AdamN7VEW at aol.com AdamN7VEW at aol.com
Fri Sep 16 18:45:42 EDT 1994

15 SEPT 94

     Please make note of the following QSL route change in your databases,
should you work this station.  I am now the QSL manager for:
                            Randy Jones
                            Yaounde, Cameroon

     Please QSL via my current CBA.  Self Addressed Stamped Envelopes would
be appreciated as it cuts down the processing time.

                  Best 73 and DX!          Adam N7VEW

>From Steve Harrison <sharriso at sysplan.com>  Sun Sep  4 07:23:56 1994
From: Steve Harrison <sharriso at sysplan.com> (Steve Harrison)
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 1994 18:23:56 +30000
Subject: NA & SS reporting question (?)
Message-ID: <Pine.SGI.3.90.940916180902.5313Q-100000 at eagle>

On Fri, 16 Sep 1994 fish at crl.com wrote:
> Single-oping is much more fun with 2 radios.  
> Ask yourselves the question...
> Who is the better operator? 
> 1)  The Yuma guy who sits on one frequency CQing.
> 2)  The Missouri guy who sits on one frequency.   S&P's on another radio,
> because his rate on the 1st radio won't allow him to compete with the guy in
> Yuma.
> Obviously the 2nd guy.  He worked harder and used more operating skills.
> It takes alot of practice, concentration, energy, ect, ect to do 2 radios.
> Bill Fisher, KM9P
Here we go again, trying to shift the slope of the playing field with a 
pair of supercharged whatevers..Personally, I would have considerably more 
respect for the guy in Missouri than the guy in Arizona if I knew Missouri 
was running the race with the same number of cylinders as everybody else. 
And only a few dozen of the top contesters are...the rest of us stick to our 
good ole Chevys and Fords cuz that's all ordinary mortals can afford or 
handle. But when we get beat by KM9P or KR0Y or K6LL or whoever, I don't 
recall any of US bitching about their unfair playing fields or toys 
compared to ours!

Bill, you win the contest using the same stuff mortals do, you'll reap the 
praise and admiration of the world. You use stuff few others have access 
to, you put yourself off on a pedestal all by your lonesome. And you 
degrade your own image in the eyes of everybody else.

73, Steve KO0U/4

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