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it9blb at it9blb at
Tue Oct 11 12:12:19 EDT 1994


>From pwalker at (Paul D. Walker II)  Tue Oct 11 14:32:00 1994
From: pwalker at (Paul D. Walker II) (Paul D. Walker II)
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 1994 08:32:00 -500 CDT
Message-ID: <pwalker.179.004BD3E9 at>

1994 PA QSO Party

Haven't got to the point of making a full blown contest effort yet, but here 
is what happened for me in a 9.5 hour effort.

Call: N9WHG
Indiana Section
Single Op
Station: IC-737 100 Watts
         Dipoles on 80 and 40, also vertical on 40.  All at about 25 feet.

80m  CW: 19 QSOs/18 Valid x 2pts = 36
40m  CW: 13 QSOs/13 Valid x 1.5pts = 19.5
ALL  SSB: 70 QSOs/68 Valid x 1 pt = 68

43 Counties Worked

Total Valid QSOs = 99  Total Valid Points = 123.5

Raw Score: 123.5 x 43 = 5310.5

Bonus for working W3YA on 40 SSB +200

Total: 5510.5 (Before judging scrutiny  :^) )

This was my first contest effort since IARU (2nd overall).  Contesting is 
still a blast!  I am amazed at the concentration that is needed and the mental 
drain that occurs throughout the event.

Didn't listen on 15 and 10.  Couldn't hear anything on 20, so suffered there.

Disappointed at the lack (?) of novice and Tech(+) contesters.  Listened for 
slow/medium coders, only heard one.  Consequently had to go play with the BIG 
boys.  Thanks to all who put up w/my NR ?'s.  Did notice an improvement in my 
code speed by the end of the 'test.  Again thanks to all in that regard also.  
Must read material is the article in the Oct (maybe Sept) 94 QST that talks 
about the Nov SS and how one gentleman went from Novice to General Class speed 
in one weekend.  I'm a believer.  Tremendous help there.

What happened on 80?

Got on the band about 0140z and ran through SSB picking up 5 quick Q's.  
Decided to give CW a try and had a good run (for me) of 19 Q's.  Came up 
several times for air between 0330 and 0430 and nothing but ragchewing on SSB.


Oh, well, again a fun event.  Worked 9.5 hours in around family activities and 
church and felt pretty good about my 100 Q's.  Not big league stuff yet, but 
neither is Michael Jordan ;^).

Paul Walker N9WHG
pwalker at

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