
Tue Sep 20 17:08:16 EDT 1994

The decision in Europe to do away with the distiction in the Worked
All Europe contest (and others) regardless of its motives, has proven
that packet doesn't make all that much difference for the true
competitor.  The multiplier advantage enjoyed by the assisted op 
is balanced by disadvantage caused by the distraction from the task 
at hand, namely running. For those who feel that the assisted category 
is fer whimps and they haven't tried the class, give it a whirl and 
see if you don't agree.

For those parochial thinkers that feel they need to keep a
distinction between classes for single op, I endorse a proposal
put forth here a while back of the introduction of the innovator
class.  This class would encompass the existing assisted category
and include two-radio operating, as well. If we have to go through
all the trouble to acknowledge the distinction by placing an asterisk 
next to the call in the results, then the distinction should be given 
as much credence as the 'separate' categories for multioperator. 
Two radio contesting should be lumped in this category along with robot
operated radios, DVK use, electronic keyers, spotting nets, and any 
other innovation that puts a few ahead of the pack.

If on the other hand, you feel the recognition of this distinction 
isn't necessary, then lets eliminate the assisted category all
together. It would certainly solve alot of the policing problems;
we'd all be on an equal footing.

73 de Walt Kornienko  -   K2WK		Internet:  waltk at
DX PacketCluster:  K2WK > W3MM  (FRC) 	Packet: K2WK at N2ERH.NJ.USA.NOAM

>From jholly at (Jim Hollenback)  Tue Sep 20 21:24:01 1994
From: jholly at (Jim Hollenback) (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 1994 13:24:01 -0700
Subject: NA & SS reporting question (?)
References: <780083263.377999.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>
Message-ID: <9409201324.ZM12140 at>

On Sep 20, 10:47am, Trey Garlough wrote:
> Subject: Re:  NA & SS reporting question (?)
> > I know as a CAC member that usually the majority opinion will rule on a 
> > question before the committee. My question to the PLAYERS in the NA and
> > the SS contest is:
> >
> Yes, with an asterisk.  And if someone uses three radios, they should get
> two asterisks.  
> --Trey, WN4KKN/6

Naw, Trey. One radio gets a *, TriBander @ 40 ft gets a $, vertical on
40/80 gets a !, no antenna on 160 gets a @, west coast propagation gets 
a &, and not having a full 1500w gets a %. So I end up with a *$!@&%, 
which, of course, can't be printed in a family magazine so my listing
gets dropped. sigh. Maybe I should have been a rock collector. Naw, then
I need to get a CW and SSB rock from each county. Oh, well, maybe stamp
collecting. Naw, that reminds me of DX'ing. Perhaps bug collecting. 

off to the library now.

73, Jim, WA6SDM
jholly at

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