KI3L at aol.com
KI3L at aol.com
Mon Oct 17 23:35:12 EDT 1994
Just a reminder to all....Texas QSO Party this weekend Oct 22-23. See rules
in October 94 CQ or QST.
Look for the roving Armadillos who can be worked again and again as they move
from county to county (K5GA/M, N5RP/M, KI3L/M, K2TNO/M, K5RC/M, W5ASP/M,
N5PJI/M and others).
Hope to see you on the air this weekend!
73 de Don, KI3L
>From w6go at netcom.com (Jay O'Brien - W6GO) Tue Oct 18 04:01:26 1994
From: w6go at netcom.com (Jay O'Brien - W6GO) (Jay O'Brien - W6GO)
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 20:01:26 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: W7NI's concerns-FCC
Message-ID: <199410180301.UAA13194 at netcom12.netcom.com>
Stan, W7NI brings up the third party problems with non-amateurs operating
a contest station. He also brings up the problem of General or
Advanced operators operating in the Extra part of the band at that
contest station.
There is another similar problem. A station here in the Pacific Division
that holds several contest records has an owner with only Advanced class
privileges. Many "high profile" "high integrity" "hired guns" who hold or
have held League appointments and offices have operated at this station
and contributed to the attainment of the records. These "hired guns" all
hold Extra class licenses and operate in the Extra portion of the band,
using the Advanced Class callsign, without following the FCC rule that
states that the operators callsign should also be included in
These folks know better. It isn't like the unlicensed folks who don't
have a clue. Granted, it isn't a big problem as the operator is
licensed to operate in that part of the band, but it IS A RULE VIOLATION,
and it appears to be one that is "winked" at as an accomodation to the
licensee of the station.
While we are examining technical violations of the rules during contests,
lets not ignore this one.
w6go at netcom.com
>From ni6t at ix.netcom.com (Garry Shapiro) Tue Oct 18 07:22:01 1994
From: ni6t at ix.netcom.com (Garry Shapiro) (Garry Shapiro)
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 23:22:01 -0700
Message-ID: <199410180622.XAA24815 at ix.ix.netcom.com>
You wrote:
>Ok, Sutter County was represented by KJ6TC, AH8I (ex AA6LB), N6UXB,
>KN6OX and NV6O. We found a little boat-launching facility with camping
>next to the Feather River just east of Live Oak, Ca.
>500W with Ten-Tec Hercules (110A at 12V) to Stealth-mobile mounted
>Texas Bugcatcher. Basically same set-up as last year in Glenn County.
>We think we had 730 Q's and 58 mults. However, (BIG HOWEVER) ,
>The first 235 are lost in the hard drive of the Toshiba along with
>Rhode Island. No, there was no disc in the A: drive and autosave was
>not on. ( I know, I know, Iknow ******especially with a non-commercial
>power source)
>We were about 60 percent cw, since we could not compete on 20 phone
>worth a darn. 75 phone was great!!! 15 meters was the band we kept
>coming back to.
>Great Barbeque - Smoked Pork Roast and Chicken. Always take your Weber.
>When we asked CT to reopen the file, there were no contacts in the
>logging area. Dir showed 1024 bytes. Where did the Q's go?
>If the file was overwritten, do I still have a chance in (*&^%$) to
>reclaim these Q's?
>Will anybody believe me?
>Great fun again - We were within 20 miles of Colusa, but our mission
>(should we choose to accept?) was Sutter.
>Grumble, Grumble
>Eric, NV6O
>edwoods at pacbell.com
I believe you! BELIEVE ME, I believe you!
Not-so-funny you should mention that: the very same thing happened to me in the
phone SS last year, right down to the stupidity of not having a diskette in the
A drive. 106K of QSO's into the bit-bucket.
No, it was not retrieved, not by the King's horses and men...I had N6TV on the
L/L, then K2MM at my keyboard for hours, to no avail. Almost everyone in the
NCCC with any digital knowledge was consulted.That's a LOT of talent.
I had allowed a few contest.bin files to accumulate and sat down to extract and
mail the log entries. The other logs were OK; SS Phone was history.
Do I keep a diskette in the A drive now? Yup! Do I employ AutoSave? Yup!
Once-bitten, twice-shy.
Garry, NI6T. I was QRV from Siskiyou County in the CQP.
I am reading this enormous message backlog several weeks after CQP. I am gratified
to note that noone has yet complained that they could not find Siskiyou.
>From Wirzenius Jari <HATJWI at HATMAIL.HATFI1.msgw.kone.com> Tue Oct 18 17:22:00 1994
From: Wirzenius Jari <HATJWI at HATMAIL.HATFI1.msgw.kone.com> (Wirzenius Jari)
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 94 09:22:00 PDT
Subject: Experience on N4KG tower feed
Message-ID: <2EA3F670 at msgw.kone.com>
Referring to my previous posting on this reflector about using the method
descriped by N4KG in the QST, of feeding tower. To remind you the system is
feeding tower so that the shield of the coax is connected to the tower and
the center conducter is feeding the radials and the feed is made through a
4:1 balun. My tower is 21+3 m and at 21 meters is 18 MHz yagi and at +3 (24
m) is A3 tribander. Below these antennas I had to extend the tower with a
sloping wire of 10 meters to achieve resonance at 1830 kHz. There are 4
radials and the feed point of the tower is at 5 meters above ground.
Currently the system has 1.5 SWR at resonance frequency.
Last weekend the 160 meter conditions were good and I worked my first
Japanese staions on that band. The signals from those station calling me
were on my FT-980 at S5 to S9. I got reports of S5 to S7. I have also heard
A22MN, LU6?? (can't remember his call), couple of W's, 5T5JC, A71CW or was
it A71AN. The reason I have not yet worked these guys is that the power
limit in Finland is currently very low, but we will have new rules effective
1 Dec. 94 that will allow us 600 W on 160 m and this is pushing me hard to
complete my amplifier project and also made me make the dicision to include
160 m on the linear.
All tests with my dipole indicat that the tower may have at least some
degree lower radiation angle than my 160 m Inv-V dipole which is as low as
15 m above ground.
There were about 2-3 S unit difference on the signals coming from JA on the
benefit of the tower-GP. Other tests with UA9 and some UR stations has also
given similar results, but not always. Propagation may be one undetermined
factor which will variate the results.
I am still waiting for the first W contact on 160 or any North America or
South America contact.
73's Jari, OH2BVE
>From Wirzenius Jari <HATJWI at HATMAIL.HATFI1.msgw.kone.com> Tue Oct 18 17:22:00 1994
From: Wirzenius Jari <HATJWI at HATMAIL.HATFI1.msgw.kone.com> (Wirzenius Jari)
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 94 09:22:00 PDT
Subject: Experience on N4KG tower feed
Message-ID: <2EA3F670 at msgw.kone.com>
Referring to my previous posting on this reflector about using the method
descriped by N4KG in the QST, of feeding tower. To remind you the system is
feeding tower so that the shield of the coax is connected to the tower and
the center conducter is feeding the radials and the feed is made through a
4:1 balun. My tower is 21+3 m and at 21 meters is 18 MHz yagi and at +3 (24
m) is A3 tribander. Below these antennas I had to extend the tower with a
sloping wire of 10 meters to achieve resonance at 1830 kHz. There are 4
radials and the feed point of the tower is at 5 meters above ground.
Currently the system has 1.5 SWR at resonance frequency.
Last weekend the 160 meter conditions were good and I worked my first
Japanese staions on that band. The signals from those station calling me
were on my FT-980 at S5 to S9. I got reports of S5 to S7. I have also heard
A22MN, LU6?? (can't remember his call), couple of W's, 5T5JC, A71CW or was
it A71AN. The reason I have not yet worked these guys is that the power
limit in Finland is currently very low, but we will have new rules effective
1 Dec. 94 that will allow us 600 W on 160 m and this is pushing me hard to
complete my amplifier project and also made me make the dicision to include
160 m on the linear.
All tests with my dipole indicat that the tower may have at least some
degree lower radiation angle than my 160 m Inv-V dipole which is as low as
15 m above ground.
There were about 2-3 S unit difference on the signals coming from JA on the
benefit of the tower-GP. Other tests with UA9 and some UR stations has also
given similar results, but not always. Propagation may be one undetermined
factor which will variate the results.
I am still waiting for the first W contact on 160 or any North America or
South America contact.
73's Jari, OH2BVE
>From ni6t at ix.netcom.com (Garry Shapiro) Tue Oct 18 07:22:01 1994
From: ni6t at ix.netcom.com (Garry Shapiro) (Garry Shapiro)
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 23:22:01 -0700
Message-ID: <199410180622.XAA24815 at ix.ix.netcom.com>
You wrote:
>Ok, Sutter County was represented by KJ6TC, AH8I (ex AA6LB), N6UXB,
>KN6OX and NV6O. We found a little boat-launching facility with camping
>next to the Feather River just east of Live Oak, Ca.
>500W with Ten-Tec Hercules (110A at 12V) to Stealth-mobile mounted
>Texas Bugcatcher. Basically same set-up as last year in Glenn County.
>We think we had 730 Q's and 58 mults. However, (BIG HOWEVER) ,
>The first 235 are lost in the hard drive of the Toshiba along with
>Rhode Island. No, there was no disc in the A: drive and autosave was
>not on. ( I know, I know, Iknow ******especially with a non-commercial
>power source)
>We were about 60 percent cw, since we could not compete on 20 phone
>worth a darn. 75 phone was great!!! 15 meters was the band we kept
>coming back to.
>Great Barbeque - Smoked Pork Roast and Chicken. Always take your Weber.
>When we asked CT to reopen the file, there were no contacts in the
>logging area. Dir showed 1024 bytes. Where did the Q's go?
>If the file was overwritten, do I still have a chance in (*&^%$) to
>reclaim these Q's?
>Will anybody believe me?
>Great fun again - We were within 20 miles of Colusa, but our mission
>(should we choose to accept?) was Sutter.
>Grumble, Grumble
>Eric, NV6O
>edwoods at pacbell.com
I believe you! BELIEVE ME, I believe you!
Not-so-funny you should mention that: the very same thing happened to me in the
phone SS last year, right down to the stupidity of not having a diskette in the
A drive. 106K of QSO's into the bit-bucket.
No, it was not retrieved, not by the King's horses and men...I had N6TV on the
L/L, then K2MM at my keyboard for hours, to no avail. Almost everyone in the
NCCC with any digital knowledge was consulted.That's a LOT of talent.
I had allowed a few contest.bin files to accumulate and sat down to extract and
mail the log entries. The other logs were OK; SS Phone was history.
Do I keep a diskette in the A drive now? Yup! Do I employ AutoSave? Yup!
Once-bitten, twice-shy.
Garry, NI6T. I was QRV from Siskiyou County in the CQP.
I am reading this enormous message backlog several weeks after CQP. I am gratified
to note that noone has yet complained that they could not find Siskiyou.
>From joe.ham at ctobbs.com (Joe Ham) Mon Oct 17 14:06:16 1994
From: joe.ham at ctobbs.com (Joe Ham) (Joe Ham)
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 13:06:16 GMT
Subject: Third Parties
Message-ID: <941018063009204 at ctobbs.com>
I don't think you are incorrect on your interpretation of the rules.
When I contest under my call I do have persons of lower license classes
as operators in M/S or M/M efforts---only to motivate them to upgrade
and become contestors. I also operate (As an Advanced Class) from an
Extra's Station. However, the legal solution is simple. When I operate
from NK7U I stay within the Advanced allocations and leave the extra
window to Joe, NI7T, or any other extras who happen to be there. As for
the other issue, I post clearly a list of countries with which we have
third party agreements. All others are off limits for "out of class"
Finally, I completely disagree that General and Advanced operators like
to contest under an Extra's call so they can "operate with little risk
in the Extra portion of the band". Why would that be an attraction?
They aren't operating under their own calls, the new countries, zones,
etc. don't count for them personally? I fail to see the attraction you
allude to.
I think your comment does have a place--to remind all of us to pay
attention to the rules and in our zeal to train new contestors or
motivate upgrades not to violate the rules---though I suspect in almost
every case the conduct you refer to is unintentional and not even
thought about.
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