Cheating & "s/o unassisted"

Fri Sep 23 18:53:44 EDT 1994

Here we go again.
Jeff, WA2SYN writes:
>............................. There is NO reason why a single op should NOT
>be allowed to use packet in his efforts. After all, he is STILL a single
>solitary operator, without logging or duping assistance.
(other hyperbolae deleted)
I have good packet connections, and I use cluster to good effect from G0KPW
multi-multi. However, from home I choose to operate single op, not multi op.
Jeff and some others assert that packet is just another technical advance
like keyers and no-tune amps, but there is in fact a crucial difference:
packet provides for other ops to contribute to your operation in real-time.
So it is not ordinary single op. Before the introduction of the s/o assisted
category, there would have been no question that if I operated with someone
sitting in the shack tuning a rx and passing multiplier info on bits of
paper, that would have been considered multi-op. So why should a setup
where the entire cluster community can pass me mults be considered ordinary
The right move was to introduce two classes. The sponsors considered the
distinction between assisted and unassisted sufficiently important to create
two classes. Then you have the CHOICE as to which one suits your conception
of single op. Attempting to hold unassisted ops up to ridicule as Jeff does
and seeking to move us all towards a packet assisted class because a very few
people cheat, is to deny the important difference between the two classes.
Perhaps if the new class had been called multi-op limited, we might view
it differently. As Jeff says, packet assisted ops can weigh their performance
against the great multi-op efforts.
Packet has been around for some time now, yet the great majority of CQ WW
entrants still enter unassisted, even in areas where packet connections are
excellent. If the majority prefer to enter the unassisted class, you are
doing them a disservice by suggesting it should be merged with the
assisted class.
Dave G4BUO


>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at  Fri Sep 23 18:07:18 1994
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 1994 10:07:18 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: More scategorical imperatives(?)
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9409231014.A8937-8100000 at bach>

On Thu, 22 Sep 1994, Ronald Vincent wrote:

> Oh, God, I can feel 
> the flamethrowers being lit now . . . .
Ron, what makes you think they're ever OFF? ;-)
Ward N0AX

>From Hoeft, Roger V" <rvhoeft at  Fri Sep 23 18:29:00 1994
From: Hoeft, Roger V" <rvhoeft at (Hoeft, Roger V)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 94 12:29:00 CDT
Subject: Thanks for the Info  (80M Loop)
Message-ID: <2E830F87 at>

A belated, but grateful thanks to those who responded to my posting 
concerning my 80 meter loop, especially Eric, N7CL, for taking time to model 
the antenna parameters.

This IS a good place to ask for help.

       Roger Hoeft            aka KA9EKJ
       Intergraph Corporation      - Amateur Radio is a contact sport
       Huntsville, AL   35894
       rvhoeft at                                 - If it's not 
fastpitch, it ain't softball !!

>From Robert A. Wilson" <n6tv at VNET.IBM.COM  Fri Sep 23 19:07:41 1994
From: Robert A. Wilson" <n6tv at VNET.IBM.COM (Robert A. Wilson)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 94 11:07:41 PDT
Subject: Reserve your County, 1994 Calif. QSO Party

As of 9/23/94 1800Z, I have commitments from the following stations
to operate in the 1994 California QSO Party, 1600Z Oct 1 - 2200Z Oct 2.

Glenn County and Santa Barbara county are the only ones with ZERO
COVERAGE at this time.  Coverage in Yolo is also shaky.  Any volunteers?

Let's make this CQP the best ever!

Bob, N6TV
1994 CQP County Coordinator
Internet:  N6TV at VNET.IBM.COM

Couunty          1994
---------------  --------------------------------------------------------
(mobile)         KK6XN, K6AAW

Alameda          K6BZS, N6EK
Alpine           AA6KX, N6AU, KM6OH(+3 ops), W6TVP
Amador           K6PU
Butte            WB6AKF, KN6EL, KI6AN, WB6RXF
Calaveras        N6TNX(+N6TNW)
Colusa           WY7M(lim., CW only)
Contra Costa     K6DYP
Del Norte        AA6UN, K6HY
El Dorado        WB6IRC/W6OAT
Fresno           N6GJI, WA6FGV, WB6ITM, KG6F
Humboldt         W6JTI, AA6DX
Imperial         KI6X?, N7CW(+KD6QK), KK6XN/M, N6SMW
Inyo             W9NQ, KG6VI
Kern             W8AKS/6, N6BFN(maybe)
Kings            K6OZL
Lake             W6BSY
Lassen           KJ6MD, K6JKC
Los Angeles      WB6NFO, W6DDB, AB6FO, KC6X, KJ6HO, WA6BIL
Madera           KD6FW
Marin            W6ZQK/M, WA6CTA
Mariposa         N6EE(lim.)
Mendocino        KB6LZW
Merced           KI6PR
Modoc            N6OM
Mono             AA6KX, WA6GDS(+NZ6N), N6AU
Monterey         W7CB, WD6CKT
Napa             W6FSJ, W6OSP
Nevada           K6AAW/M
Orange           WA6RND, WB8SVN, N6ZLV
Placer           W6RFF, K6DGW, W6PYX, K6AAW/M
Plumas           W6GPM, KN6QT, KF7AM/6
Riverside        KK6XN/M
Sacramento       KM6VU, K6SG, W6NKR, N6BFN(maybe), K6DR
San Benito       KG6GF
San Bernardino   W6HAL
San Diego        N6YZJ, W6MVW, W6UQF, N6AZE, KK6XN/M, N6SMW, WB6MSE
San Francisco    AC6AH
San Joaquin      W6FAH, KJ6DL
San Luis Obispo  W6TKF, WA6IET
San Mateo        N6NF
Santa Barbara
Santa Clara      N6TPT, W6PRI, N6WLF, N6NKT
Santa Cruz       NS6V, KD6NOS
Shasta           N6WMF, N6RQE, W6BJH
Sierra           N6JM
Siskiyou         NI6T(at K6VX)
Solano           W6JSB, KK6XA(+KK6XB), K7VA/6, WX6M, WB6YRN, K6HIH, KJ6Q
Sonoma           AA6YX, W6ESJ(lim.)
Stanislaus       WG6P, KD6KKP, N6EE
Sutter           NV6O(+AH8I, KJ6TC, N6UXB, KN6OX),K6AAW/M
Tehama           W6JEX, WB6KOE
Trinity          AA6DX
Tulare           WB6YIK(+KC6HJJ), W6IFC
Tuolomne         WW6D(lim.), N6AU, N6UUG, KI6PG
Ventura          N6VR(lim.)
Yolo             KK1A(MAYBE)
Yuba             K6AAW/M

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