Information please
BillK5GA at
BillK5GA at
Tue Apr 4 14:52:53 EDT 1995
I am in search of a 110vac power cord for an old Swan 500C. It has a large
Cinch plug which goes to the radio.
I also need a manual.
I am reconditioning one of these "jewels" in order to take it to Montserrat
as a starter radio for the locals.
Please inform me of any possibilities.
Bill K5GA
>From De Syam <syam at> Tue Apr 4 20:24:45 1995
From: De Syam <syam at> (De Syam)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 15:24:45 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Ja Dx Contest Rules?
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950404151140.8024C-100000 at>
Here are the rules as provided to me by JE5WJM in a little info sheet
enclosed with his QSL
Date: 2300 UTC 7 April - 2300 UTC 9 April '95
Bands: 14, 21, 28 MHz
Entry: Single Op/Multi Band, Single Op/Single Band
Multi Op/Single TX
Single Op/Multi Band QRP (5 watt). QRP stations must send
Exchange: JA station: RST + prefecture number (max 50)
DX station: RST + CQ Zone
Multipliers: Number of Different prefectures
QSO points: 14 MHz: 1
21 MHz: 1
28 MHz: 2
QSO with QRP stations: band points x 2
(example: 28 MHz: 2 x 2 = 4 points)
Score: Total QSO points x total multipliers
Cross-check: Entrants with more than 200 contacts on one band or more
than 500 total on different bands must include cross-
check sheet (dupe sheet).
Plaques: Special plaques will be awarded to top score in each category
in each continent
Reporting: Submit a summary sheet and logs of only one classification.
Any log and summary forms will be allowed. Logs should be
postmarked by 31 May, 1995.
Mail to: Five-Nine Magazine, Box 59, Kamata 144, Japan
73, Fred Laun, K3ZO
>From De Syam <syam at> Tue Apr 4 20:38:00 1995
From: De Syam <syam at> (De Syam)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 15:38:00 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CQ CQ CQ
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950404152753.8024D-100000 at>
I was waiting for somebody from Europe to chime in with comments, and
thankfully Don, G3XTT, has now done so.
The debate re endless CQ'ing seems incredibly self-centered. It's as
though nobody participates in DX contests except USA stations. Remember,
folks, they are INTERNATIONAL contests.
If there are no endless CQ'ers on this side of the pond, who are all of
the QRP'ers in Europe with indoor dipoles going to work to get QSO's
during the ARRL DX Contest?
As Jim, K8MR, points out, there used to be quotas in the ARRL CW DX
Contest. This was terribly unfair to the second and third-echelon
stations in each country outside the US/Canada.
And lest the reader think that I speak only from the point of view of the
East Coast powerhouse, let me add that I have been profoundly grateful
for the endless CQ'ers from over here when I have operated contests from
Thailand, since there are long hours over there when conditions do not
allow for one to get one's own run going, and desperate S&P is the name
of the game!
Very 73,
Fred Laun, K3ZO/HS0ZAR
>From km6sn at (Rod Davis) Tue Apr 4 20:57:06 1995
From: km6sn at (Rod Davis) (Rod Davis)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 12:57:06 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: subscribe
Message-ID: <m0rwEio-000HvlC at>
>From Larry Tyree <tree at> Tue Apr 4 20:59:53 1995
From: Larry Tyree <tree at> (Larry Tyree)
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 1995 12:59:53 -0700
Subject: CQ CQ CQ
Message-ID: <199504041959.MAA21974 at>
Well, there is still the ultimate answer to the CQ problem, but I
don't think the world is ready for it yet...
Adopt the Sprint QSY rule for DX contests... If you break through, you
can probably get someone to call you afterwards. Make multiplier hunting
a totally different game however. Does away with the value of packet
spotting however!!
An idea whose time just may never come.
Only a few days left to send in your very late CW Sprint log (if in
electronic format). With a few more logs, we can set a log entry record!
And now, the "Final" posting of the Internet Sprint rules:
Contest period: 00:00:00Z to 02:00:00Z on Monday April 10th UTC. This
is Sunday evening in the USA.
Bands: 20 and 40 meters only (this is a real radio contest, no internet).
Suggested frequencies are 14030-14050 and 7030-7050.
Max power output: 150 watts RMS at transmitter output connector.
Exchange: Consecutive QSO number (starting with one), name and state
or province or DXCC country (if outside W/VE). The name for
the first QSO is your name. For every QSO afterwards, the name
you send is the name you received in the previous QSO.
Call: CQ INT
The standard sprint QSY rule must be followed. This means that if you
solict a QSO (ie: with CQ or QRZ), after completing the QSO, you must
QSY at least 1 kHz before calling another station, or 5 kHz before
solicting another QSO.
Both callsigns must be sent during the exchange. Only one signal at a
time please and all QSOs are to take place on CW. All information
submitted must have been decoded during the contest. The use of post
contest detection or verification techniques or systems is not allowed.
Also, do not make round robin type QSOs. It will be very easy to spot
these with the names floating around. A round robin QSO is one where
you should QSY, but instead hang around to work the station who is
QSOing the station you gave the frequency to.
You may work the same station multiple times provided they are separated
by at least 3 other QSOs in both logs (regardless of band). For example,
if WN4KKN works N6TR, KKN must work at least 3 other stations before he
can work TR again. TR must also work 3 stations before working KKN
again. Changing bands does not eliminate the three QSO requirement.
The three QSOs must not be dupes themselves.
You must not work the same station or stations using any kind of schedule
or system. It is the intent of the dupe rule to make sure we don't run out
of stations to work. It is NOT the intent of this rule for you to change how
you would operate the contest if dupes were not allowed. If, in the log
checkers opinion, you have not lived up to the intent of this rule, your
log will be disqualified!!
Total score is the number of contacts you make. Any QSO found to be
defective in anyway will be removed from both logs (yes, if someone
miscopies your exchange, you won't get credit for the QSO, so QRS a
Please refrain from using vulgar or inappropriate names. If you receive
one of these names, feel free to either edit it or replace it with your
starting name. Make sure to make a note in your log so we know what you did.
Injecting the contest with an inappropriate name (in the log checker's
opinion) will result in a 1000 point penalty per occurrence. Examples of
inappropriate names may be found on MTV and generally start with the
letter "B".
Additional penalties will be assessed to people who work a significant number
of QSOs, but don't turn a log in. They will be given minus one point
for each QSO that we can verify actually occurred.
Logs must be sent in ASCII format via internet to n6tr at within
72 hours of the end of the contest. Figuring out how to send in your
log on the internet is PART OF THE CONTEST. If you need help, we will
try to assist the best we can.
Logs must show the band, time, station worked, number sent, number received,
name received and QTH received for each QSO. Also, please tell me the
name you start the contest with. We will assume the name you send is the
name received on your previous QSO, so you don't have to show that.
Results will be publised on CQ-CONTEST within a few weeks of the contest.
Logs are checked using the K2MM LogZap software system. All checked logs will
be made available by FTP except for those requested by the submitter to
be kept private. Decisions of the judging committe are final and arbitrary.
Good luck, tell a friend and HAVE FUN!!
Tree N6TR
tree at
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