Mon Apr 3 12:28:20 EDT 1995
Derek, AA5BT, has my vote for a CW SquINT. My youngest, twins
age 9, will be taking their Novice exams the week after the
SSB SquINT. While I'm not sure they'll pass, either way they'd
be interesting in giving the CW version a shot. (at least that's
the impression they give!)
73 de alan, N2ALE/6
ames at
>From Greg Miller at 9_52 SST Eng at InterBold" <uszvn9l6 at Mon Apr 3 19:37:01 1995
From: Greg Miller at 9_52 SST Eng at InterBold" <uszvn9l6 at ( Greg Miller at 9_52 SST Eng at InterBold)
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 1995 14:37:01 EDT
Subject: WPX score
Date: Monday, April 3, 1995 at 2:29:31 pm EDT
Certify: N
---------------------------- [Message Follows] ---------------------------------
Call used: W8XY Location: OH
Category: SO Mode: SSB Power: 150
Callsign of Operator: W8XY
Hours of Operation: 1.0
band QSOs
160 9
75 24
Total Score: 528
Comments: A middle-of-the-night, single op, single transmitter, single hour
operation. True part time contesting!
>From Jim Reisert AD1C 03-Apr-1995 1431 <reisert at> Mon Apr 3 19:33:54 1995
From: Jim Reisert AD1C 03-Apr-1995 1431 <reisert at> (Jim Reisert AD1C 03-Apr-1995 1431)
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 95 14:33:54 EDT
Subject: Have you heard any old Russian prefixes lately?
Message-ID: <9504031833.AA00992 at>
I worked UF6VAI in Soviet Georgia last week. I wonder if anyone has worked
anyone else in Russia, say, in the last 6 months, who is still using an old
callsign which does not fit into the current callsign structure (i.e.
Georgia uses 4L now).
Please EMAIL me directly - I'll summarize to the list.
Thanks & 73
Jim Reisert AD1C
reisert at
>From Paolo Cortese <0006384393 at> Mon Apr 3 17:50:00 1995
From: Paolo Cortese <0006384393 at> (Paolo Cortese)
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 95 11:50 EST
Subject: European SPRINTContest
Message-ID: <93950403165039/0006384393PK4EM at MCIMAIL.COM>
you are invited for the NEW EUROPEAN SPRINT contest as follows:
1. Entrants. Any licensed station operating from Europe (DXCC definition) may
enter the Sprint.
2. Object. To work as many European stations as possible.
3. Categories. Single Operator ONLY. Only ONE signal may be aired at one
4. Dates.
{ EU SPRINT Spring:
- SSB: third saturday in April (15.Apr.1995)
- CW: third saturday in May (20.May.1995)
- SSB: first saturday in October (7.Oct.1995)
- CW: second saturday in October (14.Oct.1995)
5. Time. From 15:00z until 18:59z.
6. Bands. Only 20, 40 and 80 meters. Recommended frequencies are: 14030-070,
7010-040, 3530-570 on CW and 14220-280, 7040-090, 3680-780 on SSB.
7. Exchange. All the following data MUST BE PART OF THE EXCHANGE:
- your callsign,
- the other station callsign,
- your serial number starting from 001 (RST is not required),
- your name or nickname.
Please note that:
- initials of name/surname are NOT allowed, names/nicknames MUST BE AT
LEAST 3 (three) letters long.
- BOTH callsigns MUST be repeated by BOTH stations. A valid exchange could
be "OK2FD de I2UIY 118 Paolo" while "OK2FD 118 Paolo" is NOT a valid
8. Special QSY Rule. If any station solicits a call (by sending CQ, QRZ?,
etc), he is permitted to work ONLY one station on the same frequency. He
{ must thereafter move AT LEAST 2 (two) kHz before he will call another
station or before he will solicit again (CQ, QRZ?, etc) other calls.
9. Valid contacts. Are those correctly logged and confirmed QSOs. The same
operator may use ONE and ONLY one name during the Sprint, in case of any
mistake zero (0) points will be charged for that QSO.
10. Scoring. Each valid QSO counts one (1) point. The final score is done by
the total number of QSOs.
11. Awards. There are NO awards or prizes since these competitions have been
created only to test the individual skills. Results will be forwarded as
soon as possible to Leagues, magazines and bulletins.
12. Logs. Is required the use of only one log done in cronological order. A
separate summary sheet is required also. Logs must be sent NO later than
15 days after the contest to these addresses:
- Spring SSB Sprint: Dave Lawley, G4BUO, Carramore, Coldharbour Road,
Penshurst, Kent, TN11 8EX, England, UK.
- Spring CW Sprint: Paolo Cortese, I2UIY, P. O. Box 14, 27043 Broni (PV),
- Autumn SSB Sprint: Paolo Cortese, I2UIY, P. O. Box 14, 27043 Broni (PV),
- Autumn CW Sprint: Karel Karmasin, OK2FD, Gen. Svobody 636, 674 01
Trebic, Czech Republic.
13. Software. The European Sprint may be managed in real time with the TR by
N6TR Contest Logging Program. It just requires some ij`:he LOGCFG.DAT. If
{ you need a sample of this file, please send a message to I2UIY
More: an IBM-compatible software to administrate this contest is also
available FREE of cost. It can be used on real-time (SSB) or either after
the contest. The software can be received by sending 5 US Dollars or 10
IRCs to cover the diskette/postage expenses to I2UIY (P. O. Box 14, 27043
Broni, PV, Italy).
That's it. Thanks in advance for your participation from the Eu Sprint Gang:
DL6RAI (& Bavarian Contest Club), G4BUO, I2UIY, OK2FD & ON6NL.
>From fabio.schettino at (FABIO SCHETTINO) Mon Apr 3 21:51:00 1995
From: fabio.schettino at (FABIO SCHETTINO) (FABIO SCHETTINO)
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 95 21:51:00 +0100
Subject: IR4T WPX SSB 95 SCORE
Message-ID: <8A6B51F.00010237FA.uuout at>
WPX SSB 1995
Call : IR4T Category : Multi-Single
Country : Italy Op. I4UFH, I4JMY, I4YSS, IK4IEE, I2VXJ, IK2HOG
160 36 13
80 169 79
40 878 290
20 1409 324
15 1005 295
10 21 13
Score 3518 1014 11.500.000
Equipmnent :
ICOM 781, Heil Mic, 386 Computer, Tiny 2 TNC.
Antennas :
2 El. Yagi 160 m & 2 Phased Dipoles 80 m at 50 m above the ground level.
2 El. Delta Loop on 40 m, 3 El. Delta Loop on 20 m, 4 El. Delta Loop on 15 m
and 5 El. Yagi on 10 m, all at 70 m above the ground level.
73 de Fabio I4UFH
e-mail fabio.schettino at
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