Top Band DX/Contest lecture research

Neil Smith g4dbn at
Sun Sep 11 22:07:00 EDT 1994

I'm preparing a lecture for the RSGB International HF Convention in 
October on 160m propagation with special reference to contesting and 
"difficult" DX paths.  I need additional data to do some correlations 
with various propagation indicators and I'd be very grateful for input 
from contesters and 160m DXers.  I have a detailed questionnaire which is 
too large to post as a public message, but if you'd like to help then 
please contact me (various routes - see below) and I'll send you the full 
I'm particularly interested in receiving log extracts from computer logs 
from both contests with 160m sections and from 160 DXing in general.  To 
save file sizes, just callsign, date, time and reports will suffice, 
along with brief station details and location.  ASCII files would be 
easiest, but I'll take anything you have! Deadline is tight, I'd 
appreciate replies before September 20th if possible.

If you've done any long-term skeds on long DX paths I'd be interested in 
seeing the data, and if you have correlated your results against 
Equatorial Ring Current or the new indices, then I'd be very interested.

Particular paths I'm researching are JA-EU at EU sunrise, EU-West Coast 
US and EU-LU/CE/CX, but I'd like to cross-check paths of similar beam 
heading and direction from other continents.  If you have any points you 
think I should bring up in the lecture, whether folklore or science, then 
please let me know.

Please mail g4dbn at   or packet G4DBN at GB7WRG.#19.GBR.EU
or FAX (44)-482-672332 or send via DX cluster (K2RW-GB7DXM link)
Please post this on your local cluster/BBS and pass it on to any 160m 
DX/contest friends you think might be able to help.
Hope to work you on 160 from VP9 in October!
Thanks, Neil G4DBN/AA1EG

>From Steven Affens <k3sa at>  Sun Sep 11 21:17:35 1994
From: Steven Affens <k3sa at> (Steven Affens)
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 1994 16:17:35 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.90.940911161406.20493A-100000 at>

20.....77    227*37=8399

Seemed as though activity was down.  Skip seemed long on 20 and 40.  I 
was late getting to 80.  The rate really picked up there but ran out of time.
It was fun.  73 Steve 

Steven C. Affens

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