byte.  Therefore, please take
this into consideration when writing a response.  Would you pay $0.50
to read the message that you just wrote?

Eschew flamage.  If someone sends a flame to the list and you can't
bite your tongue, send your flaming reply directly back to the flaming
individual, not back to the list.  No one wants to pay $1.00 to read
these messages (the original flame + your reply).  Treat flamers the
way you would 2-meter repeater jammers - ignore them.

Make sure there is something of value in each message you send to the
list.  Avoid messages that are a complete reprint of someone else's
message, with nothing but "I agree" or "Me too" added to the bottom --
not much value there.

Some people pay by the byte, so when following up to someone else's
message, be sure to include only the essential pieces or thread of
the note.  Don't include those 20 extra header lines that your mail
gateway tacked onto the original message.

How can I get CQ-Contest in digest form?

Tack (je1cka at has graciously offered to redistribute
CQ-Contest messages in digest form.  This means that all
messages posted to CQ-Contest on a given day will be bundled
together and resent as a single message to the subscribers of
Tack's list.  This is useful for people with Internet providers
that place a limit on the number of messages you can have in
your mailbox at once.  This is the case for many of the JA

To subscribe to JE1CKA's CQ-Contest-Digest list, send a message to
Contest-Request at DUMPTY.NAL.GO.JP that says:

        SUBSCRIBE cq-contest-digest your_callsign <your_email_address>

If you are subscribed to CQ-Contest, remember to send the a message to
CQ-Contest-Request at TGV.COM that says

        SET NOMAIL

Since you will be getting the messages in digest form, you won't need to
get them directly from CQ-Contest at TGV.COM, but you will need to remain
subscribed if you still want to post messages.

How can I find out the email address of a particular contester?

John Pescatore, WB2EKK (pescatore_jt at, and George Fremin,
WB5VZL (geoiii at, maintain fairly current lists of 
contester email addresses.  Send a note to them asking for their
lists.  You can also get a list of registered CQ-Contest subscribers 
by sending a message to CQ-Contest-Request at TGV.COM that says REVIEW.

How can I find out more about the Internet?

Pick up a copy of the book _The Internet Companion_ by Tracy LaQuey,
Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-62224-6.  If your local technical book
store doesn't carry it, you can order from Computer Literacy,
2590 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95131.  Their phone number is

73,  The Wouff Hong
List of Lists

CQ-Contest at TGV.COM
	Contest forum

	DX forum

QRP at Think.COM
	QRP forum

VHF.icon_fonts at
	VHF forum
		VHF-Request.icon_fonts at

Boatanchors at GNU.AI.MIT.EDU
	Old ham gear forum

VHF at W6YX.Stanford.EDU	
	VHF forum

N6TRLOG at CMicro.COM	
	N6TR logging program forum

ct-user-request at
	K1EA's CT logging program forum

ham-tech at netcom.COM
	forum for people with technical ham related questions (antennas, 
	radios, digital communications, etc) to share information with 
	each other

w1aw-list at World.STD.COM
	distribution list for the dissemination of official news and 
	information from the American Radio Relay League (the "League")

ky1n-list at World.STD.COM
	distribution list for the dissemination of volunteer examination 
	information in New England

ham-ant at UCSD.EDU
        Bidirectional mailing list with Usenet group

ham-bsd at UCSD.EDU
        A discussion group for people interested in ham radio applications of
        the Jolitz 386BSD software.

ham-digital at UCSD.EDU
        Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup(s)*

ham-equip at UCSD.EDU
        Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup

ham-homebrew at UCSD.EDU
        Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup

ham-policy at UCSD.EDU
	Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup

ham-radio at UCSD.EDU
        The HAM-RADIO mailing list is an experimental digest using subject
        grouping and MIME encapsulation to provide a daily dose of ham radio
        related traffic from the Usenet

ham-space at UCSD.EDU
        Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup

info-hams at UCSD.EDU
        Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup

>From rmarosko at (Ronald J. Marosko)  Sun Oct  9 16:58:29 1994
From: rmarosko at (Ronald J. Marosko) (Ronald J. Marosko)
Date: Sun, 9 Oct 1994 10:58:29 -0500
Subject: Texas QSO Party file FTPable
Message-ID: <199410091558.KAA10534 at>


The Texas QSO Party information and log files are available by anonymous
FTP from: 




Good luck in TQP!

Vy 73,
   Ron KB5NFN/AA

>From tree at (Larry Tyree)  Sun Oct  9 16:20:15 1994
From: tree at (Larry Tyree) (Larry Tyree)
Date: Sun, 9 Oct 94 08:20:15 PDT
Subject: Sprint CW Logs
Message-ID: <9410091520.AA02716 at>

The deadline if fast approaching for the CW Sprint Logs.  To try and
prevent some of the problems people have been having with missing logs,
here is a list of people who made at least 30 reported QSOs in the sprint,
but whom I haven't seen a log from yet.  If you can contact any of these
people (if they aren't on the reflector) and let them know I have not
received their log, please do so.

Also, if I can get the log in electronic form, I am willing to grant some
extra time.

Tree N6TR
tree at

        K1TO worked  64 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       K8HVT worked 105 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        WR1P worked  47 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       KB2MT worked  81 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        W2RQ worked  35 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        K2ZJ worked 153 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       K2QMF worked  50 stations but didn't send in a log!!
      WA2LCC worked  42 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        K5NA worked 137 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        W2GD worked 170 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        K1AR worked  32 stations but didn't send in a log!!
      WA2SRQ worked  42 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        WU3M worked 104 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       K3ONW worked  75 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        NA4K worked  69 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        K1ZX worked 142 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        K7SV worked 130 stations but didn't send in a log!!
      KB5YVT worked  77 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        N5DU worked  60 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        NM5M worked 179 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        WF5E worked  71 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        WY7U worked  66 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       AA5UR worked  20 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        AI9X worked 156 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       W5WMU worked 180 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        AA5B worked  30 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        WK6V worked 101 stations but didn't send in a log!!
      KC6CNV worked  40 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        K6NA worked 185 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        N6VR worked 154 stations but didn't send in a log!!
      KA6SAR worked  37 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        N6TU worked 107 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        NV6O worked 137 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       KH6ND worked  42 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        K7SS worked 175 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       K7HBN worked 102 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        KI7Y worked 101 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       K7NPN worked  56 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        KR7G worked  89 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       N9ITX worked  67 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        W7WA worked  30 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       W7ZRC worked  73 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        KW8N worked 154 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        AG9A worked 177 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        K9ZO worked 170 stations but didn't send in a log!!
      WB9HRO worked 102 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        W0UA worked 173 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        K0RF worked 166 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        K0KX worked  39 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        KM0O worked  33 stations but didn't send in a log!!
        K0AD worked 117 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       VA3RU worked  57 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       VE5MX worked  76 stations but didn't send in a log!!
       VE7CA worked  32 stations but didn't send in a log!!

>From Jim Reisert AD1C  09-Oct-1994 1331 <reisert at>  Sun Oct  9 18:28:03 1994
From: Jim Reisert AD1C  09-Oct-1994 1331 <reisert at> (Jim Reisert AD1C 09-Oct-1994 1331)
Date: Sun, 9 Oct 94 13:28:03 EDT
Subject: New country files for CT - 9 October 1994
Message-ID: <9410091728.AA16093 at>

Here are the recent changes:

 8 Aug 1994:	* Deleted Karelo-Finish Republic, UN1.

 9 Oct 1994:	* Added ANT as prefix for Antarctica, CE9 (used by CIS).
		* Updated prefix list for Azores, CT and Madeira Is., CT3.
		* Added FJL as prefix for Franz Josef Land, R1FJ (used
		  by CIS).
		* Added MVI as prefix for Malyj-Vysotskij I., R1MV (used
		  by CIS).

The files are available from a number of sources:

1.  Send a message to CT-USER-REQUEST at to request the file
    you want, i.e.:

    Files are available NOW!

2.  FTP the file from:

    This may take a day or two to catch up - look for a file dated
    October 9, 1994 or later.

3.  Download the file from the CT BBS at 508-460-8877.
    (File has been uploaded, waiting for Ken to move it to a public area.)

4.  Download the file from the W6GO BBS at 916-992-0923.

Note that if you a registered user of Version 9, you will get a program
update in the mail which will include the updated country files.

73 - Jim AD1C
reisert at

More information about the CQ-Contest mailing list