Tips abt I,IS,IT & CQ's contests.....

it9blb at it9blb at
Tue Oct 11 17:38:40 EDT 1994


I want to remember all contesters that, starting from the incoming
WW-DX Contest, IH9 (Pantelleria Is.) and IG9 (Lampedusa & Linosa Is.)
even though they remain in CQ ZONE 33 AFRICA, they will count as 
country ITALY and not longer as SICILY IS. !!
(You know that IT9 Sicily Is. is a separate country for CQ's contests)


In conformity with the last provisions of the law of the Italian
Wireless Ministry (about Authorized Contest Prefixes) and with
the CQWW Contest's rules (about IH9 & IG9 now signing ITALY),
here are the updated CQWW.CTY file's lines:

Italy:         15:    I:     I,IG9(33),IH9(33);
Sardinia:      15:    IS:    IS,IM;
Sicily Is.:    15:    IT:    ID9,IE9,IF9,II9,IO9,IQ9,IR9,IT,IU9,IY9,IZ9;


       Planned IT9's operations for the SSB WW-DX Contest '94.

Contest call       Class        Operators                  QSL via
IT9RYJ             SO-15                                   CBA
IT9STX             SO-20                                   CBA
IT9BLB             SO-20                                   CBA
IT9ZGY             SO-160                                  CBA
IT9PZM             SO-AB                                   CBA
IQ9K               MO-ST                                   IT9JOF

Surely many other "jumping" IT9s QRV .......

                   See you in the pile-up de IT9BLB & C.

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